Tears as a Form of Energy Work

Recently, on Instagram, I shared the following image:

If we accept tears as a form of energy work, we can release what needs it. ~ From the blog post "Tears as a Form of Energy Work" ~ Intuitive Ellen :: Ellen M. Gregg

Here's what I wrote to go along with it:

If we accept tears as a form of energy work, we can release what needs it. 💞 When's the last time you allowed yourself to cry? (Yes, I'm looking at you, sweet tear-holders.) For many, crying is resisted. Whether it's because there's a desire to preserve a makeup application, or there's a sense that once started, the tears may never stop, they hold back. It's a missed opportunity.

For anyone who's ever grieved a love one, the rampage of tears can open ways of healing and ease the grief. It may be uncomfortable in the moment, as such tears are extremely vulnerable. And yet, the outcome is one of release - sometimes in a highly physical way, such as the tangible feeling of lighter energy afterward.

When tears are resisted, the opportunity to release built-up, pent-up energy is missed. The energy gathers to a breaking point. We either release it or are consumed by it. When's the last time you allowed yourself to cry and heal? 💞💫🔮🌸

Crying isn't just for babies...

...and as energy work, it most definitely isn't for "sissies," although some popular opinions would say otherwise.

About a month after my father passed, I was suddenly struck by the enormity of his human absence. I could feel the building tension of tears, and chose to let them come.

Good. goddess.

I hadn't cried like that, ever. It came from a place so deep within me that a strange sound was coming out of my mouth. Maybe it's what's called keening? Not sure.

On top of that, the energy behind the crying was structural - it had a physical-feeling substance to it. As I continued crying/keening, I felt a bubble of energy come up through my esophagus and into my mouth, and then felt it exit my mouth.

The release and the relief were tangible and, incredibly, immediate. I felt lighter and more peaceful - and completely wrung out. If I was a person capable of sleeping during the day, and if my schedule had allowed it, I would have tucked myself back into bed.

Tears are great energy work

Tears are salinated water - salt water - and much like ocean water. Salt water is wonderfully cleansing. Consider, then, the cleansing capabilities of tears. Imagine what might leak out with tears that has been weighing you down and/or holding you back and/or creating unrest in your life.

My experience cleared energy that had accumulated in both the pit of my stomach and also in my heart chakra. It was enormously healing, even though the process was enormously uncomfortable - mostly because I felt out of control at the height of it.

Having a "good cry" can be an effective way to release what needs releasing and leave you feeling relieved, both at the physical and psycho-spiritual levels. 

When's the last time you let yourself cry it out?


Energy Reading for Autumn 2018


Tarot Energy Reading :: Week of 17 September, 2018