Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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The Energy of August, 2017

Good final day of July to you! :-)I noticed last night that the sunset has changed significantly since the Summer Solstice. Shortly after 8:30 pm Eastern, it was full-on dark here in New Hampshire.The dimmer switch is definitely engaged. Summer marches on at a rapid pace.As we step into August tomorrow, I'm guided to draw a few cards to explore the energy of the month for us at the soul level. We can consider them energetic markers, denoting what's possible - what the potential is - during the month of August.If you have your own oracle or Tarot cards, I invite you (urge you) to draw a personal card (or three), too. Notice how yours connect with those drawn for the collective. Notice how those drawn for the collective connect with yours.Here are our cards:The Energy of August 2017 ~ A collective soul reading using Sacred Creators Oracle by Chris-Anne. | Intuitive Ellen

Lead Your Metamorphosis

Permit your soul to resolve within you. The soul wishes to power you. The soul wishes to engage with you. To create this way, you must will yourself to your soul.The willing of yourself to your soul is as though waking from slumber. The waking opens you to the vision your soul holds for all your life. Powerful wisdom dawns. Powerful abilities reveal themselves. Metamorphosis ensues.

This card rose up so many times during July; three or four times, at least. I suspect this is connected to the upcoming solar eclipse, which takes place during Mercury Retrograde. Mercury Retrograde commences in full August 12 and continues through September 5.I hear, "Do the work." Now is the time to do the work to make this metamorphosis possible. Making a concerted effort to open ourselves more fully to our soul's guidance and wisdom and, as I just heard, "know-how," between now and August 11 sets us up for a fruitful retrograde.It also sets us up for a potentially life-altering solar eclipse experience come August 21.

Fall In Love With Your Own Story

With your soul stationed by the day of August 11, we invite you to hear your soul's story. Practicing meditation, engage with intention your soul and its story. Wonder, What must I know? Wonder, What will help me with this metamorphosis?Through this wondering and its unfolding, create a vision for your story that is as though a lover. Treasure yourself and your story. Treasure your soul, which brought you and your story into being.

Powerful stuff here. And also familiar - and not just because I'm hearing "The Brady Bunch" theme song in my head: "Here's the story of a lovely lady..."Let it be known that the spirit and angel realms have a mighty sense of humor.It's familiar because one of the dominant themes of July for me was about loving - treasuring - the self. The intention was a sort of spiritual gateway for better access to the soul.When we fall in love with ourselves and our story - the uplifting, the funny, the sad, the embarrassing - we reach a level of acceptance for ourselves that throws open doors and windows.Mercury Retrograde is an ideal time to undertake this practice, with its energy of reviewing and revealing and renewing; rebooting and refreshing.There's so much opportunity and potential here for us, especially leading up to the eclipse on August 21, which coincides with the new moon. Can you hear those distant fireworks?

Choose Who You Are Becoming

Will you engage with the choice available to you through these practices? Will you ease your way through engaging with your soul? Will you power yourself with the greatest love for yourself and make way for the soul's activation?The choice is yours. The choice must always be yours. To choose the way of the soul is the powerful choice of evolution, of metamorphosis.

There's a haunting scene at the end of the musical "The Phantom of the Opera." The Phantom demands that Christine make an impossible choice: stay with him or watch her true love, Raoul, die. Her response:"Pitiful creature of darkness, what kind of life have you known? God give me courage to show you, you are not alone."Christine kisses the Phantom, passionately, lovingly. His response (spoiler alert): He frees Raoul and Christine... "Christine, I love you."When we choose to love our stories, warts and all, we orchestrate our own freedom. When we orchestrate our own freedom, we "give way" to our soul. Through this action, we consecrate our soul contract. We power our souls through the fabric of our human life. We dance with the divine in infinite ways. We become a soul-full human.***********Want to find out more about this energy as it relates specifically to you? Consider an intuitive session or an intuitive reading.