003. Using Clairvoyance

16 February 2021

In this episode, we’re talking about clairvoyance; how it can show up and how we might benefit. We’re also talking about using it and working with it in a way that prevents our brain from short-circuiting.

Because when we’re walking about in our human lives, it may be overwhelming to receive a non-stop stream of images and movies on top of what our human eyes are already processing. At the same time, “dummying down” our intuitive abilities won’t help our brain evolve.

There must be a happy medium, right?


The Transcript

Well, hi. I'm so glad you're here.

And understand that we are going to speak of the intuitive clairvoyance; the intuitive seeing; the intuitive visioning. And with this, understand we will be keeping a wisdom in the channeling and we will be permitting then Ellen to have some talking that reflects upon the wisdom.

So, yes. Now we know what the topic for this episode is. I was curious about that.And if you listened to the last episode, maybe you were, too.


So, yeah: clairvoyance. One of my stronger (maybe, perhaps, my strongest?)… I gotta say no. I'm going to say top three of my intuitive abilities.

Put yourself in a way of understanding how clairvoyance is. Clairvoyance is, because energy being energy, there is no separation between you, the past, the present, the future as you experience it. There is also no space between where you reside, where you now listen, and any other place on Earth. The space is an illusion.
If you permit yourself to consider it from this perspective, then perhaps you can understand why it is possible to view other lives - past or future as you humans perceive them - and why it is possible as well to practice the remote viewing and permit you to explore the sites around the world for which you have curiosity or interest, or perhaps have been called upon to support energetically.
This is also how this works with the people who you may bring into your vision. It is that whether they are beside you or whether they are thousands of miles from you, you can still see them.

“There is no separation between you, the past, the present, the future... There is no space between where you reside and any other place on Earth. The space is an illusion. If you permit yourself to consider it from this perspective, then perhaps yo…

“There is no separation between you, the past, the present, the future... There is no space between where you reside and any other place on Earth. The space is an illusion. If you permit yourself to consider it from this perspective, then perhaps you can understand why it is possible to view other lives - past or future as you humans perceive them - and why it is possible as well to practice the remote viewing.“ Quote from Using Clairvoyance, episode 003 of Innately Intuitive Podcast by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. #clairvoyance #clairvoyant #innatelyintuitive #innatelyintuitivepodcast #intuition #intuitive #ellenmgregg #intuitivehealer


Okay, I think they're- I think that's a pause point.

So… So here's me reflecting on what was just said. Yes. I completely agree with what was said even though, at the same time, my human brain - as one’s human brain will do - is saying, “But, but, but, but of course, there's space; of course, there's time.”

And that is because the human brain, our ego self, seeks commonalities, seeks anchor points, seeks organization in order to interpret; in order to, in some ways, function within this 3D realm that we have constructed here.

And so bypassing that, which it's important to do if we're really going to permit ourselves to play in this particular field, then it's a really funny thing because what I feel is, “Well, of course, that's the way things are. There is no space. There is no time.”

Visualizing from a distance (remote viewing)

And so it's easy for me here in New Hampshire to be able to visualize, let's say, because I'm being shown them, the Pyramids of Giza. And yet let's be clear here, too: I've seen pictures of them. I've seen them in films. So for anyone who is visually oriented, it's an easy thing to bring those images and films into the mind.

So what takes it from that already-seen image, imagery, to clairvoyance? It's when you then allow yourself to go into those pyramids and explore areas that you have not seen in images, in videos; places that are not made public by the Egyptian government. Yeah. And the Board of Antiquities. Is that what I just heard? I don't know if that's what they're called.

So… But it is that sort of thing. It's also- All of a sudden I'm jumping from there to the Mariana Trench. It's what allows me to view the Mariana Trench. And- because otherwise, just let me tell you that I'm not a person who would be remotely interested in doing that, physically speaking.

Now, the Titanic… I might make an exception for the Titanic. I might allow myself to get into a sub and take a trip down to the Titanic to see it first-person with my human eyes. That'd be amazing. I've seen it plenty, inside and out, with my clairvoyant eyes.

