Practical Intuitive: Preparing for Extreme Weather, Earthquakes, etc.
As intuitive as I am, and as much time as I spend in Wooville (get it?), I'm innately practical... make that intuitively practical. I'm a practical intuitive.
And so, in this month which will be dedicated largely to Earth matters, it seemed wise - and practical - to bring up preparedness. Just in case.
Also, my guides really - and I do mean really, strongly - urged me to write this. They even chose the graphic you'll see just below, much to my chagrin. (Pretty sure I've mentioned before how I sometimes feel the need to negotiate with my spirit team. This was one of those times, and yet they wouldn't budge.)

A fact of climate change here on Earth is increased incidents of extreme weather. From hurricanes to tornadoes, to days-long sub-zero or over-100 temperatures, we're experiencing more - and more severe - weather events.
Wildfires aren't weather events, and yet they've become wider spread and longer lasting. It seems prudent to mention them here for that reason. And while earthquakes aren't weather events either, they're included for another reason. More on that in a moment.
Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Wildfires, etc.
These are events that we generally have some advance warning of, which is helpful. Even so, laying the groundwork for preparedness ahead of any predicted event can save time, peace of mind and heartache.
In the instance of hurricanes...
We likely have several days to prepare, and to evacuate if necessary. In either case, having materials ready to protect our homes, supplies on hand for sheltering in place, and go-bags ready in the event of evacuation is just smart - and practical.
In the instance of tornadoes...
Most tornado-prone areas have early-warning systems in place. Even so, we're talking minutes rather than hours or days. Having prepared go-bags at the ready, or making sure you have the supplies you need if you have a tornado shelter, will likely help to lessen your stress.
In the instance of extreme cold and heat...
Here again, thanks to modern-day meteorology we likely have ample warning to prepare. In these cases, there may be need to consider your home's infrastructure. Plenty of heating fuel? Working a/c? Plumbing pipes protected from the cold, and properly insulated? Shades or curtains at the ready to block the heat of the sun or the biting wind? Even in this instance, go-bags are a practical measure in case of power outages, etc.
As for wildfires...
After what transpired here in the Western U.S. and in Canada last year, and the number of evacuations that became necessary, preparedness seems like a no-brainer. (Although Heaven forbid we see something of that magnitude again.) I'm not sure there's a ready-to-install way to protect a house from a wildfire, and yet if there is, have it readily accessible. And have go-bags ready in case of evacuation.
Now, we arrive at the topic that prompted this post to begin with. For the past three years, I've received intermittent messages regarding a major earthquake on the West coast of the U.S. They're always uninvited, meaning they don't come because I'm asking leading questions. And they always come with an intention to warn those who would be affected.
To that end, over that time I've asked leading questions of people I know on the West coast. The question usually sounds like, "Do you have a plan in case of a major earthquake?" On occasion, I've channeled a near-directive to clients in session specific to preparation for that event.
Here's the thing: I'm not an alarmist and I don't claim to be someone who can accurately predict events of this sort. (That skill isn't one I've pursued or honed, and so it rarely shows up in the scope of my work.) What I'm sharing next makes me extremely uncomfortable for those reasons. However, this isn't about me. And if there's truth in it - even as I pray there's no truth in it - then it has to be shared, discomfort or not.
Getting More Specific
The last two messages I've received - one in December and one just three weeks ago - have been far more specific, and therefore far more concerning. In December, I was told there would be a major earthquake on the West coast in the second half of 2019 which would devastate the area for years. And then came the most recent message.
It arrived as I was preparing for bed one night. My guides channeled through me, saying, "We have a message for you." After negotiating that I could complete the task at hand first, which I did, I was sat down on my bed to receive the message. Here's what I was told:
In July of 2019, there will be a catastrophic earthquake which will impact California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska. It will engage both the San Andreas and Cascadia faults. The earthquake will create two tsunamis, which will impact the Los Angeles area and the Alaska area. There will be a 6.4, a 9.0 (catastrophic), and a 5.7, in that order, not including aftershocks. (I asked if the 5.7 was an aftershock and was told "no.")
Understand, I have no idea how earthquake-driven tsunamis "work." I don't know if it's possible for a catastrophic earthquake involving those two faults to activate a tsunami in Alaska. Also, my research shows me a 25-foot tsunami can travel up to 10 miles inland. Los Angeles is almost 16 miles from the Pacific ocean. Is it possible for 1) there to be a bigger-than-25-foot tsunami and 2) for it to reach that far inland? I have no idea. As the saying goes, "I'm just the messenger."
Notable: In my research for this post, I discovered the Cascadia fault (officially, the Cascadia Subduction Zone) is spoiling for an earthquake. Pieces of mantle have been found rising under the North and South ends of it. And it's well-documented that the San Andreas fault is overdue for a quake.
Early Warning System?
There is an early warning system in the works for the West coast, which is great news. It's called ShakeAlert, and it's close to being fully operational. It would alert the public ahead of any tremors. How much ahead? That's unclear. Any warning is better than no warning, though.
All that said...
Here's where we get really practical.
