Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Wholeness Monday: January 5, 2015

Wholeness MondayWelcome to my new weekly feature: Wholeness Monday. This magazine-style post offers inspiration - links, Pins, etc. - to support your body, mind and spirit: your whole. (By the way, this is different from the content I offer in the monthly The HealLetter.) Enjoy!


Here in the Northeast, it's pretty chilly. Okay, well, downright cold. That has me looking for foods that will warm me from the inside out, and that are healthy and easy, too. Not too much to ask, right? These two recent pins are a match made in warm-healthy-easy Heaven:

One-Pot Chickpea Coconut Curry with Homemade Vegan Naan Bread

I have one word for this pair: Mmm.


"A mind is a terrible thing to waste." It's been the slogan for the United Negro College Fund for four decades, and it's been coined over and over outside of its original intent - now including me. In addition to ongoing education, whether formal or informal, the best way I'm aware of to support mind health and growth is meditation.This quote, which quietly speaks to meditation, was originally found on A Thoughtful Place ( quieter you become, the more you can hearNotable: It can also apply to intuition and insight, and it can also assist you to tune in to your needs of the body, mind and spirit.


Spirit... One of my favorite topics and pursuits, as our spirit is our soul, and Spirit (or God, or Universal Consciousness) is the container of all that is, as I understand and believe it. It's our spirit through which we connect to Spirit and raise our vibration, and, by association, Earth's vibration.The article 10 Spiritual Guidelines To Live Your Best Life provides a great foundation as you start the new year, or your spiritual path, or if you're looking for a solid reboot. What you design, of course, is up to you.

What's Your Take?

Are you a warm-food person, too? What have you heard from within when you've taken time to be quiet?

Looking for an energetic reboot? Consider booking an energy clearing an investigation. It's as good for the body as it is for the home or business. You might be surprised what will be discovered. Learn more