002. Working with a Pendulum
9 February 2021
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we’re taking a look at working with a pendulum as part of our intuitive practice. And we’re perhaps looking at pendulums - their energy, intent, purpose - from a different perspective than what our human brains might tell us.
Whether you use a pendulum regularly or have yet to pick one up, you’re likely to find this episode very interesting.
The Transcript
Hi, there. I'm so glad you could join me today. So…
What we are speaking of today is intuition in terms of working with a pendulum. What we feel it is helpful to have an awareness of is, working with your pendulum is as though working with an extension of your intuition. And yet, equally it is as though working with a partner; working with another energy apart from you and yet within the same field as you; the same intention and energy and what is for your highest and best as you.
With this, understand working with a pendulum offers you the opportunity to experience intuition in a remote way and yet also in a personal way. This is the juxtaposition, the yin and yang, the push and pull of what is working with the pendulum. Who you are is who your pendulum is, and this is so because all energy is energy; all energy is one; all energy is source.
Oh, wow. Okay. So, welcome to Innately Intuitive Podcast.
I did not know what the topic was until that channeled message came through. I just knew that I was to create another episode, which I was happy to do, and very curious to see what it might be about.
So, yes. That is so interesting what came through regarding the… yes, the energy of a pendulum and yet also its… personality, sure, which is in some ways, I guess, equal to ours. And yet also the fact that it is a partner in the sense that it's almost a -
I think of it as a third party. I mean, I will have times when I will ask question of my intuitive yes and no as it relates to physical sensations from my body, and even then, for whatever reason, that is just not enough. And so I will grab my pendulum and I'll ask the question of my pendulum.
And it always, or mostly always, gives me that validation that I'm looking for that my… definitely my ego self is looking for because my intuitive self is obviously happy with the answer. It created the answer. So. Yeah, it's a really interesting thing.
Also the fact, you know, reminding us that energy is energy is energy is energy. We all come from the source and that absolutely includes our pendulum. And it seems in some ways a no-brainer, but at the same time do we stop and think about that?
I mean, truly do we just stop and say, “Okay, well, we're energy and we come from source and our pendulum is energy and it comes from source.”
I don't. Do you?
And what we see here is, it is perhaps helpful to have these points of pause to consider such things. It does offer the human a different perspective because we notice that the human gets caught up in their humanness and forgets their oneness with everything.
And so, to create that pause and the reminder for awareness could perhaps support you as well as you are working with a pendulum because you may be asking things, questions of your pendulum which are unrelated to anything based upon your own human experience.
And you might be wondering, especially if there is no reference for you to corroborate, confirm, validate an answer, that having a knowing that energy is all, energy is one, no further validation, confirmation is required. You may simply accept the answer.
Yeah. And the thing is, what we're talking about is it could be those things that are spoken of - for example: Atlantis, Lemuria, the Akashic records, the Council of Light, alternate universes, other planes of existence - that we don't have validation in terms of we don't have scientific data that necessarily supports those things.
We don't have encyclopedias that we can refer to that canvalidate the information that may come through from… whether it's from ourselves and from someone else. And so…
And it's really funny. Even as I'm saying that… thinking of an encyclopedia, I'm like, how do we even know that what's in there is true? What is “true” (putting true in quotes)? What is “true”? What is, quote, unquote, “real”? I mean, it’s a… Ooh, that's a really big concept to consider, too. But back to the point.
So, the point being, for example, that… Let's say… Okay, I'll use, as an example, some of the work that I do with my pendulum. I sometimes will ask my pendulum to support clearing a property, whether it's my own or someone else's, if I feel a need to.
I will use it as another way of ensuring that the energy is remediated, if necessary, and optimally and… and ideally and finally neutralized.
So, I might see something clairvoyantly and ask my pendulum, ”Is what I'm seeing what I'm hearing it is?” I might hear that the energy is something of a demonic nature or something of simply dark matter. And so I'll ask my pendulum if that is correct to make sure that I'm interpreting the information accurately; that kind of thing.
I mean… Are demons real? In my book, they are. I've had experience with them and they're unlike anything I've experienced within the human spectrum. I mean, there's no frame of reference for that kind of experience.
And… And the same thing with dark matter. I mean, we hear NASA talk about dark matter and… Oh, yeah. I won't get into… There's another agency - I think it's- I think they're based in Sweden or something like that; Switzerland, Sweden - that are actively pursuing projects around dark matter as far as finding out more about it.
What is it, really? What is it constructed of beyond the obvious which is atoms of energy, right? So… And atoms of energy - even that is redundant. So, so yes, there's, you know, really… There's… There is no human resource to go to that can say for certain what demons are and why they are; what dark matter is and why it is.
We can make a whole lot of suppositions. We can take educated guesses, whatever that means. And yet… and yet. So. anyway…
I feel like I got a little bit off track, but I felt it was really important to get into that a bit considering it came up through the channeled message about another way of sourcing our pendulum’s wisdom. Because the thing is, too, having said “pendulum’s wisdom,” the…
Is the pendulum’s wisdom also our wisdom in that it's based or it sources wisdom that is available to us? Absolutely. However… We know, don't we, how our human brains can put up roadblocks, speed bumps, walls that can really get in the way of us accepting that wisdom?
So, the pendulum acts as another point of reference for that wisdom. It simply gives us an opportunity to have another energy form weigh in on our inquiry or our intention.
And so, what we are asking of you here is to support yourself by being more intentional with the usage of your pendulum. Ask it to back you up when you are making intuitive inquiries. Ask it to show you more. Ask it to point you in a different direction.
Yeah. I feel like that's some homework. And the thing is, I'm not going to attempt to unpack what they mean by those last two statements: Ask you to ask it to show you more. Ask it to point you in another direction. Allow yourself to interpret that. Allow yourself to accept your interpretation. And then go forth and have fun with it.
Yeah. That feels really good. Let's see. Wow. Okay. So anything else on this topic now?
Except the one thing I will say is, in the spirit of what the basic intent of this podcast is, which is normalizing intuition -really bringing it into our everyday moments; the high moments; the low moments; the in-between moments the mundane moments - is pick up your pendulum even when you don't have a hot topic that you're sourcing an answer about.
Pick it up when you are torn between having an English muffin and a bagel. That's the kind of thing that will allow you…
…to see the greater potency of intuition and permit you, too, to bring intuition into your life in a different way and perhaps a way that you will find that is great in value and yet also can be highly entertaining.
Yeah. I agree with that. It can be highly entertaining to pick up your pendulum and ask it to clear an object. I mean, the things it will do. It's very entertaining. So, there we go. That feels actually pretty complete for not knowing what was going to be our topic today.
And also, what we wish for you to understand is, this will be the way of things. We are not going to give Ellen, in advance, the topic. We are simply going to dive in and permit the topic to reveal itself and then go from there. This will prevent Ellen's brain from getting in the way.
Welcome to my world. And on that note wishing you a wonderful day. Wishing you a wonderful week. Wishing you a wonderful moment.
You can listen to episodes of Innately Intuitive Podcast on most major podcast outlets. And if you have any comments, feel free to leave those in the blog post associated with this episode at ellenmgregg.com.
Take good care. Until next time.
Podcast music, “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.