The Goddess Tarot: Interviewing Divination Decks
11 July 2017
This week, I'm interviewing The Goddess Tarot, created by Kris Waldherr, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
For context: Nineteen weeks ago, I wrote a post about the notion of interviewing divination decks. The intent: learning more about their purpose and energy.In that post, I mentioned that I'd be interviewing all of the divination decks I work with. That process began eighteen weeks ago, and has so far included:
♥ Oracle of the Angels by Mario Duguay,
♥ Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid,
♥ Wisdom of the Hidden Realms by Colette Baron-Reid,
♥ The Enchanted Map by Colette Baron-Reid,
♥ The Awakened Soul Oracle by Ethony Dawn,
♥ Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer,
♥ The Good Tarot by Colette Baron-Reid,
♥ Sacred Creators Oracle by Chris-Anne,
♥ Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor,
♥ Chrysalis Tarot by Holly Sierra and Toney Brooks,
♥ Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Christiane Northrup,
♥ Magic & Manifestation Affirmation Cards by Cristina Re,
♥ Mystical Wisdom card deck by Gaye Guthrie,
♥ Keepers of the Light oracle cards by Kyle Gray,
♥ New Age Hipster InstaOracle by Vix,
♥ Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake,
♥ Universal Waite Tarot by Stuart P. Kaplan, and
♥ Money Magic Manifestation Cards by Ethony Dawn
Let's acquaint ourselves with this deck.
What is the ideal purpose of The Goddess Tarot deck?
6 of Staves ~ The Goddess Tarot, created by Kris Waldherr, Published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The purpose of The Goddess Tarot deck is to celebrate the divine feminine as it resides within all women and men. The celebration of the divine feminine is as a beacon for light, and it is light which engages with the soul.
That's a beautiful purpose. I'm grateful the message included women and men, both. There's a need to empower the men in our lives with their innate divine feminine nature. Through that empowerment lies the creation of balance here on Earth.
What is the energy form of The Goddess Tarot deck?
Balance: Yemana ~ The Goddess Tarot, created by Kris Waldherr, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The form of The Goddess Tarot deck is that of divine balance between the feminine and the masculine, and the human and the soul. To integrate these powerful aspects will be to create the powerful balance of light and dark.
It was a you-can't-make-this-up moment when I flipped this card over. Given the message that came before it, it seems obvious this card walks hand in hand with its predecessor. And what a message.
Who is your ideal querent?
The Sun: The Zorya ~ The Goddess Tarot, created by Kris Waldherr, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The ideal querent is one who is willing to alter the course of history. The course, as it stands, reasons with despair. The course, as it is meant to be, reasons with joy.
We went past doubling down and straight to tripling down with that potent message. I'm seeing this deck is another that isn't for the faint of heart; isn't for the timid or wishy-washy. The querent will need be one who can own their fullness of power and wield it with loving consideration for the greater good.
Who will benefit from working with you?
Tradition: Juno ~ The Goddess Tarot, created by Kris Waldherr, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
Those who will most benefit from these cards are those who understand the traditions of the witches and sages from aeons ago. These will be the humans who know to care for Earth and reform the balance required to power a future.
It's interesting - and humbling, somehow - to consider that we must draw on traditions set in place thousands of years ago in order to make our Earth well.
Can anyone work with you regardless of experience?
Balance: Yemana ~ The Goddess Tarot, created by Kris Waldherr, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The cards will work well with any who willingly undertake the work necessary to create balance within Earth.
When I flipped over this card - again - I heard, "chop wood, carry water." While some of the work may put some people in the spotlight, to a degree, most of the work will be quite ordinary, in its way. That's the work that will create the change we need.
The Goddess Tarot Deck Info
♥ 78 cards in a box
♥ A little white booklet
Are you ready to do the work? ♥