Self-Love Is Where It Begins

13 February 2021

Whether you celebrate Galentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day or none of the above, our first loving relationship is necessarily with ourselves.


And by “first,” I mean both first and primary.

Because whether we realize it or not, and whether we believe it or not, our first loving relationship is that which exists between our soul and our human self upon incarnation. That love for self - human and divine - is where our first swell of love blossoms.

“Whether we realize it or not, and whether we believe it or not, our first loving relationship is that which exists between our soul and our human self upon incarnation. That love for self- human and divine - is where our first swell of love blossom…

“Whether we realize it or not, and whether we believe it or not, our first loving relationship is that which exists between our soul and our human self upon incarnation. That love for self- human and divine - is where our first swell of love blossoms.” :: From the post Self-Love Is Where It Begins by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. #selflove #galentinesday #valentinesday #selflovequote #galentinesdayquote #valentinesdayquote #selfcare #selfworth #love #ellenmgregg #intuitivehealer


It’s also where love optimally resides as a boundary for that which is unloving, both from external expression and internal expression.

The boundary of love

That boundary of love is meant to support us to uphold ourselves always, and in all ways. From that upholding, we’re then fully available to express love outward through relationship and service.

We notice the human forgets in some degree the boundary that is the love for self. The forgetting forges an opening for the unloving to enter, and to discredit and harm the fragile relationship between human and soul. The more the boundary - the love - is remembered, the stronger the human-soul relationship grows.

When feeling into that, an unspoken question is answered. The question:

When does the forgetting begin?

The forgetting begins when a child no more than a toddler is shamed, is bullied, is told they are somehow different, dis-eased, unworthy. The erosion of the human-soul relationship begins, and continues, until the human in their sovereignty chooses differently; chooses upholding boundaries; chooses themself*.

“The erosion of the human-soul relationship begins, and continues, until the human in their sovereignty chooses differently; chooses upholding boundaries; chooses themself.” :: From the post Self-Love Is Where It Begins by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive …

“The erosion of the human-soul relationship begins, and continues, until the human in their sovereignty chooses differently; chooses upholding boundaries; chooses themself.” :: From the post Self-Love Is Where It Begins by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. #selflove #galentinesday #valentinesday #selflovequote #galentinesdayquote #valentinesdayquote #selfcare #selfworth #love #ellenmgregg #intuitivehealer


For “the forgetting” to begin at such an early age is… Well, I want to deny it and yet it doesn’t take much effort to see the truth of it. All it takes is one unwitting parent, teacher, babysitter, etc. to set the ball in motion.

Understand this: There is potential to support the relationship for a period of time that will permit the child to better understand their sovereignty and permit them to uphold the boundary. The support of a caretaker who allows no shaming of the child, no bullying of the child, no unworthiness toward the child will prevent erosion until erosion is preventable by the child themself.

That’s hopeful. And yet, what of the person who has experienced great erosion? How might they undo the forgetting, the harm to their boundary of love?

Undoing the forgetting

We notice this requires choice, action, choice, action, choice action. We notice the choice is choosing the love of self. We notice the action is rebuking anyone or anything which would seek to add to the erosion.

We’re right back to sovereignty, here; one of our prime 2021 themes. It’s our sovereignty that demands we choose ourselves, and demands equally that we tolerate no diminishment from ourselves or anyone else.

And so, as many on Earth honor Galentine’s Day and/or Valentine’s Day in some manner, we’re urged to remember our primary relationship, to uphold it, and to be sovereign unto ourselves.

As it is for the highest and best, so mote it be!

*Apparently “themself” isn’t a known word, and yet I feel it needs to be.


003. Using Clairvoyance


Positive and Negative in Energy Work