On Spiritual Awakening with Rebeca Garcia

In this second (finally!) episode, I’m sharing a conversation with Rebeca Garcia of Illuminatoria. Rebeca is generous in sharing her experiences as an intuitive, medium and witch. She also shares a breathing exercise that helps her find her center, when the need arises. The transcript is below, if you prefer to read. We hope you enjoy.

The Everyday Intuitive Podcast, Episode 2



Hi. Welcome to The Everyday Intuitive podcast featuring conversations and reflections about intuition and its connection with our everyday lives. The intent is to help dispel some of the assumptions about intuition being a gift only for some people, as well as to share some of the insights and experiences that can render intuition magical. Today's guest is Rebeca Garcia of Illuminatoria. Hello, Rebeca.


Hi, Ellen.


How are you?


Good. Thank you for asking. I'm so excited to be here. Thank you.


I'm so excited to have you here. And I'm wondering, well, first of all, when you said yes to this, what was your thought process around that? Knowing what the discussion could be about, what was your whole thought process around saying yes?


So I was really grateful for the opportunity. The name of my business is Illuminatoria, which is illuminate, and that was my thought process. And hopefully after this, it would help people illuminate certain areas of their life that they may need or maybe need to shed a little bit more light for them.


Oh, I love that. So what does Illuminatoria mean for you?


Yeah, for me it means a lot. It's really the component of my life of thinking I was in the dark for so many years, but knowing through my spiritual awakening that the light was within. And for me, what it means is helping those people who come for me to let 'em know that they are also their own life, to help 'em working through their spiritual awakening, whether it's they're in the beginning of it or maybe a little bit further along. Through my experience, I have many ups and downs, and I think the more important thing is that we show up. And so that's what it means for me, it's just allowing them to help them illuminate themselves and their life where they need it.


Oh, that's so good. That's so good. And you said something really important about the fact that the light comes from within.




Yeah. The thing is I feel as though, well, I know for myself with my own journey, it took me a while to figure that out. I assumed, because it was my experience, that the light must come from outside of me.


Yes, I completely resonate because I also felt the same way for so many years, and especially with my childhood, I always felt like I was in the dark. And it was also difficult because I grew up in a household that was, we went to church and also to the Hindu temple, and I always thought it was outside, and I wanted that help from outside. And it wasn't until maybe I think in my early twenties that I was really sick and I was home alone and a book fell out of my shell just magically. And it was a book by Eckhart Tolle through Oprah's Book Club. And I remember, yeah, he has a couple, I believe it was a new Earth, the one that fell out of my bookshelf. I remember purchasing it when I was in my teens, and I just didn't resonate. And I'm like, how did that not resonate? I'm really smart, a college student. And I remember Oprah saying, if you do not fully comprehend this book, you are just not ready for it. And I just was like, that makes no sense for me. And it wasn't until my mid-twenties when that book fell, I just started reading it. And every word of it was just completely comprehended everything. And that was the beginning of my spiritual awakening and knowing that the light is within and not outside. So yeah, it also took me quite a bit to figure that out.


Wow, that is such a cool story. I mean, the fact that the book just fell off the shelf, which those things do happen, and surely our human brains will make excuses for it. However these things happen.


Yes, and I believe everyone has a spirit team with them. And sometimes when we're ready for it, or sometimes they'll just drop that book for you or make you look somewhere. And at that stage, I would always justify like, oh, I think it's because we live two blocks from the train and the movement, which should look out, which has never happened ever. But early on, I always felt like all these justifications for what I know were my spiritual awakening.


Oh my gosh, that's just so great. And so as you stop to consider the process of your spiritual awakening up to this point, how would you describe it?


