Illuminating the Week of 8 April 2019
Entering this second week of April, I'm told "synchronicities abound." And it certainly seems that way, given the cards drawn for this week.

Illuminating the Week of 8 April 2019
Synchronicity number one: We have Strength from Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot by Pamela Colman Smith. It's number eight in the Major Arcana, and this is the week of the 8th. Synchronicity number two: Then, we have Butterfly Spirit from The Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid and Jena DellaGrottaglia. Its number is 11, and this week contains this month's 11 portal.
"The signs and symbols at hand for the week ask you to be in keen awareness of your steps, both in walking and in action. Be in awareness of where and what you are walking toward. Be in awareness of the actions you take, that they are aligned and therefore supporting you and your purpose. Make no mistake, the signs and symbols will be far more obvious and abundant in this week. Through them, we ask you to undertake a greater effort toward creating balance."
The imagery in the Strength card supports alignment and balance. Notice the harmony with the lion and the etheric infinity symbol over the figure's head. There's gorgeous synergy. And, by the way, I hear "there's strength in numbers." Something else to consider as we move through the week, and notice what that means for us both personally and collectively.
As for Butterfly Spirit... Yes, "transformation is beautiful." Our awareness of the signs and symbols available to us this week, the synchronicity that arises through them, and the support and balance all of that results in will spark transformation. And it feels as though the 411 portal (separate post in a few days) will give us more to consider regarding this card's transformative intent.
♥ Where and what are you walking toward?
♥ What action steps will support you and your purpose?
Blessed be, loves.