
27 March 2021

According to Google, investment is “the action or process of investing money for profit or material result.“ According to Investopedia¹, it’s “an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation.“

And according to spirit, self-investment is…

…action which creates a return in terms of attribute, healing and prosperity.

“Self-investment is action which creates a return in terms of attribute, healing and prosperity.” Quote from the blog post Self-Investment by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Channel & Healer. #investment #selfinvestment #attributes #healing #prosperit…

“Self-investment is action which creates a return in terms of attribute, healing and prosperity.” Quote from the blog post Self-Investment by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Channel & Healer. #investment #selfinvestment #attributes #healing #prosperity #rippleeffect #selfcare #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer #innatelyintuitive



An act - action - of self-investment could be:

  • acquiring a library card

  • having a full-body massage (and maybe a facial)

  • gathering with close friends

  • buying a new mattress (and quality sheets) for your bed

  • creating something with your hands

  • picking (or purchasing) flowers for your home

  • feeding birds

  • choosing a business mentor for you and your biz

  • selecting local, seasonal, organic fruits and vegetables

  • seeking talk therapy

That’s an intentionally broad cross-section of actions, because it feels important to identify the breadth and depth that self-investment can cover.

Acts of self-investment are actions that support us, fill us, challenge us to be and/or grow. They create ripples which, by their very nature, increase in size.

“Acts of self-investment are actions that support us, fill us, challenge us to be and/or grow. They create ripples which, by their very nature, increase in size.“ #investment #selfinvestment #attributes #healing #prosperity #rippleeffect #selfcare #…

“Acts of self-investment are actions that support us, fill us, challenge us to be and/or grow. They create ripples which, by their very nature, increase in size.“ #investment #selfinvestment #attributes #healing #prosperity #rippleeffect #selfcare #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer #innatelyintuitive



An attribute is “a quality, character, or characteristic ascribed to someone or something,“ according to Google. How do attributes result from self-investment?

The attributes we speak of are those attributes related to spiritual growth and intuitive acuity. This is important to understand: the physical aspects, the human aspects, impact the spiritual growth and intuitive acuity. For this reason then, permitting yourself the self-investment results in attributes supportive of and demonstrative of spiritual growth and intuitive acuity.

Well… So, there’s that.

We might identify the attributes referenced in the channeled message by referencing the list of actions above, and/or an actions list of our own, and considering what qualities or characteristics might result from them.

Take buying a new mattress (and quality sheets) for your bed, for example. A new mattress and sheets could result in better rest, which then results in a better frame of mind, increased focus, heightened awareness, etc.

Someone with a good frame of mind, strong focus and heightened awareness is likely far more open and available to spiritual growth and intuitive acuity.


As for healing…

Through self-investment which seeks to optimize body, mind and spirit, healing is an inevitable result. The point of self-investment is this form of optimization, and therefore all acts of self-investment produce healing.

I feel as though there’s nothing I can add to that - nothing I need to add to that. It makes its point beautifully.


This could potentially throw a wrench in the works, because those of us who are spiritually-minded may have been taught - or shamed into believing - that prosperity and spirituality don’t belong together; that they’re incompatible. We may have been told that desiring financial abundance and independence is the opposite of being spiritual.

Here’s a tip: That’s a bunch of hooey; hogwash; spiritual propaganda.

We notice that prosperity, while not in accord with all people, is often a direct result of self-investment. This comes because the one who self-invests understands their own worth and so fears not the money. They invite the money through their actions and receive it joyfully.

Yes, spirit! Yes!

When we invest in ourselves in a variety of ways, reaping a variety of results, we expand. We make space in such a way that if we desire prosperity and take active part in its creation within our lives, we will prosper; simple as that.

How are you currently self-investing, and how else will you self-invest?

Blessed be.


009. Intuitive Acuity


The Other World