Remembering All "This"

When all “this” (all the intuitive senses, bilocation, medical intuitive, medium, channel, etc.) came back to me through multiple surges once I was initiated to Reiki, I was at a loss. It was so far outside the realm of my everyday as to be laughable, in spite of a lifelong interest in such things. ✨

Facets of Awakening: From the post Remembering All This ~ Intuitive Ellen :: Ellen M. Gregg

I had no one to talk to about it; no one to help me make sense of it. Even my first Reiki teacher who saw me through all except the teacher initiation, who is a powerful witch and psychic, didn’t know what to make of it… me.

“There’s something else going on with Ellen,” she told my classmates. ✨

While I can chuckle about it now, it was no joke as it unfolded. I felt so lost, even while I was brought to tears feeling that I found my true self. That’s why I do what I do. That’s why I’m called to help other women with their own remembering. ✨

And I wouldn’t change a thing about how I got here, because it was instrumental to my evolution. It still is. 🔮🙌💞


Energy Reading and Podcast for March 12 - 18, 2018


Energy Reading for Week of March 5 - 11, 2018