Sensing and Knowing "Everything"

Imagine how it could be to sense (clairsentience) and know (claircognizance) everything.

Imagine how it could be to access the temperament of everyone and everything, all the time.

And imagine how it could be to access all the information available about everyone and everything, even before something happens - maybe even including winning lottery numbers and sports teams and movies and plays.

That would make us a popular party guest and a high-rolling hoot and a half in Las Vegas, wouldn’t it?

Sensing and Knowing “Everything” is a blog post by Ellen M. Gregg ~ Intuitive Healer. #clairsentience #clearsensing #claircognizance #clearknowing #intuition #intuitive #intuitivesenses #ellenmgregg

It may look good on paper or sound great in theory, and yet the reality of having the ability to sense and know all the things would probably come as a shock - to put it mildly.

Feeling: Clairsentience

Any empath will share how incredibly challenging it can be to experience that depth of clairsentience. Because we aren’t just feeling and sensing our own emotions and human body sensations, and we aren’t just feeling the energy soaked into our own personal and work spaces.

As empaths who function through clairsentience as a primary intuitive ability, we’re also feeling and sensing emotions, human body sensations and the energy of spaces at the collective and worldwide levels to some degree.

For many of us, that includes the entire animal kingdom and even Earth herself.

And that can be overwhelming, to say the least.

Managing Clairsentience

First, there’s the need to discern what emotions and sensations are ours and what emotions and sensations are others’. Once discerned, we need to know how to mute - or at least muffle - the awareness of that which isn’t our own.

That alone takes a good bit of training and experience to fully understand and implement.

Second, there’s the need to have clear guidelines for ourselves around action steps when a space we’re about to enter, or have entered, presents disharmony of one sort or another. Because if we’re picking up on something potentially harmful, we need to have - at the very least - an exit strategy.

Thankfully, practicality serves us well in this area.

Those two examples are the tip of the iceberg, though. Because depending on the depth and breadth of our clairsentience, additional intuitive and human intervention and support may be necessary to truly manage all that comes at us on the day-to-day.

If we’re able to feel and sense “everything,” extraordinary intervention and support will be necessary to preserve sanity and health.

Knowing: Claircognizance

As someone who likes to be in control, and know what’s coming so I can prepare accordingly (a.k.a. be in control), I truly understand the appeal of claircognizance and its potential for knowing - you know - everything.

It could be said that the desire (or perception of need) to be in control is hard-wired into our human brains, rendering all humans ruled by their ego (a.k.a. control central). And so it’s no wonder that in my yearly survey to my email list, claircognizance perpetually stands as the most popular of the clair senses.


Knowing enough to know enough, claircognizance is typically somewhere in the middle for me as far as personal choice among the clair senses. While it has its place and can be helpful to some degree, I know enough to know enough that knowing everything would be straight-up detrimental for any human.

The clear sense (see that?) around this is that having the ability to know everything, worldwide -

  • who’ll win/lose all games/elections

  • when and where tragedy/war/destructive weather will occur

  • when people will marry (and divorce)

  • when and how everyone will die

- as examples, would be both cognitively and emotionally devastating.

There’d be no option to choose knowing only the “good” stuff. We’d be subject to knowing all the “bad” stuff, too.

Imagine that, if you will.

Why This Is Important Now

As we continue through the current ascension framework, we’ll find that the intuitive senses we regularly use and rely on will become more magnified or amplified.

In addition, we’ll find that the intuitive senses we irregularly use will also magnify and amplify - and those we have yet to experience will “come online” to some degree.

Many of us are already experiencing this because we’re acutely aware of our intuitive abilities.

It’s vital, then, that we’re taking measures to protect ourselves and form a barrier where necessary to prevent overwhelm and potential short-circuiting.

While the ascension codes and other light codes work to support our physical bodies and senses to better work with our light bodies and intuitive senses, it’s unknown how much our physical bodies and senses can withstand.

We’re in uncharted territory here, again. Or is that still?

So, please practice great caution when leaning further into clairsentience and claircognizance, especially. They’re the two clair senses that have the highest potential to do the greatest harm to our human faculties.

Feeling and knowing everything is grossly overrated, and genuinely inadvisable.


031. Raising Intuitive Children with Angela Zabel


030: Strengthening Your Awareness