Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Healing Ancestral Cycles

In this episode of The Everyday Intuitive Podcast, I'm responding to an inquiry about healing ancestral cycles - the how of it, mostly. The response is a combination of channeling and my own intuitive insights, as well as my experience healing some of my own ancestral cycles. The transcript is just below the episode.

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Healing Ancestral Cycles Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Channel


Italicized text is channeled.

Welcome to The Everyday Intuitive Podcast. I'm your host, Ellen Gregg. So today's topic is ancestral healing, and full disclosure: This episode was recorded back in 2022 for my private community and was listened to by a small group of women. We had discussed (when I was working on transitioning the community into what it needed to be, what people were needing, which was not how it had become) that the many episodes - twenty-something episodes, I think - that I had created for that private community would eventually find its way into a more public venue. And so this is one of those episodes, just wanted to be clear about that.

So without further ado, I will let you hear what came through on the topic of healing ancestral cycles. Enjoy.

This is specific to releasing family/ancestral cycles such as money, scarcity, ill health and things of that nature. So let's see what comes up here.

And so first, what we notice here is remembering that the releasing of those things related to your ancestors can be more complex than we might suppose. And at the same time, there is the potential for being less complicated, less complex than we might suppose.

What we will ask for you to do is to better have a sense for yourself of what approach will allow you to feel as though you have forsaken those ancestral limitations. Because we notice that for some humans, the simpler way, the less complex way, will be true for them. It will resonate with them, align with them. And for others, in order for them to trust the process, the more complex method may be what is necessary.

This is something to pay attention to in addition to simply asking the question: Do I need a simple approach or do I need a complex approach? Notice how the answer feels with you, feels with your body. Notice what arises with your ego so that you may approach this in the way that will serve you most.

Okay. I'm adding that to the list of things we simply may not have thought of on our own. The fact that due to our human psyches, it may be that while something can be resolved in a very simple way, our ego, our mind may not accept that in order for it to stick so to speak, we may need to approach it with more bells and whistles so that it perhaps feels more solid, more tangible, more as was brought up, trustworthy. That's one of those aspects of knowing ourselves so that we can meet our human selves with our spirit selves in a space that will be most conducive and most helpful to what it is that we want to accomplish. So noted.

So then to the actual topic of releasing family/ancestral cycles…

What we notice here is this is something that we feel is a worthy undertaking, and especially for those who have a sense that what it is they're holding to be true, even as they have the desire for it to be false, it is coming from their ancestral line and has been passed down to them through the generations. And so with that awareness, what we notice is it will be helpful for you to put it into a perspective of at first in the creation of the bubble in which you will conduct this work, allowing that you are bringing all aspects of the cycle in focus into the circle.

Yeah, this is really interesting. So it's almost like “gathering the troops,” so to speak. In this sense, what we're doing is when we create the bubble or the circle in which we're going to do this healing work, we call very specifically upon those ancestors who have been adversely affected by this cycle.

So, we're inviting them to participate in this healing, in this resolution and to be an active part of it. And so with that, then once you have assembled those ancestors affected as you are by the cycle at hand, what you will need to do then is allow that you are opening yourself to understanding the root.

What we notice here is due to the commonality, due to the lineage of this, there will be one common root among all. And so allowing yourself in your intuitive way to see, hear, feel, know what that root cause is. And what you will wish to do is bring that into the middle of the circle.

And the thing is what they're actually showing me, it actually looks as though in the middle of the circle there is a fire I'm seeing. It's very… It's symbolic really in nature, which makes sense obviously. And I can see four logs that are criss-crossed and then I see the fire. And on top of the fire I actually see what could be called a cauldron. It's some kind of a large vessel sitting on top of that fire.

What you'll wish to do then is put that root cause into the cauldron. And yes, although there is the activity of the fire and the intent of the fire is to burn away that root and what it is, cause the fire first is going to illuminate that root cause. Because what is important here is to fully have the vision in the obvious way and the less obvious ways of what is comprised within this root; what the root was created from.

Yeah, I'm so fascinated by how they're doing this piece by piece here. So what they're showing me is that while we may know the root, and let's say the root cause is a woman who has been widowed and in a time where she isn't allowed to or certainly isn't seemly for her to hold a job. There are many children that she has to care for. She doesn't have people that she can rely on to watch those children while she's earning some kind of an income.

And what we notice here, then, is you see that within this root, this root of being dependent on another for one's livelihood in the sense of the actual life, that itself is the root. And yet there are then the aspects to it. What created that dependency? Being a woman. What created the lack of livelihood? The death of the husband. What is at stake here? The welfare of the children as well as the welfare of the woman.

And what is creating friction within all of this? The timing being that in this woman's lifetime, it was considered, for a woman to hold a job, that job must be one that was not societally consecrated, otherwise women were meant to be at home.

So basically if a woman was working, it was as a prostitute. Otherwise women didn't really hold jobs, at least not women of merit, not women of a gentle upbringing. So needing to take those facets into consideration because there is weight there, those things add weight to that root. They make that root more complex all by itself. There's stuff that needs to be unraveled from around that root. And so once you have a clearer picture of what is involved here, then you may proceed.

