My Essential Oils Drawer (and a Diffuser Blend)

What? Doesn’t everyone have a drawer for their essential oils?

I jest, because obviously not everyone 1) uses essential oils or 2) has enough essential oils to warrant a dedicated drawer to them. There are several people I know who fit both points, however - including me.

And let me tell you, my essential oils drawer was a mess; a messy mess; a hot mess; all the messes. It was so much of a mess that I cringed every day when I opened it.

Something had to be done, and for what happened next I both blame and thank The Home Edit and their oh-so-satisfying Netflix show, Get Organized with the Home Edit.

My Essential Oils Drawer (and a Diffuser Blend): A post by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. This is the before. #beforeandafter #hotmess #tidy #essentialoils #organizing #thehomeedit #ellenmgregg #intuitivehealer

The Before

Here’s how it looked before I The-Home-Edit-ed it with the help of clear acrylic bins inspired by The Home Edit (not their brand):

My Essential Oils Drawer (and a Diffuser Blend): A post by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. This is the before. #beforeandafter #hotmess #essentialoils #organizing #thehomeedit #ellenmgregg #intuitivehealer

Believe it or not, there was a system - or, at least, an intended system. 95% of the oils were placed in alphabetical order so I could find them with relative ease, with or without a labeled cap.

The problem was, I had more oils than spots for oils in the foam holder nestled in the bottom of the drawer. And I have some duplicates. And I have a couple super-sized bottles. And I have other items that are associated (and sort of associated) with my oil usage.

hot mess
all the messes

I faced the daunting task of removing and de-powdering (arrowroot powder; sort of associated) all those bottles and other items. At the same time, I set aside those items that I determined wouldn’t make it back into the drawer.

Then, I used a damp cloth to dust and de-powder the drawer itself. Surprisingly, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be. Color me grateful.

Finally, I intuitively placed the acrylic bins into the drawer in the way that would prove most beneficial and filled them with all the oils and other things.

The After

Here’s how it looks after my cleaning and editing and organizing efforts:

My Essential Oils Drawer (and a Diffuser Blend): A post by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. This is the after. #beforeandafter #tidy #essentialoils #organizing #thehomeedit #ellenmgregg #intuitivehealer

What a difference. I’m so pleased. For all it was a bit of a pain in the butt because of aaaaall those little bottles, it gives me great pleasure to see the drawer looking so put-together.

And the bonus is, I now have a much better sense of the oils I have on hand, the oils I need to purchase soon (as they’re running low), and the oils I might want to add to my oily apothecary.

And the further bonus is, the exercise of editing my oils birthed a diffuser blend that’s ideal for this week’s holiday (Thanksgiving) and leading into Hanukkah and Christmas. You’ll find it below both in image form (for pinning and other sharing) and text form.

Season of Giving Diffuser Blend

Season of Giving essential oils diffuser blend from the post My Essential Oils Drawer (and a Diffuser Blend) by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. 5 drops clove + 3 drops orange + 2 drops vanilla + 1 drop cinnamon. #essentialoils #diffusing #diffuser…

Season of Giving Diffuser Blend

۵۵۵۵۵ 5 drops clove
۵۵۵ 3 drops orange
۵۵ 2 drops vanilla
۵ 1 drop cinnamon

May it bring you the vibrations you need and desire through this holiday season. Blessed be.


041. Sending Love


A Thanksgiving Break