024. Finding the Light in Energy Medicine: Kristine Sunn
Kristine Sunn, a.k.a. The Energist, joins me in a conversation that illuminates her harrowing experiences with evil energies and paranormal activity from a very early age. In addition, she shares how most of her life was tainted with assault, rape and molestation.
That was her experience until she found energy medicine, and was shown her power to choose her experience. The combination changed everything for her.
In this episode, we also discuss:
♡ how the pandemic impacts us spiritually (and otherwise),
♡ the importance of and opportunity for ancestral healing,
♡ why we must be discerning of who we serve,
♡ the need to value ourselves as practitioners and reflect that value through the fees we charge,
and so much more.
You’ll even get to hear, in real time, how we take measures against an energy attempting to end our conversation for this episode. The timing of the disruption is interesting, to say the least.
Oftentimes, this chat seemed more of a workshop, and we went with it because that’s what was clearly called for. Enjoy.
Tune in
Tune in to Episode 023 of Soul Chats Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, SoundCloud and Spotify, or listen through the embedded player here:
Quotable Kristine Sunn
“I think that’s something people would need to know about me. I don’t just take anybody. I always ask, first. I ask Divinity first, ‘Is this person someone that is in my highest and best to treat? Is it in their highest and best for me to treat them?’”
“Most of the time, my switch is off. And I’ve asked Divinity to only show me something or bring something to me if it’s for my highest and best.”
“It’s important to value your gift, and value your craft, and the study, and the time and energy and love you’ve put into what you do, and not downplay it and say, ‘Well, this is just my gift and I’m just going to charge $20.00 for this,’ or whatever it is.”
“Do they want to help themselves? A lot of people say, ‘Help me.’ But do they actually really want to do the work?”
“Reinvent yourself and do what you love, and don’t feel bad for putting value in you and your passion.”
Connect and Work with Kristine
Website: The Energist
Instagram: @the_energist_
Podcast: A Goddess Interrupted
Graphics created with Canva Pro for desktop
Audiogram (for Instagram promos) created with Canva Pro for desktop + Wavve app
Intro and outro 60-second royalty-free loop, “Acoustic Guitar 2,” by Joel Hunger