Easing Rather than Fighting

Easing Rather than Fighting | Ellen M. Gregg :: Intuitive, Healer :: The Soul Ways

Daily card and channeled message: Nine of Wands from Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba.

“Create a way for easing rather than fighting, and protect the ease with all vigor. Ease treasures the soul. Reason with sacred ease.”

So… What are you fighting? A cold? An onslaught of energy ringing (and wringing) out 2017 and ringing (and bringing) in 2018? The culmination of the holiday season around the corner? A desire to control everything and everyone?

Take a breath. Take stock. Get to the root of the fight projecting from within you. And then, relax. Release. Forgive. Receive healing and comfort and openness. Reason with the energy that is the source of you: soul.


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