003. Equalizing the Human and Soul

4 August, 2021


Welcome to The Spiral Podcast, the next step in the evolution of my podcast. Here you’ll find intriguing conversations, controversial opinions, deep insights and engaging perspectives on things existing within our Muggle world and yet requiring of us an investment of belief and faith and surrender that we may clearly see them.

In this episode, we’re exploring the equalization of the human and soul as a way of persevering as a human race. No big deal. Right?

The exploration includes looking at the presiding traits of humans and souls to better understand their differences, sure, and yet also to better understand why equalizing the two gives us a greater chance of success here on Earth.

It also includes actions that we might take toward becoming more equalized - supposing that appeals.

There’s something I need to get clear on from episode two of this podcast first, though. We begin there.

A Wee Rewind

In episode two, Near-Future Earth, one of the questions I was asked before creating the episode was related to Atlantis.

The person wondered if what was happening now resembled what happened to Atlantis. I chose to answer the question purely from a climate perspective, because that was the focus of the episode. Here’s another perspective:

The power struggle - the greed and corruption and grandstanding and misleading - that’s happening now is very similar to what happened on Atlantis before it fell. There were two factions:

  1. those who wished to uphold Atlantis as it was intended and created to be: peaceful, collaborative and co-creative, and

  2. those who wished to use Atlantis’ crystal energy sources and other resources for purposes that would position Atlantis with far more power (in terms of might) and would provide a few Atlanteans with vast quantities of currency (a.k.a. money) and more control.

Sound familiar? Now, on to this week’s topic.

The Spiral Podcast by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Channel & Healer. Episode 003. Equalizing the Human and Soul. #embodiedsoul #soulbased #humansbeing #thespiralpodcast #perseverance #abundance #surrender #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehe…

The Spiral Podcast by Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Channel & Healer. Episode 003. Equalizing the Human and Soul. #embodiedsoul #soulbased #humansbeing #thespiralpodcast #perseverance #abundance #surrender #ellenmgregg #intuitivechannel #intuitivehealer


Equalizing the Human and Soul

Equalizing the human and the soul is meant to refer to the balancing of our human tendencies and traits with our soul tendencies and traits. What’s the difference between the two? Well…

  • Human tendencies and traits tend toward competition, control, judgment.

  • Soul tendencies and traits tend toward evolution, cocreation, compassion.

So, it could be said there’s a big difference.

There is a great gulf between the human and the soul, because the human is bound by its perceived constraints while the soul is unbound. The human focuses on what it can gain. The soul focuses on what it has.
This is a core difference, as the human becomes so focused on what it wishes to gain that it perceives lack that is a falsehood. This creates a way of accumulation, a way of looking outside to others for their needs and their validity, a way of engaging with all that is as though it is a form of money that is being added or subtracted.
Conversely, the soul wonders at what is and engages with that. It enjoys the moment and the multitude and the powerful hum of the universal synergy. It propels itself to be more of what it is, knowing that what it is is enough and yet also knowing that it can be more, that there is more to experience and embody.
The human withholds compassion as a sign of weakness, and vulnerability as a sign of meekness. It thralls to competition and power and greed and superiority.
The soul embodies compassion as a core strength, and engages vulnerability through the human as a sign of confidence. It thralls to expansion and potential in the way of evolution.
At this time upon Earth, a soul in its fullness is unable to persevere. At this time upon Earth, a human in its fullness is unable to persevere. Through the equalizing of the human and the soul, perseverance is both attainable and easeful.


Whew. Okay. Good stuff. I’m struck by the last part about perseverance; the fact that at this time here on Earth, neither the soul nor the human is able to persevere on their own. That, of course, is a big nod to the concept of equalizing the soul with the human. That’s where the ability to persevere resides, apparently.

Why is that, do you suppose? As I lean into it, what comes up is the way Earth’s energy is changing and the way humanity’s energy is changing. There’s a lack of congruence. It could be said that Earth’s energy is rising - which is really saying something considering the state we’ve put her in - and that humanity’s energy is rising, too, and yet not at the same rate.

