Winter Energy, Winter Wonder

In the bleak mid-winter, frosty winds made moanEarth stood hard as iron; water like a stoneSnow had fallen - snow on snow;Snow on snowIn the bleak mid-winter, long ago

Those lyrics are from a favorite traditional carol of mine. And since it's a favorite, we'll overlook the fact that today's the first day of Winter, not mid-Winter. :-)Winter Energy, Winter Wonder

Winter Energy

"We notice the energy of the Wintertime is an energy which invites great introspection. We notice the introspection can lead to great developments before the time of the growing season."With the energy of the Winter, we feel you will find great solace and great healing. We wonder why it would be you need this solace and healing. We ask for you to wonder this."

"Contentment" is the word that came up from our ancestors. And isn't it true that contentment could be the result of solace and healing? It feels true.Introspection is certainly a hallmark of the Winter months, and it's given even more weight by the presence of the current Mercury retrograde.How awesome is that, really?Even in the midst of the hubbub that is the one-two-three holiday punch of Hanukkah (begins December 24), Christmas (December 25), and Kwanzaa (December 26), there's a great surge toward and desire for introspection that we'll be wise to heed - and wiser for the heeding.

Winter Wonder

"We wish for you to consider what you may gain within the realms of the Winter. We wish for you to consider what the Winter wishes from you."We notice there is a great reciprocity to these considerations. We notice there is a powerful essence of receiving and a powerful essence of giving."The energy of the seasons is one which can gather great forces on the behalf of all humans and of Earth. We wish for you to wonder how this can be so."

As I channeled this section's message, I felt a very different and yet familiar energy. Rather than feeling a someone and feeling like that someone, I felt a something and felt like that something.It felt as though I was rising out of the Earth in a form similar to that of a tree, to be specific. And it was abundantly clear, in that energy manifestation, that it was a tree in the depths of its hibernation.There was a certain coldness to it that belied the vibrant life thrumming within. Fascinating.Using that experience as a benchmark, of sorts, to understand the message better, perhaps it could be said that through the reciprocation mentioned we can better understand Earth's needs in its entirety.Beautiful.

In the Bleak Mid-Winter be. Happy Solstice.


Letting Go of 2016


Returning to Retrograde