002: Maria R. Harrison of Sourcing Our Light
9 January, 2020
Maria R. Harrison of Sourcing Our Light is a deep individual, so it stands to reason our conversation would be deep… which it is. We talk about spiritual awakening, art as therapy, non-violent communication (NVC), and relationships. And the part when we talk about intuition and its role in Maria’s life holds a valuable lesson.
Maria has a strong background in psychology, and it shows through her understanding and language, and her empathy and compassion. Our conversation takes some twists and turns that surprised both of us. We hope it will be of benefit.
Quotable Maria R. Harrison
“No one is going to fix me. No one is going to do the work that I need to do.”
“That’s when my intuition is thriving is when I have a healthy connection to - a healthy grounding in - my body.”
“Don’t think, just do. Don’t think, just create. Just make it.”
“I have chosen to make an intentional habit of engaging in stillness, because I can over busy myself or over focus on the outer and make sure everything outside of my is okay before I can be okay. And that’s really not how it works.”
“We can’t give from an empty cup. We can’t offer empathy and be present and compassionate with others if we don’t have it already from within.”
“As human beings, we all have universal feelings and emotions. We all have universal needs. All behavior stems from the condition of our human needs.”
“If you’re in a relationship and it’s not to grow, then you shouldn’t be in a relationship.”
Connect with Maria
Website: Maria R. Harrison
Instagram: Sourcing Our Light
The Center for Non-Violent Communication
Non-Violent Communication: A Language of Life by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg
Soul Chats, Episode 002: Maria Harrison of Sourcing Our Light published 9 January 2020 by Ellen M. Gregg ~ Intuitive Healer.