Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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The New Angel Number Meanings

With the dramatically changing energy which is allowing us to better access and communicate with the angel and spirit realms, perhaps it won't come as a surprise to you that the triple-digit angel numbers we all know and love need changing, too.Due to the way the new energies have impacted (continue to impact) us, the numbers are in need of upgrading.Here are the angel numbers as they've been for as long as I've been familiar with them.The new meanings appear just below in a briefer way, through the pinnable image.Below the image you'll find the broader meanings, along with discussion about them in human terms.

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It will be helpful to know that the italicized and indented text is channeled. That is, in this case, archangels delivered the text through me.Here are the upgraded meanings for our beloved angel numbers, as channeled from the archangels Haniel, Raphael, Gabriel, Jophiel, Raziel, Prototron*, and Metatron.The New Angel Number Meanings

The New Angel Number Meanings

Let's explore these meanings more in-depth, with the full channeled text.000: The New Angel Number Meanings: The angels wish for you to prepare yourself for a new phase which will cooperate with the path on which you walk.


The angels wish for you to prepare yourself for a new phase which will cooperate with the path on which you walk. The path will be the one to which you agreed for the purpose of this incarnation.

It's feeling like "phase" is used in place of mission. While we all have the broad arc of our life purpose, within the scope of that purpose we have many missions. This also feels like an opportunity to get back on track if we've become sidetracked.111: The New Angel Number Meanings: The Angels encourage you to ready yourself for the new beginning which will usher you into the new phase.


The angels encourage you to ready yourself for the new beginning which will usher you into the new phase. The new phase will begin with your understanding and acceptance of the time and work which will require you to power yourself through it.

This feels like the preparation we might take before starting any new practice or adventure. Do we have what we need? Are we taking care of our needs? Are we practicing self-care? Are we meditating?These are questions that, once answered, can help us make certain we're ready for the phase; the mission.222: The New Angel Number Meanings: The angels wish for you to mark this moment.


The angels wish for you to mark this moment. This moment is of significance to your soul path and the soul work which is required of you to complete your path in this lifetime.

Take notice. Where are we? Who are we with? What are we doing and why? How are we doing it? What are we feeling? What are we thinking? What are we wanting or needing?In this instance, we'll do well to be our own personal investigator. Take notes. Take pictures. Do whatever we can to promote the remembrance of every detail for future divination.333: The New Angel Number Meanings: The angels see the options are many.


The angels see the options are many. The options presenting themselves to you are varied and purposeful. The options will allow you to design the short-term path which you walk on the broader path of your lifetime.

This feels like another nod to our missions. There's a distinct feeling of there being no "wrong" choice. The choice we make may set us off in a different trajectory from what another choice may have done, and yet it will still be of benefit.We'll still get where we're meant to get as long as we're in alignment with our bigger purpose.444: The New Angel Number Meanings: The angels are present with you and within you.


The angels are present with you and within you. The angels are now able to work through you and have a message of great importance which they wish to deliver through you.

This is a huge nod to the new energies entering and entered recently. The new energies are tied very much to the angel realms, as well as the spirit realms.The distinction between the angel and human realms, and the spirit and human realms, grows more and more transparent. Soon, there will be no distinction.This number is significant in the sense that not only are we being reminded of our abilities to work hand-in-hand and heart-in-heart with the angels, they are actively seeking to do so.555: The New Angel Number Meanings: The angles note much change coming.


The angels note much change coming. The practice of meditation will assist you in contemplating the changes with peace.

This one gets me smiling and amused. It seems clear what's being said here. And how interesting and telling that meditation is noted as an instrument of peace.666: The New Angel Number Meanings: The angels see the thoughts which you are running in your mind are thoughts which will propel you away from your purpose.


The angels see the thoughts which are running in your mind are thoughts which will propel you away from your purpose. The thought processes must be adhered with the light to power you through the lifetime with a compassionate heart.

Our monkey minds or lizard brains or egos or whatever you want to call those things that eat at us or make us shrink or bring us to a stop or cause us to get downright crazy are famous for stirring up thoughts to cause those reactions.Awareness of the difference between the thoughts of those non-supporters and the stream of consciousness which is our light selves is critical to our eventual enlightenment. Not to mention our peace.777: The New Angel Number Meanings: The angels feel your pain and sorrow.


The angels feel your pain and sorrow. They see you are in need of remembering that life is present and future. Life is without end.

This feels like a hug, first and foremost. It feels like pure empathy, and pure compassion, and pure love. And to be clear, all of these messages come with that. It's just that this one is specifically for that purpose." is present and future. Life is without end." Even in the midst of grief at the reality of human mortality, know that life goes on in limitless and light-drenched form. Know that our loved ones are always near us, in one way or another. Know that we will see them again.888: The New Angel Number Meanings: The angels see movement increasing in your life.


The angels see movement increasing in your life. They wish for you to remain in alignment with the movement and to allow the movement to take you in the direction of your soul's purpose.

By movement, think momentum. Think of increased speed, or at least a feeling of increased speed. It feels like this is an indication of those times in life when we may feel swept along faster than what we're normally comfortable with. We're encouraged to allow that to happen.999: The New Angel Number Meanings: The angels see a practice of open acceptance of the chapters of a life will assist you as the current chapter closes and the next chapter begins.


The angels see a practice of open acceptance of the chapters of a life will assist you as the current chapter closes and the next chapter begins.

This could be considered as an equivalent to the phrase, "when one door closes, another opens." It's very similar, except the metaphor of chapters works more efficiently in the framework of our human experience.With chapters, there's an indication that the story continues. The basic thread remains in place, and what changes is how we are and what we do as we grow and evolve and expand. Make sense?

There we have it.

Beautiful!I'm loving that they aren't all hugely different. Some of the changes are subtle and others are acute and there's a balance struck that left me with a sweet sigh that may have been tinged with relief. ;-)These meanings are brief, as are the past meanings I shared through the link above. Will there be in-depth meanings revealed? I'm told, "No."

We see the synergy with the new energies is such that the prolonged text will not be necessary. We see the meanings are as written and need not be further explained. We wish for you to take the meanings to your heart and to know we are working with you to create a beautiful planet in the Earth.

Is there anything else it would be helpful for us to know?

We see the energies of the angels are peculiar in their lightness. We see you will wish to be aware of the grounding. We see you will wish to be aware of the harmonizing of the chakras. We see you will wish to be aware of the eating of the fruits and vegetables which will assist your body to develop a sense of stability with the angel energy.

This is a persistent theme of late. Our angels and spirit guides are pushing big-time for us to up the stakes when it comes to our groundedness. The reason for that is because the energy of the humans is so very different from the energy of the angels.Humans are gravity bound. Angels are "weightless." Balance is required.

*This is my first knowledge of this archangel. I did some research and couldn't find anything. Is this a new archangel? I'm told, "No." Is this a new-to-us archangel? I'm told, "Yes." Is there a message for us about this archangel? "Yes."
We see the Prototron is an angel who resides in the highest realms of the angels. We see the Prototron is the archangel of the assimilation. We see the assimilation is the integration of the angel realms onto the Earth realms.

Interesting! Especially since it feels like Prototron is related to Metatron in a polar way. Who knew? We know now.