009. Intuitive Acuity
30 March 2021
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we’re exploring intuitive acuity (and what “acuity” actually means), why it’s important and how to pursue it. We get into the concept of mastery, including how our ego might perceive it and how spirit does perceive it. And we’re encouraged to get off our “laurels” when it comes to our intuitive abilities.
Bonus: We also get an inside scoop on prankster elemental energies.
The Transcript
Hi. Welcome to Innately Intuitive Podcast, where owning your intuition is as much about raising your vibration as it is about grounding you. I'm Ellen M Gregg, your host.
In case you're new, it will be helpful to know that a lot of channeling happens here, including the topics of all solo episodes. It's one of the ways my spirit team keeps me awake and present. Enjoy.
Pranked by elementals
Well, hello there. So, before I dive into our topic for this week, whatever it may be, I just wanted to share a funny little story about preparing to record this particular episode.
I reached into the drawer that I keep my headset in for recording podcast episodes and pulled out the headset, plugged it into my computer, got everything set up, went to put the headset on and noticed that the wind guard was missing from the tip of the microphone.
This is the second time this has happened.
I looked back in the drawer, went through this small drawer looking to see if somehow this large grape-sized wind guard could have somehow become lost in this small drawer, which wasn't possible. I looked on the floor around me to see if it had fallen. I looked under furniture. It was nowhere to be found.
And so, I had an inkling that someone was playing with me. So, I said, “I need that wind guard. I need it. Otherwise my recording is going to sound like crap.”
So, I was getting ready to use a different headset that I use for client calls, hoping it would work because I haven't used it with my computer before, and put it on my desk, picked up my podcasting headset to put it back into the drawer where it came from, only to see that the wind guard was on the headset.
Now here's something that'll be helpful for you, to give you a visual around this: The headset is pink and white with a little bit of very pale gray. The wind guard is black… You can't overlook it. It's impossible to overlook. There it was, though.
And so I said out loud, ”Please leave the wind guard on the headset. I need to use it and I want to put away my other headset so it isn't cluttering my desk. Please leave it there.”
And it was left there, but I'll tell you, the things that can happen. And that's what I felt like that whole episode really was for me, was really showing me what is possible. Because I'm used to a lot of things and yet something that obvious, like a missing black, very good-sized wind guard off of my pretty pink headset… Oh. boy. You just can't make this stuff up.
So, I hope that gave you a chuckle.
Intuitive acuity
And what we see here is, today our topic will be intuitive acuity. And what is meant by intuitive acuity? It is meant your acuity with intuition; your mastery of it; your ability with it. The acuity is your advancement, your evolution, your growth with intuition.
Okay. This is really interesting, because I'm recording this on Friday the 26th [of March], and yesterday, Thursday the 25th, I wrote and scheduled my blog post for publication on Saturday - part of a series on self-care that I have been doing for the past many weeks.
And it was the first time that, through a channeled message, the term intuitive acuity came up. Now what I am going to do… (I'm doing this in real time with you as I'm recording this.) …I am going to Google and I'm typing in “acuity definition.”
So, what does acuity actually mean? ”Sharpness or keenness of thought, vision or hearing; intellectual acuity.” It's definitely being, perhaps, used slightly differently here for this purpose, and yet-
What we notice here is that this is a truer meaning, a truer representation. And understand, it is still matching with what we wish to convey here, because your sharpness, your keenness, your intellect with the intuition increases with its usage.
There you go. So, intuitive acuity...
And what we notice here is that for many of you, you look to your intuition and you say, “I'm not very good at that” and “I don't feel it as much as I should. This is not the way I would like it to be. I want more.” And while it is well to express this because you are setting the intention - you are putting the vibration out into the universe - it is also necessary then for you to ask yourself, ”How can I improve my intuitive acuity?”
If you wish to improve your vocabulary, what do you do? If you wish to improve your manner of writing, what do you do? If you wish to improve your knitting ability, your bread-baking ability, what do you do? You practice. You research, perhaps. You study. Mostly, you practice because it is through practice, through the practical application, that your acuity truly improves. Otherwise, what you are doing is outside of you rather than inside of you.
It is well to read something that suggests ways of doing things to improve your intuitive capacity, ability, acuity, and yet if you are not practicing - if you are not engaging; making that effort; permitting yourself to feel the difference between what you were doing, what you are doing, what you can be doing - your acuity will not improve.
We used the word mastery and we notice that Ellen is questioning the usage of this word, and yet we feel that it has its place. Mastery is not meaning you reach a pinnacle and there is no further to go. It means you master a part of something, a component of something, and then you continue your learning, your growing, your evolving. And what you learn, how you grow, where you evolve is layered in, added to; increasing your mastery; increasing your acuity.
Yeah, the mastery thing does catch me up a little bit because our ego likes to take that sort of - somebody- somebody just said “embellishment”, is what I just heard - and take that embellishment, and it's almost like putting a crown on your head and saying, ”Yup. I'm done. Here I am. I've done it all. There's no further to go. I've broken all the glass ceilings. Look at me. Here I am on this pinnacle. Look at me.”
And you know, ugh. That's just ugh. So, yeah. I'm glad that they addressed the mastery part and explained that mastery is not some kind of zenith. It is not an ultimate point. It's simply another point from which you then continue - from which we then continue.
And also what we wish to say here is, the reason that we are bringing this up is because there are many of you who are sitting on your laurels, in a way. And all of you have different manner of laurels - some more humble than others. And we wish for you to get off your laurels and to apply yourself to your intuitive acuity, your intuitive ability; to increase that, grow that, evolve that.
What this will do then is issue an invitation of sorts to bring more of that to you. You might feel as though you are a one-trick pony of sorts; that you are clairvoyant and that's all there is; you are an empath and that's all there is; you are clairaudient or cognizant or any of the clairs and that's all there is. And we are in great disagreement here.
Those particular strengths which may arise within you first, they are only the beginning. They may be the bedrock and yet there are more layers. There is more to have, more to experience. Make a commitment to yourself that you will choose to increase your intuitive acuity. Notice what happens.
Yeah. I love that. And if you feel a little called out, perhaps you need to be.
Yeah, I just heard somebody say, “Just calling it like it is.” And yes. I mean, I can do that, too, except that because I do use my intuition every single day - not only for myself; also for clients - there's little chance of me resting on my quote-unquote laurels because things will crop up mid-session for me.
New intuitive abilities will raise their hand and say, “Hey, check me out,” which is great. It can be a little disconcerting sometimes and yet I guess I've become used to it, in a sense. And that's a good thing, because that means that my ego is a little more chill about the whole concept of, “But I have to know how to do this before I can do this.”
And that, I would say, is also a hallmark of this intuitive journey; this intuitive perspective. We don't have to know, to know. And I know that's a little meta. Is that a good word for it? The fact is that sometimes, when it comes to spiritual things, intuitive things, we know so much more than we know we know.
It's almost as though believing that we have one account at the bank when we actually have 100 accounts at the bank. We only see the one and yet the other 99 are all connected. So as we move through that one account, we start realizing that we’re getting down low and then suddenly another account opens and makes itself available to us.
It's kind of a weird analogy, but it works. So…
This week, permit that you will work toward improving your intuitive acuity. Open yourself to more. Invest in yourself in this way.
And there you go.
Thank you so much for listening. You can subscribe through most major podcast streaming outlets, and you can read transcripts and leave comments on my blog at ellenmgregg.com. The link is in the show notes. Take good care.
Podcast music, “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.