A rollercoaster ride fair. I think early on there's this misconception of spiritual awakening, and it's like white cells are flying in this white light and everything is so serendipitous. And in the beginning it kind of felt nice and lovely, and then it was like, oh, no, what did I open the door to? So that's where the bumpiness comes in. And for me early on, the bumpiness was a lot of shadow work stuff, aspects of one individual that we may know is not the best thing or attributes about us, and sometimes we just ignore it because it's in the shadow, but it was bringing it light to change and come forward. So there's a lot of bumpiness, and when you think you're done, it's like, well, here comes a little bit more. Oh, here comes a little bit more. So it definitely feels like a rollercoaster, right, for me at least.


Yeah, I completely, it was so funny. I was going to say agree with that, which sure, I agree with that. And I also, I empathize with that. I have great compassion for that because there's a lot to the process and it doesn't end. It's like we go through chapters, so we reach the end of one chapter and it's like, whew, wow, okay, that was amazing. And then suddenly the page is flipped and the next chapter begins, and there's a whole new set of challenges and illuminations, epiphanies, blessings.


Yes, yes, absolutely agree. And that's how life is. You just got to show up and you're going to have a lot of good days and you're going to also have not so good days. And what are you going to do when you don't have a good day? That's where looking within the light within me has helped me through those bad days of just showing up and how am I going to shift that? What I tell a lot of the clients that I work with is life is a rollercoaster, and I'm sure I give them a lot of the example of sometimes we wake up and all of a sudden we slept through our alarm, we're rushing because we're probably late to work and they have to go to school, and all of a sudden you thought the toast was going to work and it's not working. And then you get stopped by a train on the way, and it's like if you start off on the wrong foot and what's going to happen typically throughout the day, it's going to roller coaster down.

So you learn on how to shift that and know that you are your own person, your own light, whether you want to take that route or you're going to shift and say, okay, this ends down I'm going to ground myself and it's going to be okay. You could change the outlook of what circumstances you're in. And that's what I've learned how to do by looking within is despite of the situation, the downfall that I may be experiencing at the time, I learned to shift it and look it with light and love and look at it as a moment of the change is for my growth, and that's going to make me become a better woman, and that's going to make me become a better mom in the eyes of myself primarily and in my kids as well. So yeah, so I would go through my spiritual awakening all over again.


Yeah, I feel as though I would too. And at the same time, there's this part of me that is saying, are you sure you would want to do that all over again?


You'd want to.


And yet, If I knew that I would end up where I am and where I'm in the process and continuing to move through that process, then yeah, absolutely, I would. Absolutely. So you brought up a really good point about we all have those days when things just begin not so great, and then can snowball. Could you offer one or two examples that could maybe help people to think about ways that they too could, whether it's prevent themselves or let's say repair the day?


Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, I'll definitely give one or two. I think putting it into practice, and I was also a professor, so I feel like everyone has their different way of learning and figuring out what works best for you is what you have to give and try. What I personally do is I take deep breaths. If I'm driving, if I notice I'm running late or I'm getting all the red lights I take, and we can do this together. So I take a deep breath for six seconds, hold it in for 12, and let it out for 12, and take a deep breath for six seconds, we can do scanner 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Hold it for 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and release for 12.

If you have asthma, my daughter has asthma, I have it too. Sometimes if I'm flared up, I do it for three seconds and then you double the amount that you hold it in and you release it. So three seconds, hold for six, release for six. What it really does is just centers you before your mind just starts to snowball and you start to just trickle everywhere. And it really helps me just to get centered. For example, I have a precocious little boy. He is 15, he skipped third grade and he will be skipping freshman year. He got accepted into a really good high school. This high school he'll have to live there is residential. And on the way, as soon as I hit the expressway, I just started bawling and I'm like, okay, I know I need to release.

