Self-Care Saturday (and Every Day)
6 February 2021
“Self-care Saturday” has a certain ring to it, which is probably why it’s become a popular hashtag and movement, of sorts. And it’s in part for that reason that I’m jumping onto - or at least alongside - the bandwagon.
Saturday’s a great day to practice self-care because a lot of people have that weekend day off from work and/or school, and therefore have extra time to dedicate to themselves. Optimally, however, we’re practicing self-care in forms of our choice (and accessibility) every day.
Pursue a method of self-care that is uncommon to your normality. Purpose for this is to remain fresh and attentive to your needs, wants, desires that you may powerfully address that which is for your highest and best.
Mmm… Appreciating the suggestion in that channeled message to vary our self-care methods. Changing things up gives us a different perspective, and a different perspective gives us more insight into ourselves and our lives.
Changing things up
In the spirit of changing things up, I made a point all this week to change up my breakfast every day. I’m the sort of a person who can easily eat the same thing every day and be quite content.
For months, five times a week (minimum) I ate oatmeal to which I added pumpkin pie spice and cayenne, peanut butter, banana and maple syrup for breakfast. I never gave a thought to the importance of variety in my favorite meal (a self-care practice itself) of the day, because I love oatmeal.
Through reading Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza, I woke up to the fact that my seemingly innocent breakfast rut wasn’t serving me at any level. And so, I haven’t had the same breakfast (or lunch, for that matter) once this week. It’s been different every day.
What’s fascinating to me is that my body feels different - lighter? more “awake”? - since making that change in the name of self-care (and outright curiosity).
Your self-care change-up invitation
Consider this an invitation to do similar. Consider using your favorite oracle cards as a support system for reading into what self-care practice could use a change, and also what that change might entail.
Maybe you’ll discover your food choices need refreshing.
Maybe you’ll learn that breathwork will serve you over meditation.
Maybe you’ll intuit that Mommy needs tub time just as much as baby.
Maybe you’ll find that binge-watching Bridgerton is exactly what the universe ordered.
However it may manifest, know that indulging in your self-care with greater intention is as important as any work or life assignment you’ll ever receive.
Happy self-caring, dear one. You are so very worth it. Blessed be.