008. Intuitive Connection (with a P.S. about the Vaccine)

23 March 2021

In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, the topic is intuitive connection. The episode includes explanations of - and ideas for - intuitively connecting (communicating) with spirit guides, angels, in-spirit loved ones, elementals and galactics. It also touches on intuitively connecting with humans using telepathy.

In addition, there’s a P.S. about the COVID-19 vaccines in response to multiple inquiries that showed up in client sessions with me recently.


This podcast episode and its peripherals (transcript, quotes, etc.) are spiritual in nature and are an expression of what I hold as sacred. In no way should this episode and its peripherals (transcript, quotes, etc.) be construed as financial, legal, or medical advice. I am not a qualified financial advisor, licensed attorney, or medical doctor.

I’ve included a direct link to the CDC’s COVID-19 vaccines information in the resources section below the transcript.


The Transcript

Welcome back to Innately Intuitive Podcast. My name is Ellen, and…

What we wish to discuss today is intuitive connection. And also we will be having a discussion regarding the vaccinations toward the end of the podcast.
And so, understand then, the intuitive connection is meaning intuitively connecting with other humans, with your spirit guides, with angels, with elementals and with others who are of the energetic or spiritual persuasion.
And put this in a place - a position - of it is as though picking up your phone, opening a contact, pressing the phone button and then, past the phone ringing, there is the answering by the person with whom you wish to connect.
It is not unlike this when it comes to connecting with the other realms. It is not unlike this when connecting with other humans in the intuitive way. Also, yes, we are speaking of the ability humans have to use their intuitive languaging rather than their human speech.

Telepathy and beyond

Okay. So, when it comes to human-to-human intuitive connection, we're talking telepathy. So, telepathy is the ability to connect, communicate, through intuitive means - mind to mind; soul to soul -even as the soul is working in co-creation with the human body. That's one form of intuitive connection - and again, specific to humans.

When it comes to connecting with spirit guides…

…connecting with the angels, and connecting with the elementals and others, it is not unlike connecting with the human, except that you will find that perhaps the connection is one that is more defined, in a sense; meaning that it will be that communication - connection - may be defined through imagery over words, words over imagery, sensation over words or imagery.
This is important to keep in mind, because when you are connecting with beings, with energies who are not of the human way, who have not been in the human form, they will communicate - connect - in a way that is different than you may be used to. It is as if using emojis rather than words.

“When you are connecting with beings, with energies who are not of the human way, who have not been in the human form, they will communicate - connect - in a way that is different than you may be used to. It is as if using emojis rather than words.”…

“When you are connecting with beings, with energies who are not of the human way, who have not been in the human form, they will communicate - connect - in a way that is different than you may be used to. It is as if using emojis rather than words.” Channeled quote from episode 008 of Innately Intuitive Podcast. #intuitiveconnection #intuitivecommunication #intuitiveabilities #intuition #clairaudience #clairvoyance #claircognizance #clairsentience #spiritguides #angels #ancestors #elementals #galactics #emojis #telepathy #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer #innatelyintuitive #innatelyintuitivepodcast #podcast


Oh, what an interesting way to put it. I'm going to call that an accessible way to put it, because we all know what emojis are and, if you're anything like me, you use them with judiciousness, let's say. I love emojis. They say a lot, don't they? They really do. They say a lot.

So, I want to say something here, too, before I continue. It’s that it seems as though connection and communication are being used in the same way. And I'm getting an affirmation on that; that that is correct. They are…

We notice that there is, for we, no difference between connection and communication.

Yeah, so that's an important piece here, too. Because when we think about human connection, human connection can actually mean a hug. Human communication… Can we communicate through a hug? Sure. But we don't necessarily think of a hug as truly communicating, even if it is nonverbal communication.

Communication we typically think of when information is being imparted to us or shared with us. And typically that's with the words. So yes, there's that part.

Spirit guides, in-spirit loved ones

When it does come to connecting or communicating with our guides, our angels, our in-spirit loved ones, elementals and others, it is my experience that they will communicate not necessarily with words. Although, my guides are pretty good about it because I'm such a word person.

And I think that's a thing too. If we develop a relationship with our guides, their way of communicating - connecting - with us is going to adapt to our preferences. They're going to make every effort to communicate in a way that will be very clear for us.

When it comes to our in-spirit loved ones, it may be very similar. It can be, although they will also use our other senses to convey messages, and lots of symbolism.

And I will say, actually, the symbolism, I notice in particular, comes with other people's in-spirit loved ones. They will use symbols, images, videos, all sorts of things; whatever they can to communicate what they wish to in addition to words.

Elementals, angels, galactics

Elementals… boy. I only had one, I think, use actual words with me and it was my name. One little being actually used my name; said it in my left ear. And I do mean said it in terms of it was a disembodied voice, which was pretty cool. It was so sweet. Just so sweet. Otherwise, symbols and sensations. They are very handy, I find; very, very handy. They like to touch. It's really interesting.

