Preparing Divination Tools for Use
15 April 2021
Whether we’re using runes, pendulums, oracle cards, divination rods, Tarot cards or other tools, and whether we’re using them for ourselves or for someone else, preparing divination tools for use is the first step toward clarity.
Because the energy our divination tools hold when we use them is the energy that infuses or dilutes or amplifies the results - the answers - we receive.
Clear tools = clear(er) answers
It makes sense, doesn’t it?
I mean, if you stop and think about it, the cards you used last night to ask about that person you’re craving more of in your life are drenched with your energy and that of the questions asked it. Now - today - you or a friend or a client want answers for other questions.
The deck’s energy is still “busy” with last night’s questions. Its energy is still focused in the last direction it was called upon for.
Bringing other inquiries to it without first preparing it for those inquiries is like trying to clean a kitchen counter with the sponge you just used to mop marinara out of the sauce pan you heated it in… without rinsing that sponge first.
Guaranteed: your kitchen counter will not get clean with that soiled sponge.
Also guaranteed: you’re unlikely to get clear answers from your deck.
Preparing your divination tools for use
Preparing divination tools for use can be as simple or as complex as you wish. I skew toward the simple.
First, I ask the tool I plan to use what it needs from me to be prepared for use. Intuitive guidance will direct me to the best method.
Typically, the method will involve either a clearing using my pendulum or some 1:1 time with a crystal or two. Sometimes, it might be that more than one method is needed. That generally happens when either
the last use of the tool was pretty intense or
the upcoming use of the tool will be pretty intense.
Then, I ask that same tool if it needs anything else before it’s put back into service.
This is a double-check and more often than not, it’s redundant. However, there are times when the recalibrated tool will need an extra something-or-other before it’s used.
Once again, intuitive guidance will direct me to the best method. In these instances, it may be the tool simply needs to rest between my palms or against my heart center to finish its preparation.
The most important part
The most important part when you’re preparing divination tools for use is to refrain from assuming what your tools need. It’s so easy to slip into the mode of, “It usually wants the black tourmaline on it, so that’s what I’ll do.”
The energetics of our divination tools are constantly changing, because we’re constantly changing. As the caretakers and primary users of those tools, we need to act accordingly on their behalf if we want them to function at their best.
And that reflects upon you, as well. Before entering into a session - whether personal or professional - ask yourself what you need.
Because guess what? You’re a divination tool, too, with your intuition and your channeling and your healing abilities.
Prepare yourself, too. You’ll be glad you did.
Blessed be.