011. Change Your Mind About Time
13 April 2021
In this episode of the Innately Intuitive Podcast, we explore the concept of time from a non-human perspective and offer a challenge or two.
Hi. Welcome to Innately Intuitive Podcast, where owning your intuition is as much about raising your vibration as it is about grounding you. I'm Ellen M. Gregg, your host.
In case you're new, it will be helpful to know that a lot of channeling happens here, including the topics of all solo episodes. It's one of the ways my spirit team keeps me awake and present. Enjoy.
Hello, it's 11:11 as I pressed record on this podcast episode, and apart from the fact that it's 11:11, which is a super cool master number, spirit number, is that on my calendar I have blocked from 10:00 on to create this recording and begin editing and working with a transcript for this episode.
So an hour and 11 minutes later, I am finally getting to it. Hey, this is just the way it is. So I'm remembering that at the end of last week's episode, we were told through a channeled message that this week's topic would be a heightened topic. What does that mean? Hopefully we're about to find out.
And so what we are discussing in this episode is time. What we mean by this is we are looking at time rather than from the human perspective, from the unhuman perspective, from the cosmic perspective we might say. And so when you as humans consider time, you use measurements, you use boxes, you organize, categorize in an attempt for your brain to make sense of time.
What we notice here is that while this serves the brain, it serves not the soul because the soul is without time. The soul is outside the boundaries of time. Put this as a contemplation.
If you were to take all that is time, your clocks, your calendars, you were to put them away, what would you do? How would you move through your every day? What we notice here is that instead of being monitored by the time, motivated by the time, you would instead listen to your body and its true needs.
You would also listen to Earth. And in that you would then also tune better into your soul energy. For the purpose of this episode, we are going to permit that Ellen is having her say, and she will speak in one moment and then we will continue.
Okay. Yeah. So while I didn't have a clue about what the episode topic was, I'm not particularly surprised because some really interesting stuff has come up about time over the past several weeks, and a couple of instances, actually more than a couple. I think there were four instances within two or three weeks where clients thought they had booked their session in one particular week, but they had actually booked it a week later than they thought, which led to confusion, which led to me receiving notices that there were people waiting in my conference room that weren't scheduled to be there according to my bookings.
And it was just fascinating to me to observe that. And I mean, they figured it out and it was fine. It's just that it was such an interesting cluster to observe that happening and to wonder what is going on with them and with their perception of time that they are perceiving time in that way, almost like they were, I won't try to qualify it.
It was fascinating to observe. The other thing that has come up is time as it relates to our age, and I've had conversations with my friend Tina about this before; pretty in-depth conversations about it.
It's a weird thing to be able to identify how many years we have lived based on the anniversary of our birth, and then to correlate that with generalized societal expectations around what happens when we reach that particular age; what we can expect from our bodies, from our minds, and yet inwardly completely separate from those societal measures, we might feel a completely different age.
So for me, for example, when I think about my calendar age, it doesn't compute aside from the fact that numerologically speaking, I turned 56 this year, and that's cool for me because 56 equals 11; five plus six equals 11. So that lights me up a little bit because it's just fun. I like numerology, and 11 is my life path number.
But aside from that, it doesn't compute in the sense that I don't feel the way people of my age are depicted in advertising, for example. Generally speaking, there's this sense of this big slowdown when you reach this age because you're tipping toward retirement age, whatever the hell that means.
And for me, I feel as though I'm just getting started based on my human experience. If I were to choose a calendar age that I would say at least half my age. So the number 28 just stood out, so I'm going to choose 28. So inwardly, I feel 28 years old, I have that sense of excitement about life, that sense of purpose around life.
I don't feel invincible like I did when I was 17, and yet at the same time, I don't have this impending sense of mortality. Why do we need to have an impending sense of mortality? What good does that serve?
So anyway, just my thoughts on that.
And so what we see here is we are going to now look at time from the cosmic perspective. What we notice is time, the way that we perceive it, it is as though a sort of a spiral, and yet it is not a spiral that would conform to your human concept of a spiral. It has much more eloquence to it, more movement to it. It is without beginning, it is without end. It is with constant motion.
And if you were to look from the opening of the spiral into the spiral, it would almost seem as though everything was one in the sense that rather than seeing the ribbon of the spiral, you would see as though a sort of a circle. And so then if you were to look at the spiral from the side, you would see more of its ribbon-like quality, it's true.
Nature lies in the observation from its opening. And this is where we notice you humans get hung up on that which is the past, that which is the future. In true time, true cosmic time, there is no past, there is no future. There is only the time that is and all time is now.
Yeah, I am not unfamiliar with that perspective, and it makes complete sense to me. And in fact, what I have found is since having that perspective brought to me from my guides, it has really enabled me to touch upon other incarnations with greater ease.
Because rather than feeling as though, for example, having a sense that someone lived a life back in ancient Egypt and thinking, okay, here we are in 2021, we're talking, this was probably 4,000 years ago. And so then our brain is thinking, God, that's a long time ago. How are we going to get from here to there? And so even though that inner conversation may happen in the matter of a few seconds or a minute, we are still creating more of a project than it needs to be. If we look at time from that perspective of seeing it from the opening of the spiral, then everything is right there. Everything is laid out right there. There's no reaching back through time for thousands of years, hundreds of years, decades. It's just right there. And so the intention is what do we need to see and highlight that one incarnation, it just simplifies the whole thing. And what's cool about that too, he, I'm talking about something that happened via our human timeline thousands of years ago.
It could work equally easily with something that via our human timeline - and supposing that we get on board with taking care of Earth - could have been 5,000 years from now in the future. What might that look like? How cool would that be?
And again, just as easy, look through the opening of the spiral, set the intention and highlight what we wish to have illuminated, what we wish to take a closer look at. It's really a pretty neat concept.
And sure it's a little mind bending, and no doubt can create pushback from our brains because there isn't a true sense of order. Although talking about it the way we just did, there is a little sense of order. It's like our brain starts to make a little bit of sense of it.
And yet, the way that we are raised, the way that we live on this earth, those of us at least who are in developed countries living by clocks, living by calendars, living by standard time and daylight savings time, it can create some malfunctions in our brain.
And yet what we notice here is that this is important because this does not serve you. It does not serve who you are. It does not serve why you are here. And so to permit yourself even pockets where you are ignoring the time and instead listening to your body, listening to Earth, listening to your soul serves you far better and permits that your being is in better accord with what is.
I agree. I completely agree with that. That is something I haven't done. And yet, given that suggestion and this conversation, I am definitely going to try that.
It will be interesting to see how to make that happen. I feel like actually it would just require turning off clocks, hiding clocks; staying away from the phone, which always displays the time; staying off the computer; keeping the TV off because the TV as well will show the time and instead just walk through a day or two without those cues.
And notice when we actually do feel tired, notice when we actually do wake up, notice when we actually feel hungry for a meal rather than feel obligated to have a meal because the clock tells us it's mealtime.
Yeah, something to consider. And I'll also encourage you to reflect on how you feel within, age-wise. What age do you really feel you are within? And let that be your core processor. Let that be your motivator through your day rather than what your age is based on your birth certificate. It will serve you so much more. You might be amazed.
And that is it. Thank you so much for listening. You can subscribe through most major podcast streaming outlets and you can read transcripts and leave comments on my blog at ellenmgregg.com. The link is in the show notes. Take good care.