Taking Care of Spiritual Business

♫ “And I’ll be taking care of business (every day)
Taking care of business (every way)
I’ve been taking care of business (it’s all mine)
Taking care of business and working overtime…” ♫

Do you know that 70’s song by Bachman Turner Overdrive? It popped into my head the moment I put my fingers on the keyboard to write this post. And when I looked up the lyrics to see what came after the first two lines, I knew why.

Taking Care of Spiritual Business, a blog post by Ellen M. Gregg ~ Intuitive Healer. #spiritualbusiness #spiritualbiz #soulpreneur #spirituality #selfcare #meditation #boundaries #intuition #spiritguides #guidance #grounding #clearing #shielding #el…

Taking care of spiritual business means taking care of ourselves as spiritual business owners becomes our greatest priority. Because here are the things:

  • The business is all ours, making us the boss. We make the rules.

  • We feel committed to and invested in it (hopefully). It’s our baby.

  • We get to work on it any time we choose - day or night or even both.

  • We’re a bit addicted to it because it represents our heart and soul and passion.

And while those are all well and good - desirable, commendable, cool, understandable - they’re also what make us particularly vulnerable to:

  • extreme self-criticism

  • unrealistic expectations of ourselves

  • shoddy boundaries and potential burnout

  • empathic overload

Spiritual business isn’t just business

Taking care of ourselves as spiritual business owners is even more important than non-spiritual business owners taking care of themselves.

That’s a bold statement, I know. Hear me out.

As spiritual business owners, we are truly working on all cylinders because we’re intentionally and actively tuning into and implementing our intuitive spiritual natures.

And all that comes with that.

By tuning into our intuitive spiritual natures, we’re tuning into all that is. All. that. is. It’s how we operate and it’s why we do what we do.

This is our calling, after all. It’s our life purpose and, even more to the point, it’s our soul purpose. Our vested interest in our spiritual business has more to do with our spiritual selves than our physical selves.

We feel and understand the bigger-picture aspect of what we’re about, and what’s at stake beyond our own human life and even our own soul.

Anyone who’s a spiritual business owner is working for the greater good of, yes, the global collective. More than that, they’re - we’re - working for the greater good of the cosmic collective, a.k.a. the all; the one; source; spirit.

And while I wouldn’t term that a burden (it isn’t), it obviously bears a lot more import than it does for non-spiritual business owners.

How can it not impact us? (Word: It can’t.)

Taking care of ourselves

So. How do we go about taking care of ourselves as spiritual business owners? How do we go above and beyond the physical self-care norms to ensure our spiritual health?

We set clear boundaries for ourselves and our clients. That means, we pay attention to guidance and intuition (and our energy) around when we’re available and unavailable. Then, we announce those business boundaries. Finally - and oh, so importantly - we uphold those business boundaries.

We meditate, optimally every day. Whether if it’s for five minutes or thirty minutes (or more), sitting in meditation every day truly is like hitting the reset button for us.

We amplify our grounding and clearing and shielding practices. Of course we all ground, clear and shield every day already. Right? And yet during particularly strenuous times when our global community is in an uproar - such as during a pandemic and an uprising - we need to fortify those practices to protect ourselves from the amplified energy.

We use our intuition to determine what our needs are. While we’re probably already doing that to at least some degree, this takes it to another level.

  • We may find we need to move our work station to a different location.

  • We may find we need to work with different crystals each day - perhaps several times in a day.

  • We may find we need to use essential oils in ways we haven’t used them before.

  • We may find we need to surrender to a nap, or to a sound bath, or to targeted energy healing.

Those are several ways we might be guided to meet our needs, and yet there are plenty more where they came from: our guides and intuition. How do we tune into our other needs? By asking our guides and intuition. We know this. We need to do this.

So, you wonderful spiritual business owner who heard the call and stepped up to the plate, how will you take better care of your spiritual business by taking better care of your spiritual self?

Blessed be.


Oh! And here’s that song:


026. Ushering in a New Paradigm with Jennifer Longmore


025. Corporate Ladder to Spiritual Awakening with Sarah Joanne Ashurst