He's not that far away, but it's just as a mom, I started to think about the little things I'm going to miss being the first one to give him a hug on his birthday, his every night. So then I started to do this breathing exercise, and then within a couple of seconds my whole energy shifted. It didn't hide it, the emotions were still there, I was still grounded. I was able to focus and drive. So it definitely shifts one that I tell my kids, it's really easy if you look at your left hand and put it out in front of you between your thumb and your pointer, that meaty part, if you just push on it and you just massage it, that is known as your vagus nerve. Vegas as in it sounds like Las Vegas, that is not spelled the same way. If you're having a bad day or if you can't sleep at night, you'll notice that that part is probably going to be really tense. And the more you massage it VA nerve, it hits your nerve system and just starts to control you and calm you down. And this is something like my kids will do, especially before testing time, or if they need to do a presentation, you'll definitely see 'em all of a sudden massaging their hand. So it's little on how to just bring it down and then go through your life.


Oh, I so appreciate those examples because they are so simple in their own way. Everybody breathes, right? Everybody breathes, and not everybody has two hands available to them, and yet at the same time, I would say probably most people do. So having that as well as such a wonderfully simple tool makes that so accessible. It's wonderful.


Yeah, absolutely. And you could be at work and in a meeting and it could not be going so well, and you can have a tool right there to help you get centered and right back in a meeting. And so it's over.


So good. That's so good. So you mentioned something that I'm going to take in a really specific direction. So you talked about the fact that your son is going to be staying at a residential high school or is staying at a residential high school and that you're unable to be the first person to hug him on his birthday or to kiss him goodnight. And what came to mind was our ability to do such things intuitively or energetically.




And I wondered, because I know that you work with energy, how do you imagine, can you imagine yourself doing those things in that way?


Yeah, so I always start off again, working within my own life, it has expanded and I have now accepted and recognize my abilities. And one of my abilities is I'm able to sight see and communicate with spirits. And I early on had communicated with my meisters, if it's okay to communicate with my own son's experience. And there's a communication that has been established there. I'm always initially check in to make sure that he was okay. So it's like a window of communication. I do just in my culture, my families, we have a lot of sja witch doctors and work with for so many generations, plant medicine candle. So sometimes if I felt that I either needed to release, if he has shown me, he can be very independent, and I knew I needed to let him go because he has shown me he will be able to do it.

And letting him stay would just be my ego. And I knew I didn't want to be as a mom, so I really worked with them to let that go. And I did a protection candle, and when I'm not there, I did a protection and I asked my parents and hyster team just to guide them and protect them. And I know it's kids, sometimes they get into a little trouble and I totally understand that, but it's just the major things when you're so young and when he goes to college, he's going to be 16, very likely he's not going to want to live nearby or at home and commute. So I want to say also in the Spanish community, many of the grandmas who are in spirituality, we set our family up for protection. Even to this day, I put my candle and I do my work, and I set up protection for my future grandkids and expand than that. And I asked for their help. I asked for their protection, and they're not here on earth yet. And I feel that along the lines in my generations, I feel like my grandmother and my great-grandmother who I see often who crossed over when I was a little girl, she's there for me protecting me, my sister and my cousins and my kids. So that is some of my abilities and how I have used it to help knowing that my son is going to be at a residential school, but yeah.


That's just great because it feels like it's such an awesome example of two things. One, the different tools that we develop as intuitive, and also how our cultures can come into play. Something that honestly, I don't typically stop to consider. And it's such a beautiful thing to have your examples of how your cultural heritage plays into how you work with energy and how you work with your intuition, and how at truly a very practical level, you can apply it to support you and your family.


Absolutely. And I've had clients before who have mentioned they were adopted. So when it comes to the lineage of their family, they don't know it. And my go back is what feels good to you inside? That's what you go with. And it goes into sitting down and looking within and just start asking the universe. If you pray to God and you pray to God if you are whatever religion or not, or if you pray to sit and manifest through the universe, ask them for guidance and you will be guided to it. So even if you don't know your true family line or history, slowly looking within, and when you ask the universe, it will be provided and you will be led through your own magic. Because I feel like everyone has their own magic and ability.