When it comes to angels, vibration and sound are my experience. They're reminding me, as well: color. So, I'll see either in my intuitive vision or- Well, I guess- Is it always in my intuitive vision, or…? Yeah, I guess so.

Even when I see things - angel energies - with my eyes open, there's definitely an intuitive level there. Yeah, I'll leave it at that, because we could get into a whole thing here about some discrepancies with that. So, we'll leave that for another podcast episode.

When it comes to other beings…

…galactic beings, for example, they are all quite different in their approach. Some will be able to tune in in a way that is very similar to the way of human communication. Others will use symbolism. And still others will use pure sensation to communicate what it is that they wish to communicate. Preference with the galactics are that they are meeting you - meeting with you - through the dreamtime, in the astral realms, because then there is no language barrier.

Yeah, that doesn't really surprise me, either. And for anybody who remembers dreams, when you have dreams that are vivid enough so that you can recall places and faces and those places and faces are nowhere and no one you've ever been, you've ever seen, and you're having conversations with them... Chances, are you are connecting with galactic beings.

I'm actually asking, “Will spirit guides do that?” No, they would make it very clear who they were, because spirit guides come in all guises. They are not necessarily human in form and would not necessarily take on a human form even to create some level of comfort with us. They're much too tuned in to their intent, which is to guide us and teach us, to quote-unquote pull the wool over our eyes in that way. So, there's that.

Wow. I feel like this is, like, a ten-armed something-or-other here. There's… There's so many peripherals to this particular topic. So…

Forming the connection

And then there is the way of actually forming the connection. And all of this is with intent. In the telepathy, there must be an agreement between you and another human so that you may practice with each other.
Be very intentional with this. You may want to start with a particular symbol rather than a word to test the waters. Invite that the person you are practicing with focus on a particular symbol or an image, and then notice what it is that you see.

“In the telepathy, there must be an agreement between you and another human so that you may practice with each other. Be very intentional with this. You may want to start with a particular symbol rather than a word to test the waters. Invite that th…

“In the telepathy, there must be an agreement between you and another human so that you may practice with each other. Be very intentional with this. You may want to start with a particular symbol rather than a word to test the waters. Invite that the person you are practicing with focus on a particular symbol or an image, and then notice what it is that you see.“ Channeled quote from episode 008 of Innately Intuitive Podcast. #intuitiveconnection #intuitivecommunication #intuitiveabilities #intuition #clairaudience #clairvoyance #claircognizance #clairsentience #spiritguides #angels #ancestors #elementals #galactics #emojis #telepathy #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer #innatelyintuitive #innatelyintuitivepodcast #podcast


And understand that it may not be exact to what they are seeing. If it is an interpretation of that, if it has the semblance of it, the energy of it, then you could call this a success. And as you are developing your telepathy, you will find that you are more exacting with your interpretations.
As it comes to connecting with we, with your spirit guides, this is also through intent and it is also through invitation; meaning you must invite we to connect - to communicate - with you. If it is something that you wish, set that intention.
Also, you may determine how you would like the connection - the communication - to come. If it is that you prefer to work with a channeled writing, if you prefer to use your clairvoyance so you are seeing imagery, you are seeing words, if you wish to use your clairaudience so that you are hearing what we are communicating, then you may do so. You choose. You invite.
It is the same with the angels, except they will not be ones who will readily use words. It is more of a toning that will create an understanding, and the understanding, you could say, is a form of the claircognizance. Through the toning, you will know what the communication is.
And when it comes to the elementals, all it takes is one intention and then the door is as though revolving. And so, you will wish to pay attention to this, because if you wish to have some peace at times, you will need to tell them that you must close the connection so that you may have that peace. Otherwise, they are energies that are very active and it does not matter to them if it is the middle of the day or the middle of the night.
And then, when it comes to the galactics, you can set the intention that you may communicate in a way that is similar to the way you communicate with we; although, once again, you will notice their preference is to meet you in the astrals, in the dreams.

Whoo. Yeah. So… Oh, gosh, this is just so interesting. I hope that all makes sense. I guess I'll find out if it really makes sense when I listen back to this, and really encourage you to start thinking about how you connect with other energies, with other beings and also with other humans.

And I'm really going to push you regarding the telepathy, because as we are evolving - as our vibration is rising, as the planet’s vibration is rising - telepathy is going to become more and more of a thing. And so, why not get a jumpstart on it? Doesn't that sound like fun? I think it'll be a blast.

So, there you have it: intuitive connection, AKA intuitive communication. What will you do with this information to enrich your human life, enrich your connection with your soul, and evolve your intuitive abilities? What will you do?

