Universal Waite Tarot: Interviewing Divination Decks
27 June 2017
This week, I'm interviewing Universal Waite Tarot by Stuart P. Kaplan, drawings by Pamela Colman Smith, recolored by Mary Hanson-Roberts, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
For context: Seventeen weeks ago, I wrote a post about the notion of interviewing divination decks. The intent: learning more about their purpose and energy.
In that post, I mentioned that I'd be interviewing all of the divination decks I work with. That process began sixteen weeks ago, and has so far included:
♥ Oracle of the Angels by Mario Duguay,
♥ Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid,
♥ Wisdom of the Hidden Realms by Colette Baron-Reid,
♥ The Enchanted Map by Colette Baron-Reid,
♥ The Awakened Soul Oracle by Ethony Dawn,
♥ Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer,
♥ The Good Tarot by Colette Baron-Reid,
♥ Sacred Creators Oracle by Chris-Anne,
♥ Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor,
♥ Chrysalis Tarot by Holly Sierra and Toney Brooks,
♥ Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Christiane Northrup,
♥ Magic & Manifestation Affirmation Cards by Cristina Re,
♥ Mystical Wisdom card deck by Gaye Guthrie,
♥ Keepers of the Light oracle cards by Kyle Gray,
♥ New Age Hipster InstaOracle by Vix, and
♥ Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake
Let's acquaint ourselves with this deck.
What is the ideal purpose of Universal Waite Tarot deck?
King of Wands ~ Universal Waite Tarot Deck by Stuart P. Kaplan, paintings by Pamela Colman Smith, recoloring by Mary Hanson-Roberts, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The purpose of Universal Waite Tarot deck is to touch the throne of the Tarot. The Tarot stems from wisdom recorded and reported some centuries ago, and that energy is engaged within this deck.
Umm... Well, that's interesting. I'm shown a vision of a man reaching back through time and bringing the wisdom of the Tarot into the modern day.
It's enticing to ponder how that may very well be exactly what happened with the creation of the Rider-Waite system, which is the system for this deck.
What is the energy form of Universal Waite Tarot deck?
The Tower ~ Universal Waite Tarot by Stuart P. Kaplan, drawings by Pamela Colman Smith, recolored by Mary Hanson-Roberts, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The form of Universal Waite Tarot deckis that of the threshold of change. The Universal Waite Tarot evokes the understanding that with no change there can be no growth. The hypocrisy of the old ways are exposed and the truth of the new ways are revealed.
For what it's worth, The Tower is one of my favorite Tarot cards because of its energy of change; of taking down old paradigms and behaviors. For it to be the energetic representative of this deck makes sense to me.
Who is your ideal querent?
Eight of Wands ~ Universal Waite Tarot by Stuart P. Kaplan, drawings by Pamela Colman Smith, recolored by Mary Hanson-Roberts, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The ideal querent is one who is emboldened to take action on the behalf of the highest good of their soul and the greater good of all Earth.
I have this sense of the answer being laid down on the table (via the card), and then the hands that laid it down brushing each other off as if to say, "There. Done."
Who will benefit from working with you?
Four of Wands ~ Universal Waite Tarot by Stuart P. Kaplan, drawings by Pamela Colman Smith, recolored by Mary Hanson-Roberts, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
Those who will most benefit from these cards are those who possess the wonderment of the soul and its fire through their human nature. To be as such is to possess the soul fire.
There's a bit of a theme happening here. The cards, so far, are predominantly of the suit of wands, which is associated with the element of fire. I'm loving the notion of a "soul fire" within that otherwise earthly element.
Can anyone work with you regardless of experience?
The Tower ~ Universal Waite Tarot by Stuart P. Kaplan, drawings by Pamela Colman Smith, recolored by Mary Hanson-Roberts, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The cards will work well with any who wish to embark on their own fool's journey, also wizened as the hero's journey.
Did someone say, "theme"?
The element of fire is the element of getting things done; of making change. The Tower, as we see above, is all about change. For any change to occur, and to be of benefit, there is some form of a journey to get from point A to point B... or Z.
The fool's journey is what it's known as in Tarot. The hero's journey is what it's referred to outside of Tarot. They're one and the same.
Universal Waite Tarot Deck Info
♥ 78 cards in a fitted box
♥ A little white guidebook
Are you ready to embark on your journey? ♥