Yes, yes, yes. A million times. Yes. And so Rebeca, when it comes to your own intuition, what do you find that you tap into most frequently? Let's say, what is, well, I guess, I dunno if I want to say your go-to, or really, is it more so your strongest ability or abilities that you draw upon?


Ooh, that's a really good question of the day, because I don't see 'em as one individual. I've seen it like a puzzle and a block and they all interlock lock to get the message. I guess I'll start off with how I started. So if I'll drive my kids to school, I would typically act of what is the safest route or the fastest but safe route. And I would just see in front of me, clairvoyant, the street that we'll have to take. And there, from there it grew where I would be able to hear the street name or the route or they'll tell me, turn right or left. I think I'm now to a point where it's like a puzzle and they all locked in. And if I need to look for something or help individual, I could hear it, see it smell all at once. The interesting thing that has unlocked for me, typically it has been in my head, if I see clear voice, I'm assuming it would be my third eye where the image is coming from Recently, it feels like I have a whole different head in my heart. I'm able to see, hear and even smell. I can't even explain it. When my spirit eyes were like, you're not listening from those ears. You have to listen from the ears of your heart. And I was just like, what?

I'm really big into science too, but I mean obviously there's some neurons there connecting to get the message on my brain. But it just has been an awesome journey of this new ability of just being so sensitive in the heart and it literally feels like I have another human head of me by my heart, and I could see, but the images I get is not coming from the same place of my brain from where I normally get. It's just so weird. But it feels safer. And like I said, again, it's just all these different abilities, it's just locked in. But when I meet with my clients, it's my mediumship to helps me to help them the most a lot of the times with family members or a spirit guide of them who communicate with my spirit team and they tell me what I need to do for them. So I would say overall, the one that has made a significance in my heart has been my mediumship because that's how I really got started and opened up of accepting of who I am and my ability.


Oh, that's so good. I love how, well, first of all, the whole thing about hearing with the ears of your heart or listening with the ears of your heart is, I mean, there's something almost comical about it because it's like I can hear spirit guides saying that and then just waiting, just waiting to see what our response will be to that. And it was just cracking me up. But also, it's so interesting because I'm considering how I typically hear clairaudiently, which does feel like it's an action that happens in the area of my head, and I'm pulling it down.


I challenge you, Ellen.


Yeah, I'm pulling it down toward my heart because I want to see what that feels like. And the thing is, my spirit guides are being hilarious, and it's like they just showed me my heart with a pair of headphones on, which is hysterical.


And they love it. But that is something that just blew my mind. And I challenge you even to look through the eyes of your heart. And sometimes it's very different from what we clairvoyant in our head and the sound is also different. And this is something that I just heard training that I'm intriguing that it gets me so excited because I will be able to help so many more people in a way that feels, I just see the ocean waves more profound.


I love that so much. That's so good. And so for you too, Rebeca, when it comes to mediumship, when did that initially begin for you? When did you realize that you were connecting with spirits?


Yeah, so when I was younger, I remember seeing spirits just as if I were to see a human being a little trigger warning here. As a little girl, I was being molested. And now as an adult, I know that my ability were helping me throughout that time. When I had a mediumship, when I was, I want to say maybe eight, nine, I just covered it up because I thought, this is just nonsense. It's crazy. It wasn't until, I want to say later on in my twenties, my spiritual awakening, it was like, ready or not, this is who you are.

But at that time I was ready to catch it. I was ready to own it. And what really gave me that opportunity is my sister, her in-laws, my brother-in-law, his aunt, her son had passed away in his early twenties. And my sister was just so devastated. She was really close with this individual, and she asked me one day, really upset, please, is he okay? What happened? And I was able to contact this individual and he was just really upset. And how it happened, all of a sudden, it wasn't until almost a year later, I went to a family party of my brother-in-law and the mom was there and all of a sudden I see her son and he's like, please talk to my mom. And I have never at this time done any type of mediumship, communication. Everything has been with me, talk to my grandmother, my great-grandmother, but I've never given a reading before.

