Our Parallel Lives

Last week in Spiral Gatherings, we had a wild conversation about parallel lives - our individual parallel lives - and how they associate with each other and we with them. The terms used interchangeably were “timelines” and “dimensions,” and yet the topic was really parallel lives.

It got pretty intense because of the dynamics related to accessing and even creating change in those other lives. And then there was wrapping our heads around the understanding that our one beautiful soul could power dozens, hundreds, even thousands of lives in parallel to us simultaneously.

Here’s something I channeled about this topic:

Parallel lives, these are alternatives in a way, except they begin when you begin. They begin from the point of birth and they grow from there in their own way. And so if you were to jump into a parallel life, what you would notice is you may recognize something of yourself.

You may recognize some of the people around you in forms other than you are used to, and yet the circumstances will be quite different. Your work may be quite different; the way that you live, where you live - it may be quite different.


As stated through the channeling, our parallel lives begin with us at the date and time of our birth, which is our point of incarnation here on Earth. Some of those lives will reflect much of what we are consciously aware of, some of them will be dramatically different and the rest will fall somewhere in-between.

In some parallel lives, we may look and act very similarly to the person we see in our bathroom mirror. In others, we may look and act very differently - right down to our identified gender.

One of the aspects of parallel lives that we were super curious about was if our actions in this version of our incarnation impact the other versions and if “yes,” how.

What we learned is that our actions in this version of our incarnation can impact other versions. And that means that our actions in all those other versions can impact us in this version. (I did say the conversation was wild, didn’t I?)

The how of that has a lot to do - maybe all to do - with our state in those other lives. What is our current situation, health, wealth, etc., etc., etc. Something we perceive as super helpful might be less so in other lives and, conversely, something we perceive as unhelpful might be very helpful in other lives.

Having awareness of our parallel lives

Are you a dreamer? What I mean by “dreamer” is someone who remembers their dreams, if even for a little while, if even only in part.

If your answer is “yes,” then you may already have an awareness of one or more of your parallel lives without realizing it.

Think about a dream you had in which you were very much a participant; not an observer. Did you have an awareness of the location, your own person, any other people in the dream? Were any of them unfamiliar to you as you are in this life and yet within the dreamscape they were familiar to you?

I oftentimes have these sorts of dreams; more so as I age (and evolve?). They stand out among other dreams because everything is so very tangible, and so very detailed. In nearly every one, I sense that my appearance is different - sometimes significantly, sometimes subtly - from my current appearance.

In nearly every one, I see a mixture of faces both familiar and unfamiliar… and notice that with those unfamiliar I can sometimes recognize who they are in my non-dream life (very similar to past-life regression experiences I’ve had).

And the most stand-out aspect of all is that I’m very much a part of the action and that even the most unfamiliar of people and places and landscapes feel deeply familiar.

Another way to approach awareness of parallel lives is to treat them as you might a past-life visitation. Settle into a meditative/hypnotic/altered state and intend viewing a parallel life. Notice what you notice. Refrain from judgement and gather all the information you can about it. Then, compare notes with your known life and see what intersections or connections there may be.

Any questions? Feel free to reply or comment.

☀️ Happy solstice!

It’s the Summer solstice here in the Northern hemisphere and Winter solstice in the Southern hemisphere. In the North we experience the longest day(light) of the year, and in the South we experience the shortest day(light) of the year.

The energy of the solstice feels very much like a high-action poise point; as though we’re poised at the peak of a mountain and the only way down is forward and we will be heading down, ready or not. If we don’t take that step on our own, we’ll be pushed into it with total neutrality on the part of the pushing energy.

The poise point is, perhaps obviously, representative of the North’s march toward the darkness of the Winter solstice and the South’s march toward the brightness of the Summer solstice waiting just a breath away.

While we’re in these poise points, though, we might choose to truly feel into them from our positions in the world; feel into the expanded-to-the-max daylight in the North; feel into the contracted-to-the-max daylight in the South. What do we learn about ourselves through that exercise? What do we learn about our relationship to the light and the dark?

Once again, happy solstice. May the poise-point of this event be insightful.

Yours in peace and gratitude,


9th Annual Pay What You Can Day


Energy Hangovers