Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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My Well-Spent Time in 2020

I’m continuing my public responses to the prompts from A 2020 Reflection, which started December 1 and ends December 31.

As is the case with each of the prompts, this inquiry is channeled. And as with the prompts I’ve responded to before this one, I’m struck by the intent for us to look at 2020 from different perspectives.

The intent is refocusing the energy of the year so it is less heavy than we may currently experience it, and entering 2021 lighter and more receptive to its energy.

Prompt Five

For this prompt, we’re guided to ask, "What was my time most well-spent doing in 2020?"

The image for this post pretty much tells the tale, and yet I’m happy to spell it out more clearly:

My most well-spent time was the time invested in conversations.

Whether with soul sisters or other friends, parents or other family, clients, in-spirit loved ones, angels, spirit guides or myself, whether over the phone or over Zoom or Google Meet or out loud or in my heart, and whether in agreement or disagreement or agreement to disagree, conversations of all shapes and sizes were “it” for me.

Second to conversations were observations.

What I mean by observations is, observing how people showed up in 2020. Observing jaw-dropping creativity, sob-inducing kindness and bravery. Observing the inspiring evolution of people and their ways, places and their adaptations, and businesses and their work-withs and work-arounds to keep on keeping on. Observing Taylor Swift releasing two entire new albums - with all-new music.

Oh! And observing how Earth recovered and reclaimed when certain industries were forced to shut down.

The next part of the prompt is, “Intuit the one that rises above the rest.”

Pretty sure I already made that clear, and yet just in case: It was and is conversations.

Blessed be.