Tracing the Path Forward
27 May 2021
We could assume that as we’re here to fulfill a soul contract, there must be very specific guidelines around all that we do, and the way we move from point birth to point death. While that assumption could be correct, it doesn’t take into account the variables of a human life, which can make tracing the path forward something less than straightforward.
The path forward is a way forward. The path forward is not the way forward. There is more than one way forward, and the way that is best for you is the one that most aligns with you and your intention and purpose for this life.
“The path forward is a way forward… not the way forward.” It’s such an important distinction, since “the way” indicates there’s only one way. And yet…
The message goes on to say, “the way that is best for you is the one that most aligns…” From my human perspective, it seems as though there is just one way.
The aligned way has many twists and turns, off-shoots and side trips. This is the path of least resistance, and yet the way of this includes intuiting which way to continue once challenges arise.
Ahh… Okay. That makes sense. The visual I’m receiving clairvoyantly makes even more sense of it. It’s as though we start with a single map that shows us the route to our destination. Then, something happens that requires us to seek an alternate route to that same destination. We lay another map over the first and reroute ourselves. And so it goes.
With this, then, see that the path engages with the soul. The soul interprets the path before incarnation, and engages it for the incarnation. The human then is meant to engage with the soul to better see their way on the path. This engages all to work with the soul. The powerful intuition is the way to work with the soul.
Intuition and the soul
One thing that really helped me better understand how to connect with my soul was the realization that intuition is the soul’s voice, so to speak. Intuition is how the soul expresses itself in order to support the human.
Couple with that the perspective that our soul “interprets” - aka creates - the path before we’re incarnated, and it’s pretty easy to see why accessing our intuition is more than a little helpful for us. It’s through our intuition that we can gauge when and how to navigate, and what to avoid.
In effect, our intuition becomes the GPS of our soul for us.
This is accurate. The way of the soul requires the human to interact with the intuition as a way of communication. The communication includes references supporting tracing the path forward. The soul knows the way. The intuition conveys the way.
For those who haven’t accessed their intuition - in an intentional way, at least - the path may feel engulfed in fog. When intuition is accessed in an intentional way, the fog begins lifting, revealing the path as is most beneficial, as is for our highest and best.
If we’re struggling to see the path forward, it would be in our best interest to pause and tune in, so we can better find our way.
Blessed be.