A Growing Fire

Daily card and channeled message: Ten of Wands from The Starchild Tarot * Akashic by Danielle Noel, published by @starchildtarot.
“We notice a growing fire assigns itself to transformation of what is to what will be. Reason with energy of change, and yet remember the change comes from within to without, and creates a new framework easing the way for the early risers in reasoning with soul energy. Treasure ways of the soul. Reason with love.”
Before deciding this message isn’t for you… This card came up in my weekly reading (on YouTube) regarding the soul aspect. We all have souls, so…
Two visions came with this message: a magic wand and a phoenix. Since a magic wand requires a user to engage its power, suppose we’re each the user. With that supposition...
- How might we engage the wand’s power to bring transformative energy into being, from the inside out?
- What might happen if that transformative energy generates from our own souls and its source?
- What might be burned away with that fiery energy that leads us to rise as though new, like the phoenix?
There’s great potential here. Tap in.