So I was so nervous, and I'm like, I was like, okay. And he just kept coming to me, please, can you please talk to her? And I just see this lady so devastated. She's just so heartbroken because as mom, we're not meant to bury our babies and I chicken out, I just could not, I felt like she was going to tell me I was the devil or something in a way. And two weeks I realized that I was cry and cry and it's because the soul was with me. He did not stop. He's like, I know you can do it. I know you're going to be good at it. So he was like, prepping me up, my goodness. So I finally said, okay, okay, you've been consistent two weeks. And at that time, I took in his tears for his family and I contacted my brother-in-law and I was like, you need to come over.

And no one knew. He didn't know that I was medium or had any of, and I told him by way, we're here because your cousin is here. And he looked, he's like, oh. And so I gave him his name and he stopped and I was like, I'm a medium and I'm a psychic. And he's been with me for the past two weeks saying, I need to talk to his mom and I need you to set this up. And so I told his cousin who crossed over, everyone, miss everyone. Everyone is sorry they love each other. But I tell in my mediumship, what's something that only they know that can really resonate to them? And so my brother-in-law was in my kitchen and he said, your right foot hurts or something. And so I was telling him this, and he just starts bawling and he just got some new Jordans and he was like, no one knows that he got some new Jordans and apparently his socks were too low or something.

So he ended up getting a blister and he didn't even tell my sister this or anybody. And that's, I think when he knew I was the real deal and set up a meeting so I can meet with the mom, the brother, the sister, the dad, and the message that I gave her, it just brought so much tears of feeling when she was like, no one knows that. Not even my sister knows that. And when I, as an empath also felt the relief that they now understand their son is okay, that he took ownership of how he passed away and he's taking care of them. And I hope this family just like to see to energy in her. I'm like, okay, I can't keep this. This is really a gift and I need to help people as much as possible. So yeah, I take them often for being my cheerleader. You could really do this, you could do this, and I need you to talk to my mom. So that was my first experience where I was like, okay, I need to not be in the shadow, not be afraid and give messages to help heal.


Oh my goodness gracious. And so then since that point, have you been actively honing that ability or does it just, or do you just take it as it comes, so to speak?


I would say more take it as it comes. But I would say sometimes if I want to talk to my great-grandmother who was a practicing witch, if I need help in certain areas, I do hone in to communicate with her.


Okay. Very cool. Wow. All right. Well thank you for opening that particular door because you talk so wonderfully - I'm going to say casually - about the fact that you have witches in your family. And I'm not sure if you identify as a witch or not. What I would love to know, Rebeca, is what does being a witch mean to you?


Well, when you Google what it defines, I think here in the United States, we have what is perceived to us as the media through movies as this negative connotation. So growing up I had a feeling of, oh no, I'm not that. And then I had my cousin sat down with me and she's like, no, you are a bruja, we're all, and when I started to research, it just means a woman that far extends her abilities. And I was still having trouble with the word witch because I was born in Chicago, raised here. So what I had been shown is this negative conversation of the word witch.

And then I had in the back of my mind, my cousin had called me bruja, which is Spanish for witch, and it just really bothered me and I just at that time couldn't figure it out. And in my spirit eye at two in the morning, she came down and she woke me up and she was like, take out your notebook and because this is ridiculous that you're not letting this go and I'm going to give you a family history. Those who may know of her, her name is Dora, and she is an African diety spirit, and she's in my line. And she explained everyone in my family and it went on for generations. And the difference, and really for me, it's more of a way to heal. And it doesn't have to be like what you see on TV with postings and shaking this and that. No, it could be something as simple as you have a kid who's restless and you give them maybe a little bit of diluted your oil to help move out their, or you have an upset stomach and you do a little bit of mitt or peppermint to help do their energy. So for me it means just a way to heal, whether it's through nature. And then from there, I was just led to other things like crystals and other practices. Yeah.


