010. Spirit-Led Giving (and Surrendering the Ego)
6 April 2021
One of the many things I didn’t see coming when I fully opened myself to the intuitive (and indwelling) experience is spirit-led giving, which followed close on the heels of spirit-led shopping. It’s another one of those items that, sure, took me by surprise and yet also took me far, far outside my comfort zone.
And some days, even now, it still does.
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, I’m sharing a few experiences specific to spirit-led giving that began with spirit-led shopping. It’s an adventure.
The Transcript
Hi. Welcome to Innately Intuitive Podcast, where owning your intuition is as much about raising your vibration as it is about grounding you. I'm Ellen M. Gregg, your host. In case you're new, it will be helpful to know that a lot of channeling happens here, including the topics of all solo episodes. It's one of the ways my spirit team keeps me awake and present. Enjoy.
Well, hello there. So wow. It's been a really interesting week. It is Holy Week, after all. And it's a week that saw us transitioning out of March and into April. And so there's your big tell: I'm recording this on Friday, April 2nd. We're two days into April as I'm recording this.
Holy Week
And yes, really interesting week. Just- I don't know, just different; something different about it. And part of it, for certain, is the fact that it's Holy Week and all that goes along with it, because so many traditions focus on the happenings around Jesus the Christ.
And this week - even though it may not align perfectly with the actual timingof the lead-up to his death by crucifixion - because it is the week that we honor it, all that comes along with that is amplified. It's brought into a way of being that is almost as though it's being relived.
And it stirs up a lot of stuff; a whole lot of stuff. Because whether you are Christian or not, chances are you know who Jesus the Christ is. You know why he was here, what he did. And you may have strong feelings about what happened to him; how his way of being was seen as a threat by the government, and so he was made an example of.
“Don't be too big for your britches.”
”Don't be more than.”
So, anyway, there's all of that. And I see reflections of that, ripples of that, throughout the whole week.
Moving forward
The other thing is, because we have moved into the second quarter of this calendar year with its - here’s that word again - amplification of movement toward getting as many people as possible vaccinated against COVID-19 so that the world can actually move into a more open way of being.
I'm being careful with my words, because it's so easy to say, “go back to normal,”and I feel like that is a big mistake to put it that way; a really big mistake. Because moving back into normal... Yeah. Moving back… going back to normal… going back... No. We're moving forward. We're moving forward. So, yeah, maybe it's a matter of semantics but I don't feel that way at all.
So, yes. Really interesting stuff and… Let's see… So, I'm surprised that I'm being allowed to ramble this way. I expect, any moment, to be interrupted and, actually, that's definitely coming. And so…
And what we notice here is that in some ways we are going to permit the rambling, except that what we are going to say is, we are asking Ellen to highlight those situations in which the intuitive ways, the soul ways, the indwelling has interacted and perhaps even interrupted her every day.
Okay, so that's really interesting. And I guess that's topical, because I just finished creating a voice memo from my soul sisters who I sent Easter cards out to that included felt eggs. Did you even know that felt eggs were a thing? Because I didn't.
Spirit-led shopping
I didn't until I was on Etsy purchasing stickers to go on the envelopes for the Easter cards that I was sending out to my soul sisters, when I felt in my hand - my right hand, specifically - felt. I felt the fabric of felt. And mind you, both my hands were on my keyboard.
And so I was like, ”Okay. Felt. Huh. I wonder what that's about.” And then I was shown an egg and I was like, “Felt egg… Felt Easter egg?” And once I found the stickers I was looking for, I found myself searching for felt eggs that I could also put into the cards I was sending out.
And that is an example of, sometimes, how spirit shows up, how my guides interact with me, how indwelling works... Because I had no idea, first of all, that felt eggs even existed. It was not a part of any thought process I was having. And then to actually feel them in my hand and be shown specifically what it was, and then to find my hands typing, ”felt Easter eggs” into the search engine on Etsy…
This is how things work with me sometimes. And that's just one example. I mean, I've gone into stores before looking for very specific things - like, with a really short list of things - and come out with a basket full of things and wondered what the hell just happened.
That happened at a metaphysical shop - actually twice. That happened in two different shops; both times with my friend Tina. And we were equally in awe and in hilarity over it, because going in looking for maybe a crystal and perhaps some incense, and then picking up all these different things that I was like, some of them I didn't even know what they were.
I was like, “I don't know what this is, but there it goes into the basket.” And choosing to trust the process and being really curious about the why.
Spirit-led giving
The first time it happened, after we had finished shopping - and attending a class we didn't know we were going to attend but happened to be just in time for (quote-unquote happened to be just in time for) - we went for lunch at this little cafe around the corner from this shop in, I think it was, Andover, MA, and next thing I knew, I was reaching into my bag of purchases and giving things from the bag to people at tables adjacent to us.
