I Removed Two Baptisms from Myself

You read that right. I removed two baptisms from myself; the energetics of two baptisms. And it was good.

Watercolor-inspired graphic with multi-colored flowers, a butterfly and Removing Baptisms text overlay

It wasn’t what I expected to do upon awakening the morning of 24 October. It hadn’t even occurred to me, never mind occurred to me that it was “a thing”… that it was even possible.

Then, I read a colleague’s (who prefers to remain anonymous) private share that morning. They suggested that since baptisms are performed when we’re too young to understand their implications, they’re performed without our knowing consent.

In effect, we aren’t able to fully comprehend the meaning of them, what they require of us, and how they may affect us energetically and intuitively, never mind mentally, emotionally and physically.

This resonated deeply. Then, they went on to share they had successfully removed their Catholic baptism. While they didn’t detail their process, they indicated it was multi-layered.

At that point, a big old light bulb went off in my head. Something that had been happening for the past eight days finally made sense.

What was happening

During my end-of-day clearing and shielding ritual, in which I use very specific wording that aligns with my current practice, I was hearing, “So help me god,” just as I finished speaking the words I choose to use.

The phrase arrived clairaudiently and was distracting. I’d swat it away like a mosquito and completely forget about it (by divine design?) until the next night when it happened again.

This went on for eight nights.

The baptisms; yes, plural

I was baptized Catholic soon after I was born, as a wee one (under one year old). Then, we moved to New York and my parents felt called to the local Episcopal church. I was baptized Episcopalian at around age five.

Thing is, as I grew into adulthood I didn’t vibe with any religion. While I appreciated the familiarity of certain practices and hymns associated with church-going, as well as the community of the choir, bell choir and parishioners, church became something I left behind.

This is, at least in part, why I identify as spiritual rather than religious.

The removal

It was interesting, that’s for sure. As I said, the whole concept was new to me as it hadn’t occurred to me, and yet my guides were on it. On. it.

They had me remove both baptisms simultaneously.

The first energetic layer felt like a sticky, rubbery substance about 1/4-inch thick. It covered me from head to toe - everywhere. (Everywhere.) It also included a “plug” of the same substance that blocked my vagina.

What the ever-loving???

The second energetic layer (essentially the etheric cords of the two baptisms and their respective churches) appeared like a sticky web of super-fine threads that also covered me from head to toe - everywhere. (Everywhere.)

During the removal, which was remarkably efficient, I heard a hymn known as The Doxology in my former church:

Praise god, from whom all blessings flow
Praise him, all creatures here below
Praise him above, ye heavenly hosts
Praise father, son and holy ghost. Amen.

Upon removing the second layer - that dense web of etheric cords - I felt as though my skin was experiencing fresh air for the first time. It felt refreshing and stimulating.

I also noticed an instantaneous sharpening of all my senses - human and intuitive. It’s wild. I’m still taking it in, because it all happened so fast for me.

My guides seem very pleased with the situation. I’m pleased, too.

This doesn’t open me to “evil”…

…anymore than I otherwise am already; other than anyone else is already. Instead:

It creates a structure that’s energetically truer for we, and opens the pathways to the intuition and the channeling in ways that have been, before now, dulled. This will open even more pathways, moving forward.

So say my guides. And so it is.


Knock, knock...


The Books I Read in 2021