P.S. about the vaccine

Then, here is the part that we wish to discuss the vaccination, because over this past week Ellen has received many inquiries specific to the vaccinations. We speak to the vaccination that is the COVID-19.
While we see that this is a personal choice and that there are many humans who are quite fine with receiving the vaccination, there are others who have concerns about the vaccination and the potential for unknown effects in the long-term of their lives.
And what we would say to this is, you need to pay attention to what your body is telling you rather than your head. Because for many of you, your head will tell you quite abjectly, ”The vaccination is not for me.” At the same time, your body may be gently stating, “It is for me.”
This is where the intuitive yes and no response, as it directly relates to your body, can be of great assistance. And here are two ways in which you can ask questions to support you to make an informed decision that is for your highest and best:
Question 1) Is it in my highest and best to receive the COVID-19 vaccination?
Question 2) Is there need for me to be concerned the vaccination will result in detrimental long-term effects to my human body?
We suggest using your intuitive yes and no, primarily. You may also refer to your pendulum. Then, pay attention to the answer. And decide then what you will do. And Ellen will speak to the practical nature of this.

Oh, boy. Yeah. Yeah. I truly had so many inquiries over the past week specific to the vaccination because, you know, it's getting real as the older populations and the first responders, and now teachers as I'm recording this, are being vaccinated.

We are getting to that point where the 60-and-under crowd, or the under-60 crowd, will begin being vaccinated. And that's largely where these inquiries have risen from.

Before I address those practical pieces, what I would also invite you to ask as you are making those intuitive inquiries of your body is, ”Is there one COVID-19 vaccine that is better for me than the others?”

If the answer is yes, then you'll need to ask, “Is the Pfizer vaccine better for me? Is the Moderna vaccine better for me? Is the Johnson & Johnson vaccine better for me?”

If you receive more than one yes to the individual vaccinations, then you'll want to ask, “Which of these is best for me?” And then you can go from there. Hopefully…

Let's say that two of the three are highlighted as being best for you. Then, when you ask if one of them is better than the other, if you get a yes, then you can ask, “Which of these two is best for me?”

And again, break it down. ”Is it this one or is it this one?” Okay?

So, here's the practical aspect of things that I brought up past the channeled messages that came through for the multiple people who asked me about the vaccination:

What I said was, you need to consider what it is you want to have the freedom to do in your life moving forward. And here's why: Because what we don't know yet is what restrictions may be put in place for people who choose not to be vaccinated.

Could it mean that there will be travel restrictions? Could it mean there will be other restrictions related to gathering in public spaces that are not outside? These are things we don't know yet. And so, we really need to consider our lives; what we want to be able to do.

If you want to be able to travel abroad to other countries, chances are you're going to need the vaccine. Chances are. That would not surprise me at all. If you're in the United States, will you need a vaccination to travel from state to state? I don't know.

I'm actually asking that directly to my team. Is it seen that that will be the way of things?

No, although it may be that some states will institute such a policy.

Yeah, they actually just showed me Hawai’i. So, it's possible Hawai’i might hold on to that. And consider that even though they are a state, they are independent of the continent of the United States, right? So, there's that.

Yeah, and if you want to be able to go on a cruise or something of that nature, that, too, may be a requirement. Will those who wish to travel by air be faced with that potential requirement? I'm getting a moderate yes on that. So, it may depend on choices made by individual airlines, just like with individual states. That's the super practical side of things.

One other aspect I encourage you to consider has to do with people with whom you have relationships. Because there will be some people who will not just prefer, they will demand that anyone who is meeting with them in person have the vaccine. That is going to happen.

And again, certainly it isn't going to be everyone and yet there will be those people who will hold that as a necessity where they're concerned. And that's something that we will need to honor and have an awareness that that could absolutely impact the relationship.

So again, just really think about everything you want to be able to do moving forward when you take this into consideration for yourself. That is the human side of things; purely human. Okay?

So, hopefully that will help as you are navigating these waters and… Anything else I’m meant to say? No, I don't think so.

In closing

So, thank you so much for listening, as always. Thank you for bearing with the conglomeration of information. It's so interesting to be assigned a topic not until I've pressed record and then to see how it shapes up and really hope that it comes together in a way that makes sense.

In general, I find that they do and certainly, you know, I do some editing. I don't have to do a lot of editing, thank god, but I do some editing to tighten things up. So, hopefully that's enough to make it manageable and make it helpful, because ultimately that's the thing. I want it to be helpful. All right?

So, sending you a big hug and… until next time.

You can subscribe to Innately Intuitive Podcast through most major podcast streaming outlets. You can read the transcript for this podcast at my website: ellenmgregg.com. The link is in the show notes.

Take good care.


CDC: COVID-19 Vaccines

Podcast music, “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.


The Other World

