
3 April 2021

There are two definitions for empowerment. The first focuses on external sources of empowerment; things, resources, encouragement given to someone by someone else. The second focuses on internal sources of empowerment; what is, in essence, choosing ourselves and claiming our worth, our strength, our innate resources.

In case the title isn’t clear, it’s the second definition we’re focusing on, because it’s the one we can - and are intended to - most rely on.

Self-empowerment proposes the human is propelled through their sense of themself, their sense of their worth, and their ability to strengthen themself from the same.

“Self-empowerment proposes the human is propelled through their sense of themself, their sense of their worth, and their ability to strengthen themself from the same.“ Channeled quote from Self-Empowerment, a blog post by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive C…

“Self-empowerment proposes the human is propelled through their sense of themself, their sense of their worth, and their ability to strengthen themself from the same.“ Channeled quote from Self-Empowerment, a blog post by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Channel & Healer. #empowerment #selfempowerment #senseofself #selfworth #selfcare #validation #motivation #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer #innatelyintuitive


In other words, the human who is “propelled” from within is the human who is sovereign onto themselves; who doesn’t require external fuel - validation, commendation, motivation, patronization - to empower them.

We live in a society that gives a big nod to those external fuel sources, though. Think about the likes and friends on Facebook, the likes and follows on Instagram, the comments, the views... They’re pats on the head that suggest this is how our worth, our talent, our life itself is measured and found allowable, permissible, approved.

Yuck. Ugh. Right?

And yet we tend to accept that unit of measure because it’s the norm; it’s accepted.

Fact is, it’s the furthest thing from normal and so isn’t in our highest and best to accept.

We notice the human finds it easier to accept the opinions of others as truth than to accept their own knowing.

There’s an observation for us. It’s cringe-worthy because it’s true.

We see the human must rely more on her vision of self and knowing of self than on others’ vision of her and knowing of her. No one sees the self more clearly than the self. No one knows the self more than the self. This is the offering of the self-empowerment.

“We see the human must rely more on her vision of self and knowing of self than on others’ vision of her and knowing of her. No one sees the self more clearly than the self. No one knows the self more than the self. This is the offering of the self-…

“We see the human must rely more on her vision of self and knowing of self than on others’ vision of her and knowing of her. No one sees the self more clearly than the self. No one knows the self more than the self. This is the offering of the self-empowerment.“ Channeled quote from Self-Empowerment, a blog post by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Channel & Healer. #empowerment #selfempowerment #senseofself #selfworth #selfcare #validation #motivation #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer #innatelyintuitive


Good goddess, yes!

We need to flip the script and make it that our primary source of motivation, validation and acceptance comes from within us. We need to choose trusting our inner vision and knowing of ourselves first and foremost. The rest of it - all the external pom-pom shaking - is then put in its proper place: a far-distant second.

How can you better enroll yourself in self-empowerment today? Take one action toward that, and wear your crown proudly.

Blessed be.


010. Spirit-Led Giving (and Surrendering the Ego)


009. Intuitive Acuity