It's really interesting to stop and consider that from my perspective, sure, and from Tina's perspective - because… whew… it was really something to be a part of that - and yet also from the perspective of those who were then the recipients of those items, who had no idea who I was. I had no idea who they were.
And yet there I was putting a necklace into the hands of a woman to my left and saying that there was something about the necklace that was important. The stones were actually fashioned from sand from Hampton Beach and had been colored a beautiful turquoise color that was close enough to the color that's associated with the throat chakra that I was shown that there was a connection there; something about her using her voice and speaking up for herself.
And then the table to my right, there was a woman sitting there who was the recipient of… I think it was a medallion. I think it was. I'll check with Tina on that. Not that that'll make a difference for here, but I will check to see if she remembers. I believe it was a horse medallion and she had to have that. And it was because she needed the reminder of her own inner strength.
And there were other things. I think that of the objects that I purchased that day, I'm pretty sure I was guided to keep two or three of them and all the rest were given away.
And the second time it happened there was less of that. It was still a little bit Illuminating, let's say, to go in for one or two specific things and to come out with so many other things and to see how they would be implemented into my practices, into my everyday, into my work.
And yet that was also the place where I was wearing a necklace I loved (I loved so much); a beautiful pink tourmaline pendant, and the pendant looked like an angel. And somebody who worked at the shop had approached me about something and I looked at her and I said, “Oh…” And my hand went to my pendant and I said, “This is supposed to be yours. It’s from your mother.”
And she started crying because her mother had passed and she was missing her. And it was just one of those things where, for me, I really had to almost set myself aside to make way for whatever needed to happen, because I'm sensitive enough, empathic enough, that I could absolutely understand how bizarre and unsettling and perhaps even a little scary it could be to have a stranger approach you and hand you something, and say, “This is for you.” And yet, you know, there it was.
Being the messenger
And so what we see here, and what we wish for you to take away from this as you are listening to this, as you are considering this, as you are imagining how it might be to experience something of this nature, is to understand the purpose. There is always a purpose.
And even if the purpose is not understood in the moment, it will revealed. And if it is not revealed in a way that is obvious, it is equally important to simply trust and understand there is a deeper truer meaning and you are a messenger. You are a part of the process of giving to someone something that they may or may not know they need.
Is this something that can be seen as intrusive? We notice with humans, yes. And yet if someone is in need and if you are available and allowing yourself to be a part of that process - to be a divine messenger - then you must set aside your human ego and put yourself in the hands of the divine, in the hands of spirit, in the hands of the one so that you may act as that messenger; so that you may offer healing you cannot even imagine.
Yeah. Wow. And yes. Yes. Because that is the thing. And thinking of especially the woman who received the horse medallion and also the woman who received the pendant, for both of them it was very apparent how meaningful those gestures and tokens were to them.
Those tokens - the medallion, the pendant - meant way more to them than they ever possibly could to me. And if you're a person who is really aware of and sometimes finds yourself attached to things, that is another aspect of this.
I was attached to that pendant. I had no attachment to the medallion. I had just purchased it and didn't know why. That pendant, though… I loved that pendant, and yet I didn't hesitate to remove it and hand it to that woman because she needed it more than I did. It meant the world to her.
And yes, I'm getting emotional because… Wow, it just- It blew my mind then, almost five years ago, and it blows my mind now, the impact that had.
Wow. Okay. So, hmm… Anything else I want to say about this or highlight about this?
One other thing that we will say to this is, the reason we are bringing this up is that there are some of you who have felt inklings of this. You have perhaps seen someone in passing, observed a stranger, understood a need and yet hesitated, whether it is because of discomfort… because of attachment. And so what we invite here is for you to step outside your discomfort. Honor your heart. Honor the need. Follow the guidance.
Yeah. That's quite an invitation. And really this is just another aspect of things that can happen when you allow yourself to really tune in; when you allow yourself to surrender to what is possible when it comes to your intuition, when it comes to spirit, when it comes to channeling.
It removes any semblance of possible restrictions, barriers, boundaries, whether imagined or supposed. And it can really challenge us as humans who are taught, in one way or another, that these are the rules and this is how you have to be. This is the way you do things and that's just the way it is. No questions asked.
This journey has created a heap of discomfort for me, and yet I have grown so much from it. And I've learned it is not about my discomfort, meaning it's not about me. It is about me, but it isn't about me, you know what I mean?
And so this then concludes this episode. And we see that there will be a heightened topic for next week.
And so it is.
Thank you so much for listening. You can subscribe through most major podcast streaming outletsand you can read transcripts and leave comments on my blog at ellenmgregg.com. The link is in the show notes.
Take good care.
Podcast music, “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.