So, ask yourself how it is that this can be beneficial. Ask yourself how it is that this can be important. Because what we see here is, as a human who is also a soul, as a person who has metaphysical abilities, what might be helpful when you are able to clairvoyantly see such things. How could it be helpful to you? How could it be helpful to someone that you are serving?

Yeah, and the thing is, I feel as though we aren't talking now about the Pyramids of Giza or the Mariana Trench or the Titanic. Well, maybe the Titanic if it's someone has another life experience related to the Titanic or… Yeah. I guess, yeah, you could say that too with the Pyramids of Giza. There could be another life that's attached to that.

Viewing energy (rather than form)

For me, the helpful part comes when I'm able to clairvoyantly view a space that needs energy clearing and, yes, I’m able to see physical components if it's important.

Otherwise, it's really about being able to view the space energetically - and again I’m realizing that's a bit redundant, but I'm going to say it anyway - so that what I'm looking at is, where is the dis-ease in this space; where is the disharmony; where is energy being blocked or otherwise accumulating in a way that is not in the highest and best of either the space or the people living there?

When it comes to viewing other humans that way - with permission… I feel like I always need to say that and so I guess I just will. Because it's way too easy to make excuses to ourselves and to fall into that trap of ”Well, I only want to help.” You know?

And so you go poking your intuitive self into other people's privacy and that isn't okay. Mmm… Only with their permission. Only with their permission.

So, if or when someone asks me to scan their physical body, it's helpful to use clairvoyance with that because…Well, obviously. We would need to. Right? That's what we're talking about here.

The point is that that is the helpful part because then we can isolate areas of concern. We can - and I'm talking about physically speaking, sure. Also energetically speaking. And what I mean specifically by that is, as it might relate to other lives.

Is there anything else that would be, because I know artifacts is what I'm hearing? And yeah, typically or almost always artifacts are either related to other lives or current lives.

So, would be there be another instance where an artifact might show up that isn't related to other lives or to a current life? No. They're saying no. I just wanted to double check, because I don't assume. I try not to assume anything. So…

Using your clairvoyance

Put yourself in a way of allowing yourself to use your clairvoyance with more intention. In so doing, you are increasing your awareness because for those who are clairvoyant you are oftentimes receiving clairvoyant feedback that you may not notice. Because it is not as though you have set aside a specific time and place to use your clairvoyance.
Clairvoyance, as with any other intuitive ability, does not go to sleep. And so understand that there is always some information that is being delivered clairvoyantly. It is a matter of, have you an awareness of it or are you ignoring it through your inattention?

“Clairvoyance, as with any other intuitive ability, does not go to sleep. And so understand that there is always some information that is being delivered clairvoyantly. It is a matter of, have you an awareness of it or are you ignoring it through yo…

“Clairvoyance, as with any other intuitive ability, does not go to sleep. And so understand that there is always some information that is being delivered clairvoyantly. It is a matter of, have you an awareness of it or are you ignoring it through your inattention?“ Quote from Using Clairvoyance, episode 003 of Innately Intuitive Podcast by Ellen M. Gregg. #clairvoyance #clairvoyant #innatelyintuitive #innatelyintuitivepodcast #intuition #intuitive #ellenmgregg #intuitivehealer


Oh boy. Am I… Is that okay to talk? And it's so funny because I mean right now those who are channeling through me, they drew my mouth into a big smile, and it's because… Is it my smile? Sure. I'm smiling. Actually, it's really funny because it's a double smile.

It's me smiling at them smiling, because they're smiling because they’re like, “See? See what we're talking about here? Isn't this great?”

And also, by the way, they're smiling because they're telling us a hard truth here about the fact that we can fall asleep at the wheel, so to speak, when it comes to our intuitive abilities.

And at the same time, what I want to say from the human perspective here is that it could be… I really want to use a term and I'm like,”Is it okay to use that term because it's the perfect term?” I'm going to use it.

