Toppling 2020: A Tower Moment

29 December 2020

“Toppling the Old Year” is what I actually channeled into my content spreadsheet. And yet typing that into the title frame for this blog post, it was clear I needed to be more specific. So, Toppling 2020 it is.

And it’s definitely a tower moment due in part to the nature of things as we move from one year to the next. However, it’s also a tower moment by our own design and will and action.


In that way, a bunch of us have been “toppling” 2020 through A 2020 Reflection. We’ve reflected upon different aspects of and perspectives on 2020 and released what we could. I’ve blogged my responses to almost all the prompts since December 1. (The 11th and final prompt falls on December 31.)

The intention for this post feels a lot more solid, though; a lot more tangible. With little effort I feel my hands crushing and disintegrating a structure, and I feel multiple muscles in my body contracting with energy that requires expelling.

I even feel a lump in my throat and the sting of tears in my eyes.

This is more than reflecting and releasing. This is outright denouncing. This is a straight-up take-down.

And while there’s a whole lot of discomfort in this level of… anger? disappointment? shock? grief… there’s a recognition of the benefits of going there; of going to the tower and seeing its ultimate destruction through.

The most important benefit is clearing the way and making room for the refreshing and inspiring and energizing energies of 2021 to take up residence.

2020 must be toppled and leveled and fumigated and shop-vac’ed for that to happen.

This is where we are, on this day. The first step is the toppling so the other steps may follow.

As it is for the highest and best, so mote it be.

Blessed be.


047. Preparing to Release


A Changed Perspective? (A 2020 Reflection)