Summing Up 2016 in One Card

As part of my participation in Ethony's 31 Days of Tarot, I'm sharing a card that sums up 2016 for me.31 Days of Tarot, Day 7: A card that sums up 2016 for me.Two of Cups from Universal Waite Tarot deck.I half-expected to see The Tower here. However, I can certainly see how the Two of Cups would sum up 2016 for me.As I look at the card, what stands out is the sense of reciprocation; of collaboration; working together in a harmonious way - and in a harmonious environment.And I'm really appreciating the balance of feminine to masculine, complete with cups of identical size.That is so important now, and it's been important through all of 2016 as it's come up over and over (and over) again in all areas of life.The word "exchange" comes up here, too. Exchanging...

⚖️ old patterns for new patterns⚖️ old ideals for new ideals⚖️ old paradigms for new paradigms⚖️ old energy for new energy⚖️ old remembrances for new opportunities

Do you see the pattern I see?It's been an exciting year, in that sense. And, on occasion, it's been infuriating, in that sense; infuriating because of the seemingly never-ending cycle of it.And yet...All with a purpose and a plan and a clear understanding that it must be done in order to continue stepping forward, day by day.And with all that - because of all that - there's been great healing accomplished in wells so dark and deep that in another, younger time I would have run away from them, screaming "There's no way I'm going down there!"Down I went, over and over and over again. It's remarkable what you see (and feel and hear) when you bring your light with you.And there again is a beautiful metaphor that aligns with the energy of this card: light and dark; one illuminating the other in a reciprocating fashion.Thank you so much, Two of Cups! Onward.


Most-Worked Deck of 2016


Deck from My 2016 Wishlist