Tarot Reading for the week of August 27, 2018

Our card for this week is the Ten of Wands.

This draw wasn't all that surprising to me. We've entered Virgo season as of the end of last week, and when we get to this season, I find, typically, that I feel energized to get all the things done.

Let's find out what this means for us, this week:

"To better accomplish all you may wish to, the ideal will be choosing one item at a time. The way of multitasking means the energy is scattered, and the results incomplete. Ask yourself: What is most important? Tend to this first, and then proceed to the next important task. Soon, you will find you have accomplished all that requires it."

Wands is the fire energy in Tarot. It's that burning desire/need to... (fill in the blank). While that energy can be super helpful, it can also pull us in too many directions at any given time. Best to take a breath, look clearly at what needs to be accomplished, and take it one step at a time.

By the way... This is an intuitive reading of the card. If you look up the traditional meaning of the card (a.k.a. the general meaning) you may notice a difference from what's been presented through the channeled message above, as well as my intuitive insights.

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