Have a Plan
If you live in an area prone to hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires and earthquakes, have a plan.
• What will you do if you're at home when it happens?
• What will you do if you're at work when it happens? (Supposing you work outside the home.)
• What will you do if you're on the road or in the air when it happens?
Make a plan. Communicate it to your loved ones. Also, have a go-bag.
Your Emergency Go-Bag or Go-Kit has a page dedicated to building an emergency kit. There's another page for car kits.
Putting it squarely in the person-to-person space, a friend who lives in an earthquake- and extreme weather-prone region in Alaska offered me their list. They have go-bags ready at all times, just in case.
Here's their list, in their own words:
Water: Enough for 3 days or if you live in an area where water is plentiful, a small amount of water and a LifeStraw® or water filtration system will work too.
Fire: Lighters, matches, emergency candles, and basic fire starter. (I create some with old egg containers, dryer lint, and wax from old candles. They are simple to make and pack.)
3-day food supply: I recommend mountain house dehydrated meals or something similar. They are easy to prepare and will last many years. I also include a few other items like energy bars, salt and seasonings, individual packages of nut butter, tea, instant coffee, drink mixes.
Camp stove and dish basics: A basic backpack stove (Whisperlite® or a Jetboil®). Essentially, if you have freeze-dried food, all you need to do is heat water. This also keeps your items clean. For dishes, there are many backpacking options out there that have a pot, cup/bowl and utensil that all nest together with a camp stove.
Sleeping bag and a stuff sack: Buy a lightweight, well-insulated sleeping bag and a compression stuff sack (preferably waterproof). A sleeping bag is essential. If you have ever tried to sleep with an “emergency blanket”, you know what I mean. While you might not freeze to death, you will be freezing. They are horrible. Buy a sleeping bag.
Basic care: Toothbrush, toothpaste, castile soap (personal and dishes), small wash cloth, toilet paper, personal/baby wipes, any woman essentials like pads/tampons, medications (enough for a few days), items specific to your area such as sunscreen or bug spray.
Basic clothing: A lightweight layering system is best. Include socks, hat, gloves, a light jacket, and even an extra pair of shoes that don’t take up a lot of room like slippers or flip flops. Keep everything in waterproof bags, even Ziplocs®, to keep everything fresh and dry.
Emergency items: First-aid kit (including Band-Aids, antibiotic cream, gauze wraps and pads, SAM Splint®, Benadryl, latex gloves, ibuprofen, valerian, activated charcoal, and essential oils (melaleuca, lavender…); two large black garbage bags and duct tape (You can create just about anything you might need: shelter, pack… You can fix anything with duct tape!); mini sewing kit, fishing line and hooks, compass, headlamp (and batteries!), knife/multi-tool.
Pets: If you have pets, pack a few days of food and essentials for them, too.
Life essentials: Small amount of money, extra credit card, car key, phone charger. (You can even buy a small solar panel that can charge anything through a USB!) A list of contacts. (In this digital era, how many phone numbers do you know by heart? Your friends and family
will want to know you are safe.) These items are dependent on the
area you live. Where I am, these items are safe in my trunk. However,
I understand there are places where this doesn’t work.
And here are their thoughtful and experienced insights:
"Pack a separate backpack for each person, unless you have little ones. Now that my children are of driving age, I have assembled a backpack go-bag for each of us and keep one in each vehicle. Chances are, your vehicle will be somewhere near you and this keeps the bag somewhere safe and nearby, yet out of the way.
"While you are packing your bag, focus on packing everything neat and tight in a small/medium backpack. If you make it too large, you will more than likely find yourself irritated by the space it’s taking up. Keep it small enough that it won’t be a bother to you and will stay where you can easily access it, if needed.
"During the recent earthquake in Alaska, I ran out of my house, making sure my child and my dogs were out. I didn’t think about my shoes, my car keys, my wallet, my go-bag. It was winter in Alaska; not a good time to be outside barefoot.
"I also realized that while I had a go-bag, I’d been focusing on getting by, on surviving, and not thinking of something we all need: comfort. While this bag certainly isn’t a day at the spa, I realized after the quake that there is emotional trauma that occurs. So, adding a few items like herbal teas, essential oil, and valerian, a book, a deck of cards are small comforts."
A few additional notes:
Other things you may want to add might include copies of important documents. You'll definitely want a picture ID (probably in your wallet).
Also, this helpful person shared with me that after the recent earthquake, they now keep their go-bags in a convenient and easily accessible place. That way, it's an easy thing to grab them if the need arises. Everyone knows where they are.
Use your Intuition
And by that, I mean use it to:
• tune in to your inner knowing that might tell you to evacuate even when it isn't an official mandate;
• be aware of your needs for your go-bags, since there may be items you'll want or need that aren't in them already and you might not think of otherwise;
• read Earth, since you might receive your own early-warning data ahead of any earthquake, hurricane, tornado, etc.
Remember, we are one with Earth. That means we can pick up her signals before modern technology can. Pay attention. Feel. Listen. And then take practical action.
Blessed be.