Wholeness Monday: Ideals, Hearts, Love
Inspiration to support your body, mind and spirit: your whole.
This video shows how the ideal female frame has evolved over time.
Imagine what (and whose) ideal might be next to shape how women view and display their bodies. Imagine, too, how it might be to simply embrace your own body's natural inclinations. (Hat tip to Mind Body Green)
Have things been feeling uncharacteristically rocky? sluggish? whirlwind? out of control? It isn't your imagination. This article at Elephant Journal offers us support to navigate the next nine days.
February is American Heart Month, and with that in mind, Bren over at Just Like a Fine Wine offered up a timely post: Women & Heart Disease. The infographic highlighted there and below, courtesy of Scripps, is informative, as it's meant to be, and also important.

And speaking of hearts... Valentine's Day falls on Saturday of this week. In the spirit of remembering that love starts within ourselves, I found this beautiful quote on Pinterest:
What's Your Take?
How will you - or won't you - be celebrating Valentine's Day? Are you taking good care of your heart?