Presenting a Wonder of Gratitude

Daily card and channeled message: Nine of Pentacles from Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Books.
“Presenting the energy of December as it powers itself through the soul. Presenting a wonder of gratitude to the soul you are, and for the abundance the world offers.”
Well, goodness. Also: Yes!
I laughed with “wonder” when I drew this card, because it’s the first card that appeared in the December energy reading I published yesterday on YouTube. And I sighed with pleasure, because this card and its message represent the promise of December - when we get out of our own way.
This card, for this day, represents an absence of ego; delight for “the little things”; appreciation for everything; presence; simple enjoyment. It asks us to “put to bed” all that which we’ve dragged with us through the year so we can enjoy the holidays; enjoy the gifts of this life; feel the energy of our souls. How will you answer?