Living Our Soul Contract

Our soul contract - if that’s something we believe in - is an arrangement and agreement we create before incarnating on the Earth plane.

The arrangement

The arrangement is the line-up of missions and lessons - experiences - we wish to undertake during our incarnation. This includes choosing our parents, our birth location, our birth date and time, our death date and time…

In between the human birth and the human death, the arrangement could include getting married, giving birth; the work we’re called to career-wise; the work we’re called to volunteer-wise; the people we meet with along the way both in the long-term and the short-term…

It might even include instances of trauma and joy, dis-ease and health; engagement and disengagement of interests and beliefs; religious affiliations, political leanings and more.

While it isn’t necessarily definitive - while it doesn’t necessarily include every little bit and bob in the scope of our incarnation - the arrangement covers a lot of territory. And, very importantly, it leaves space for our free will to do what it may.

The agreement

The agreement is just that. It’s our agreement to embrace the arrangement wholesouledly. (You read that new word here first. 🤓) And it’s our agreement to participate in its full scope by our human means; the tests, the trials, the wonderment; the pain, the joys, the sorrows.

The agreement permits the soul, or the soul who is truly an archangel or other higher being, to expand and to express; to learn and to teach; to evolve through the ways of the human who is also a soul; a bearer of all that is without limit within a body and world of limits. This is the push and the pull, the forward and the backward, the ins and the outs of the agreement.

Bless us.


Living our contract

The living of the contract in the human way powerfully resides within the cradle of the soul energy. The energy of the soul must make itself known, must make itself heard, must make itself seen so the human can find connection and meaning within the course of their incarnation.

This is not meaning the human must be with their intuition, with their knowing of what lies beyond the human realm. It is meaning the human must understand there is more than their humanness in the portrait of their life. It is meaning the human must accept their divinity in part, that they see themselves as connected to something larger than themselves.

We notice the humans powerfully open themselves to the understandings we speak of here, allowing for the energy of the soul to mark the human, to meet the human, to move the human. This happens with greater frequency and to a greater depth, which creates a dynamic of potentiality that hasn’t been seen since the Romans invaded the Egyptians.

We open the portals for more understanding to surge onto the Earth and raise up the human vibration, that there may be more of the peace, less of the war.

That’s a powerful message.

Living our contract - perhaps especially if we find ourselves on a path that involves intuition, energy healing, other-life exploration, astral travel, etc., etc. - requires us to be at attention and to be in awareness and to actively engage with whatever we’re here for.

In some - perhaps many - instances, it involves learning to surrender on repeat; learning to forgive ourselves on repeat; learning to resolve our ego’s wiring to be wholly in charge in order to build a co-creative pairing of ego and soul.

It involves choosing acceptance with not knowing; with not having proof; with all that is intangible and oftentimes unfathomable, unimaginable, stupefying. And it involves choosing acceptance with relationships changing as we evolve; as we travel ever deeper down the path of the human-soul.

It can be challenging

It can be hurtful. It can be confounding.

We might find ourselves feeling alone, misunderstood, forsaken. We might find ourselves, along the way, wondering if it’s worth it; wondering if it would be better, easier, less painful to step off the path and close the door to our soul.

Living our soul contract, which includes accomplishing our purpose for choosing this incarnation, requires much of us, including some reprogramming of our ego’s wiring.

There will be twists and turns, bumps and bruises, face-plants and face-palms; doubts and fears, tears and curse words, exhaustion and defeat.

It is fulfilling

There will also be a sense of relief and release; a feeling of familiarity and belonging; an ever-evolving wonder and excitement; surges of energy and inspiration and motivation and wild expansion.

What there won’t be is a feeling of having reached our destination or the finish line. And that’s because living our soul contract - actualizing our purpose for being here - doesn’t end until we leave the human body behind and return to the infinite all-that-is.

There will be something more for us to experience and be in awe of, right up until our last breath. We are blessed.

Happy last day of April or first day of May, depending on where you are in the world. Here in southeastern New Hampshire, we’re seeing both the evidence and the promise of April showers resulting in May flowers. It’s beautiful. 🌷

📚 April’s Books

Here are the books I read - in some cases devoured - during the month of April. (I abandoned two books after giving them a fair chance; they aren’t listed here.) Those with an asterisk were my favorites.

  • The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer*

  • Letters from Skye by Jennifer Brockmole

  • Weyward by Emilia Hart

  • The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris by Jenny Colgan*

  • The Memory Library by Kate Storey*

  • The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes*

  • The Keeper of Happy Endings by Barbara Davis

  • Found in a Bookshop by Stephanie Butland*

Thanks to the last book on the list I’ve added eight more books to my to-read list (including Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar and Jane Austen’s Persuasion). If its sequel, which is next in queue, is anything like it, I suspect I’ll be adding a bunch more before I’m done with it.

I’m still shaking my head over how much pleasure I’m deriving from reading, and how much I look forward to my reading hours. It reminds me of when I was in my pre-teen and teen years and filled every spare moment with reading books (a lot of which my parents wouldn’t have approved of 😆). I have so much gratitude for it.

And that’s that for now.

Yours in peace and gratitude,


Healing the Times We’re Living In


Light Isn’t Good, Dark Isn’t Bad