What you are then looking for are those cues, is that guidance that shows you, tells you, makes clear to you what next step will best be taken for the burning away of this root, for the clearance of this root.

Yeah, because the thing is, it could be that we as the person who has chosen to undertake this work on behalf of ourselves and our ancestors, it could be said that perhaps we can just “take this on ourselves”; do this ourselves with the blessing of all those ancestors affected by this particular cycle and use whatever energy work we're guided toward to resolve it, to let it burn away.

It could also be that due to its impact, it may be that we are needing to call upon some more, all of those ancestors present to step forward and assist with the transmutation of that cycle. There are others beyond us who may need to have a very active hand in that. It's one thing to be present, it's another thing to participate. And so this is where we need to be asking as we go along: Is this for me to do or are there others who need to work with me as well as what is my next step?

And so once you have burned away that root, it is important you ask the question of we, your guides and of your ancestors, “Has the cycle been cleared fully, completely?” With a yes, you may disperse the ancestors and close the circle. With a no, you must then ask what other step needs to be taken now and then you tune into that guidance and take that step.

Within this example, they're actually showing me someone writing a letter. And so I'm asking, who is this letter being written to? And the answer is to all those ancestors. Yeah. So that's really interesting. So writing a letter to all those ancestors who came in when you called to be present and perhaps to participate in resolving that particular cycle. And so is it a letter of thanks? Yes. Is it a letter of understanding, a letter of comradery, you might say, since you shared that common root? Yes. Is it a letter expressing love for those people and blessing them on their way? Yes.

So that's an example of what could be a next step beyond that burning away of that particular cycle. And so I'm asking now, with that then, having done all those things, what might we expect past there within the scope of our human lives now in this present time around that cycle and the root cause that was burned away?

And so here is where we notice that you will know what you have done, what you have achieved, what has been resolved. And you will know this at the level of the heart. And now it is time to bring the mind on board because it is the mind, the ego who will need to be reminded, convinced perhaps many times over that what once was no longer is; that things are being done differently now; that abundance is being perceived and sought and shared differently now. We notice this is what you would call mindset work.

And here and again you can co-create with your guides, or if you are indwelling co-create with the indwelling what will best serve to shift the mind into also understanding this new truth and accepting this new truth and honoring this new truth. This perhaps is when you will see the most change.

And doesn't that make sense when you stop to think about it? Because we can believe something with our entire being. We can feel the truth of something in our body, and yet if our ego isn't on board, if our ego hasn't agreed to that, then there is absolutely going to be kickback. Bless our ego. And so that's just another opportunity.

The opportunity here too is to understand that that is another level of this. It is fabulous and so important to work with this at the spiritual level, the energetic level. And yet we also need to remember that there is work, more than likely, that will need to be done too at the human level. And that's that mindset work.

And we notice as well, it may be that in tandem, hand in hand with that mindset work, you may also notice that you need to change habits that were associated with that broken cycle. And so this is something as well that you will need to tend to.

Yeah. So the thing is, let's suppose that this is about money and let's suppose that we've done all this spiritual and energetic work and we have our ego on board, so our ego isn't giving us flack about it, and we are noticing that there's some shift happening. We're noticing that things are changing, and yet habitually speaking, we find that we veer toward only buying those things that are the cheapest.

And so what we need to do is look at that habit and be very clear, is this a choice we are making now because this is something that we wish to have a part of our reality at this time. Does this feel in alignment with this new way of being? If yes, great. If not, then we need to refrain from that knee-jerk default of grabbing the least expensive version of whatever item it is that we're purchasing and instead check in with our intuition. Check in with our heart.

If there are three different brands of Swiss cheese, one being the store brand, which is the least expensive, and then sort of a middle range brand, then the higher range brand, we might say, even practically speaking, “Well it makes sense. Being frugal here, we're going to get the cheapest one.” Wonder though, really, if it's rather than the store brand, we're supposed to get the Cabot Swiss cheese. Wonder if that's the one that's really best for us, perhaps because its quality is better and so therefore it will be quite actually better for our body.

It might seem simplistic and kind of basic, really basic, but this is the kind of thing that can actually trip us up. Isn't that fascinating? So something to consider. So those are the facets, unless something hasn't been delivered around it. Nope. Those are the facets of releasing a family/ancestral cycle.

And if there are several things that you're aware of, such as money, scarcity being one thing, ill, health being another, perhaps some dynamic of abuse as another, which you also want to be checking in with intuitively and with your guides, is how those things are addressed in terms of the timing. Because once we embark on this, we're like, let's just get this done. We know how to do it, let's do it. Let's get it done.

We might understand that given the timeframe that it takes… I mean, it might take no more than twenty minutes, half an hour to walk through that whole spiritual, energetic healing experience. I mean, if that's what it takes, why not do all three in one day? And yet doing that means that we're putting triple the homework on top of ourselves. And we know as humans that sort of thing is bound to bite us in the butt.

And so one at a time, and before you go to the next one, check in with your guides. Is it time for me to work on this second family slash ancestral cycle? If the answer is yes, great. If the answer is no, practice patience and more importantly, keep practicing whatever it is you need to around really owning the resolution of that first cycle. Okay?

Thank you for listening to The Everyday Intuitive Podcast. We'll see you next time.