20 March 2021
What is self-pleasure? The self-pleasure is the articulation of the desires and needs of the human body in relation to the arousal. The self-pleasure, which is for and by the self, affords the human the opportunity for enjoyment and understanding. It also affords the human the opportunity for opening further to their soul.
That’s a beautiful perspective on self-pleasure, autoeroticism, masturbation - whatever term you use, whether aloud, whispered, or thought.
We wish the humans will focus less on the constraints and restraints and dogma placed upon them relative to the self-pleasure, and permit themselves to explore their pleasure points in this way. This will act as a guide for the intercourse which is with other humans.
Going there
We’re just going there, aren’t we? And I confess this is a first for me, writing about this topic on my blog. Although there’s this one, come to think of it.
So, yes, we’re going there. We’re going there because pleasuring ourselves in that sensual and sexual way, out of love for ourselves, is an act of self-care. It’s healthy for us.
The way of the human ordains pleasure as private and monogamous. The way of the self-pleasure would fit these ordinations, even as we see the ordinations for a way of control.
That channeled message would seem to indicate that pleasure [only] accomplished in privacy and monogamy is pleasure controlled; “manipulated,” I hear. That isn’t to say we all run out and masturbate in public, or that we ditch our monogamous relationships willy-nilly. It is to say that…
We wish you will reconsider the strictures thrust upon the ways of self-pleasure, and upon intercourse as a related topic. The self-pleasure, while innately private, may be enjoyed with partners, whether one or many.
For a lot of us, self-pleasure is a topic we didn’t (couldn’t or wouldn’t) discuss with our parents. It could even be that was the case with our most trusted friends or lovers.
That self-assigned - perhaps religion- and/or society-assigned - gag order is severely out of place at this point in time. The more we evolve, the more old-fashioned (not in a “good” way) it seems. And the more we evolve, the less healthful it is.
About the soul-opening aspect
We notice the way of the orgasm is such that it elevates the human’s consciousness that it may correspond with the soul nearly unfettered. The way of this emulates as though a high meditation, and permits the human brain to achieve a level of harmony uncommon to the general human experience.
Fascinating. Intriguing. It’s a perspective I hadn’t considered until now. And if that’s “the way of this,” it certainly warrants consideration, doesn’t it?
By the way, even if we find we don’t perceive self-pleasure in this way, don’t experience it in this way, here’s the fact: Opening ourselves to self-pleasure as an act of deep self-care serves us in myriad ways.
We assign to you the objective of self-pleasure. We feel this will interrupt the restraints, the dogma, the shame and replace it with appreciation for the self and the wonder of the human body.
And so it is. Blessed be.
9 Best New Ways to Masturbate - Different Ways to Masturbate for Men