It could be a shitshow if we are having a constant barrage of visions coming at us parallel to or on top of or otherwise in some way with our human vision. Especially if we're in a position where we really need to concentrate on something that is in the human frame.

And I understand what they're saying, because even in those situations anything that's going to come through clairvoyantly is undoubtedly going to be supportive of what we are experiencing. It's going to give us greater insight.

And yet the human brain… We have just not worked with that enough so that it has the capacity to process everything all at once without us feeling confused or just getting a headache. So, have some awareness of that, too.

Optimally, perhaps we're setting an intention that whatever is most important for us to receive clairvoyantly as we're going about our day will come to our attention; will filter through the human stuff so that we can get the insights that will be most helpful to us.

And then if we are someone who serves with our clairvoyance or intentionally uses our clairvoyance at certain times, that's when we can really lean into it and take in all that it has to offer to the best of our ability.

Let's see… Anything else that wants to be said about clairvoyance? Is there homework, or have I just…

What Ellen has just offered up, we feel would be an apt way of homework for those who are interested. Because what we notice is that yes, we are in some understanding of what Ellen has spoken of insofar as an information overload clairvoyantly. And yet we notice it will be helpful to support the brain to evolve.
And so when you feel it is appropriate, permit that even as you are out in your everyday you will permit the clairvoyant channel to be fully open so that you might have the opportunity to exercise your brain in that way.

Yeah. I really like that a lot. And what I will say, too, because this is how things work, if you're listening to this it's because you have an interest in clairvoyance. And so just by virtue of listening to this, I feel as though you're being in a way setup for success to do exactly what was just said.

And so that being the case, go forth and see what there is to see.

Clairvoyant playbook

And notice that you will probably find there are certain symbols that come up at certain times and they may not seem relevant to what you're experiencing at the human level. And it could be that that symbol becomes part of your clairvoyant playbook.

And with that, what you do is you determine what does that symbol actually mean. What is it intended to convey? It's probably… It's almost like…

They're showing me a heart symbol. So a heart symbol can mean love. It can also mean the human heart. Can it mean something else? No, that's what it would probably be used for. So if you're seeing a heart symbol, then you go to the question. Okay?

So then, based on what you're currently experiencing as you're seeing that symbol come forward, is this relevant to love in some capacity, or is this relevant to the human heart -the physical heart - and something it may need? Okay?

Anything… And they just showed me Theresa Reed. No, not Theresa Reed. What is her name? I know Theresa Reed is The Tarot Lady, and she's great. Who I actually saw was the Long Island Medium. So, Theresa Caputo. And she often talks about the signs and symbols that she receives, and they are indicative of a general concept.

And so she then takes that concept and she’ll deepen her investigation, so to speak, to bring forth the more specific meaning that is intended for the person for whom she is reading. Okay?

So… So, yeah. Your own intuitive playbook. How cool would that be?

All right, my dears. Let's see. Is there anything else that wants to be said here? No.

A diffuser discovery

No, and yet I don't know why but I just want to tell you that I am diffusing a combination of frankincense and cinnamon and it is Heavenly. I have never put frankincense and cinnamon together in my diffuser and I don't know why, because it's incredible.

Well, I do know why because I'm always guided as to what to put in my diffuser. I just open my essential oil drawer and put my hand over the oils and see what my hand picks up. And today it was frankincense and cinnamon and… Oh my gosh. About eight drops of frankincense and five drops of cinnamon. Just lovely.

So, yeah. So that's what I have. Is that related to clairvoyance? Not at all. It's just a point of interest that perhaps for those of you who enjoy diffusing essential oils, you may find beneficial.

So, from my sunny New Hampshire home today - cold and yet beautifully sunny - I am wishing you a lovely day and I thank you so much for being here. I thank you so much for sitting at my table with me and talking about these fun things. And I look forward to seeing you again really soon.

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Thanks so much for listening. Take good care.


Podcast music, “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.


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