The Best Advice I Received About Tarot

As part of my participation in Ethony's 31 Days of Tarot, I'm sharing the best advice I've received about working with Tarot.31 Days of Tarot, Day 26: The best advice I've received about Tarot is...The best Tarot advice I've received is...Get going. Start the journey.That's to say, learn the Tarot. Illuminate the Tarot using intuition combined with the oh-so-practical practice of using the cards.You might think, "Well, that's pretty obvious," and I might agree with you.Here's the thing about that: I was scared off of Tarot by using it without being familiar with it. Instead of taking a true-beyond-belief reading and using it as inspiration to learn more, I ran in the opposite direction.That isn't helpful. It wasn't helpful.When I was putting together the graphic for today's prompt, I knew I'd be drawing a Tarot card for it. The fact that it was The Sun that wanted to shine...Call it Kismet. Call it divine humor. Call it cheeky spirit guides.The Sun reminds us that the dawn comes every day, and so every day there's opportunity to see the world as new. And so it is with Tarot.Every day offers a new opportunity for illumination through the lens of Tarot, and every card has the opportunity to offer up a new message.It's as if it's magic, except it really isn't magic. It's Tarot, and Tarot is fed by intuition, and intuition could be easily termed illumination, and illumination comes by way of...The Sun.See what I did there? 😊As the sun rises every day, so does the opportunity for the Tarot to offer us enlightenment. Through practice, every day.Want to have some unsolicited advice about Tarot? Here it is:Keep your deck of choice front and center, and take the time to draw a card every single day, without fail.Make note of what comes up for you. Make note of what colors stand out. Make note of what imagery stands out. Make note of any messages you may receive.Practice Tarot. It's good advice.


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