As a whole, we humans are lagging behind. If more humans were to get on board with the concepts of the soul and spirituality in general, chances are we’d be lagging less. And that’s where the perseverance would enter in, because we’d be working more in concert with each other and with Earth. Imagine that.

How do we get there - there being a more concerted effort leading to perseverance? Well…

The humans will find their way to perseverance by setting aside their differences and embracing their similarities. They will persevere when they understand that being in competition creates a more-than-and-less-than framework which is unsustainable and unjust. They will persevere when they remember that their more than relates to their soul and not to the size of their home, their bank account, their business, their fanbase.

I heard the word “trophies,” and relate that to things just mentioned: the size of homes, bank accounts, businesses, fanbases. They’re all things that hold a certain measure and are very much perceived as trophies of the human life - especially as they grow larger. When we equate our beingness with the trophies of a human life, we’re missing the point entirely and we’re also missing the greater opportunities available to us.

It’s interesting and maybe even a bit unnerving to suppose that those trophies limit us, and yet they do if they’re used as a means of proving that we’re better than others.

At the same time, it feels important to mention that owning a large home, having a big - or more than one big - bank account, owning a successful business and having a huge fanbase aren’t intrinsically the opposite of soul-based being. We can have all those things and more and align beautifully with equal parts human and soul. It’s really about how we are with those things; how we be with those things.

Make sense? Because I don’t know about you, and yet for me I aspire to a spacious loft apartment or better, a six-figure bank account or better, and a wildly successful business or better. Those things may come with a huge fanbase, and yet I don’t feel any measurement there; maybe because counting people feels out of alignment.

At any rate…

Remembering Our Soul

What we wish that you humans will succumb to is the remembering of your soul. It is through this method that you will notice ease is greater than struggle; certainty is greater than doubt; encouragement is greater than naysaying; intuition is greater than instinct. The way of this provides the balance that will then free you to enjoy the life that is enhanced with wonder and joy, with opportunity and relationship, with enrichment and ideal.

“Succumb” is an interesting - maybe even provocative - word to arise in that message. That’s because the way we typically use the word, it tones with giving up or giving in - both of which feels like a loss of agency. The way the word came through in the channeled message, it tones instead with surrender, which is not at all about giving up or giving in, in this instance. Instead, surrender is about according with; being congruent with; choosing alignment with.

Surrender becomes the act of restoration. And restoration - meaning restoration of the remembering of our soul - brings with it the ability to understand things at a deeper and more meaningful level. With that, we then find we’re better-equipped for life’s everyday challenges and for life’s bigger challenges, too.

Actions for Equalization

So, as promised, we’re offered actions to support us equalizing our human self with our soul self. Here they are:

  • Allow yourself to accept the greatness intrinsic to you. It’s there and it’s ready to work with you.

  • Practice a meditation that permits you to better abide with your soul. This could be very basic or transcendental or any other form of meditation that appeals to you. Do yourself a favor and don’t overthink the process or the length. (Don’t be like me.)

  • Open yourself to be more curious about what lies beyond the human norms. This creates pathways through which you can explore those topics and practices that are somehow familiar to you, even though it’s your first experience with them (as far as you know).

  • Be in keen awareness of everything happening around you using all of your senses. Through this practice, you’ll naturally exercise your intuitive senses, because our human senses are reflected by - are reflections of - our intuitive senses.

This isn’t a finite list. There are many other things you could do. So, any other actions that feel aligned with the intent of equalizing human and soul will support you, so take them as you feel guided to. Trust yourself. And I so want to say, “Trust the force.” I guess I just did.

Blessed be.


Thank you for listening to The Spiral Podcast. The transcript is available through the episode’s blog post on my website. You’ll find the link in the show notes. If you enjoyed this episode, please like, comment and share it. And if you haven’t yet, please subscribe to The Spiral Podcast to be notified of new episodes, published bi-weekly. Remember: When we believe, we see.


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Podcast music licensed through AudioJungle: “Inspire the World“ by Vim Inod Music.


Uninspired or...


002. Near-Future Earth