Amazing. Once again, the way you speak of it simply makes it so very approachable. And you also brought up a point about how media treats the word and how, not just media, but really we hear weirdly a lot of, I'm going to call it misuse of the phrase witch hunt these days. And it feels like a perpetuation of really old school beliefs, straight up incorrect stories about what being a witch means. So I appreciate you speaking about it in such wonderfully simple terms that feels so important. So important.


Yeah, absolutely. And I needed those simple terms for myself because I also felt, which now I know it's the portrayal of the media, and not only that, how in generations they were maybe a woman who can cure with natural remedies, plants and flowers, and then they were persecuted because all of a sudden they were identified as privilege. So that also I believe, lingered in given this negative connotation out there. And I think now is more accepted than I remember growing up, different people with different abilities. You see Theresa Caputo other mediums out there, and now it seems the society has kind of accepted all these other people with different abilities.


Yes. And that's a beautiful thing. I would say that that is certainly in part the fact that there are certain TV outlets who want to stream such things and bring that into people's homes for their consideration, which is awesome. And I also love the fact that it has made people like Theresa and Tyler Henry and John Edward and so many others more available to us.


Yeah, absolutely. Because then I'm a student at heart. I love being a student. I love learning and more people like us, and when they share their story, I love to learn from 'em and how they came with their abilities and how they learning how to work through 'em. For me, when I do a reading, I'm just open to it. But Tyler has his own technique of scratch his notebook, and then I was like, oh, I'm going to try that and see if that opens up more. So I love how it has been more accessible to us so we can learn the way how they work with their abilities.


And I love that whole aspect of it as well, because I'm also one who I enjoy learning. So any opportunity to learn something new, it's just, yes, please.


Yes, absolutely.


Yeah. So when you think of who you are now and the way that you access your intuition and other abilities and how you put yourself in front of others with that, do you see any patterns developing in terms of the ways that you approach sharing who you are?


I'm trying to really think if there's in sharing who I am. So when I work with others and hone in, for me, the pattern that I have noticed that really has helped me is I really took a long time to learn who is in my spiritual circle and with different spirits that I work with and energy, I feel like they all have their different light within them. The pattern that I have noticed is whether I'm working with a client or even with myself, there's the question or the problem that I ask. And the pattern is as I ask them for help, I would now recognize that energy coming through who is going to help me help that individual or help myself. So for me, early on it was very important to learn who is in my spiritual circle and energy. I kind of have an idea of where it's going at. So that's kind of a pattern that I have noticed organically develop.


That's very cool. That's so cool. And so you speak of your spirit circle, and so is that your spirit guides your spirit team. And more than that, does that extend into, for example, your loved ones in spirit who may be supporting you in various ways too?


Yes, it extends to all of 'em, to be honest. Want to say, part of my training lately has been working with a lot of energy likes who have been rooted with the whole history of Africa, rooted like African anxieties. And it just makes me feel like I'm just smiling. It just feels like home. When I work with 'em, it feels home. I can't even just explain it. And I'm going through a really tough situation, but in the same time, I don't feel alone because they're with me every single of the time. And sometimes when I am not feeling my best, I came out of a really abusive marriage and my spirit guide on a day that I don't have it in me. They would come next to me and say, we're here with you. You're going to get through this. So as I mentioned, one of 'em is Mar, and there's different ties like Hun, her love so immense, her love and her beauty is one of a mother Mary, to say here, for you, working with these ties has allowed me to work with 'em so I can help other people I worked with, some people may know him as the father of Voodoo, and he's the gate opener.

