Tarot Energy Reading :: Week of 10 September, 2018
Hi, there! Here's our Tarot energy reading for the week of September 10, 2018:

So, The Empress jumped out of The Housewives Tarot deck when I was shuffling it to choose this week's card. Take a look at the imagery, including the wording on the cookbook she's holding: Recipes for Success. (By the way, does she look like an older Alex Guarnaschelli, or is it just me? And how perfect is that, considering the context?)
This card is the *perfect* back-up to the new moon energy and its invitation. We have all the ingredients we need to create our own recipe - or recipes - for success. We simply need to bring the ingredients together and get on it. (Because having the ingredients doesn't do a blessed thing for us unless they're acted upon.)
Here's our channeled message: "Put it upon yourself to tune into your own soul and permit it to show you the way to your own measure of success. The Empress asks you to engage with her strength and substance, and to enjoy her groundedness and her empathy. She engages with her intuition mightily, and yet grounds it deep into the Earth, that it may benefit her in the human ways. Do the same, and you will find yourself with much success in your everyday endeavors."
Goodness. I love that. So mote it be. And so it is. (10:11!)