If you want to work in it, you ask him, he would either open the gates or not. And when he opens those gates, he did so lovely for me. He loved me to work with different light. And through him, I'm also able to help other people who need their gates open, who needs the door open where they can't see it. And I currently, with what I'm going through in my personal life, trying to finalize separation from this man, I may not see the door for me now, but I know there's one wide open and I can be comfortable knowing deep down in my cell, every single cell that my guys are here helping me. And that door that I need to be open has already been open and it's going to come at the time. So a lot of it is also surrender and not trying to force, trying to force your ability, just surrender and know that it's already there and then all of a sudden everything just falls into place it's meant to be. And that has been one of my biggest things, working with the spirit guides and also my ancestors have come forward more so than ever. As my son was about to leave, I saw my grandmother walked in and she was like, he'll be okay. We're going to take care of him. Don't worry about it. Something wrong. We'll come in and tell you a little bit what's going.


That's so good.


And so it has been really great learning a little bit more about them and knowing that they're there for me. And it's not just for me. No one's special. This is on everybody. Everyone has their own virtual team and just needs to surrender and time. I'm sure where you are now, Ellen didn't take from one day to the other with all your abilities, and I'm sure it took quite a bit of time.


Yeah, it's been a long time from when I was actively involved in my spiritual awakening, which I would say that started around 2009 to, yeah, so we're talking, it's been 14 years for me with actively walking this path and doing the work toward.


That's amazing. And I bet you're still learning. I bet you're still uncovering some more energy.


Of course, every day. Part of the thing too is to suppose that we reach a point in our human incarnation where we're done with that journey is, I would say, grossly inaccurate. I would say we aren't done until we have departed from our human body and even then, there may be more to do after that. But in terms of being in this human suit… Yeah, there's always going to be something else. And I think it's so important for us to remember, because no matter where we are in the journey of our spiritual awakening, and no matter where someone else is in their journey, there's always going to be more, there's no fantastic supernatural guru incarnate on this planet who isn't still doing the work. There's no person who has reached some sort of miraculous pinnacle and is still in their human suit, not even the Dalai Lama.


Yeah. And I love this rollercoaster journey ride because for me, again, my heart is just so open to help out people illuminate their path, and the more I learn and the more I'm able to hear with my heart for whatever that means, I feel like head. And you got to move the ear from the head in the middle of the body.


Oh, that's fabulous. So fabulous. What a visual.


I know that knowledge is power. So the more I get to learn about myself and my abilities, I know I'm going to be able to help that many more in a way that will extend far beyond my imagination. I get excited.


That's so good. I love that. Love that for you, and I love that for all of us, because that speaks so much to the nature of walking this path.




Wow. So we actually made a complete circle here. We started off, we actually ended where we began, which is just the coolest thing. We took ourselves around a wonderful circle here, and I'm just so grateful for your willingness to share your experiences and share your perspectives and be willing to talk about things in a nitty gritty sort of way. Because as fantastical as this journey can sometimes feel it's not without its grunt work.


Yes, absolutely agree.


Yeah. And there can be a whole heck of a lot of grunt work. I mean, a lot. A lot.


Yeah, absolutely. I completely agree. And just look at how something is, the precious stone is made, or a diamond under pressure. Some people may have a little bit more than others, but to those people, you're going to come out being amazing. You're going to come out shining through, and we just got to put in the work and then just be very confident, surrender that we continue to grow out of it through that chain. We're going to show up to be great and have so many blessings.


Yes. So it, well, so this concludes our conversation with Rebeca, and hopefully you, dear listeners, have allowed yourselves to take in yes. Some of the wonderful wisdom that was offered, but also taken the fact that there is so much available to you, so much available to us. And oftentimes it's just a matter of asking. Yeah. Yeah. So there you go.


Thank you, Ellen, for me and my spirit. We want to really wholeheartedly thank you for this opportunity to speak to you.


I'm so glad, so glad that you said yes.


And hopefully we have illuminated some people and know that they hold the light themselves.


That is the plan and the intent. So may it be, so may it be. Well, thank you for listening to The Everyday Intuitive podcast, and I look forward to sharing more conversations such as this with you, along with whatever else comes up as the weeks go by. So until next time, you take really good care.


Healing Ancestral Cycles


Managing Expectations around our Intuitive Abilities and Growth