Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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The Light of Christmas

The Solstice was four days ago, and rang in the return of the light to the Northern Hemisphere. Now, today, we welcome Christmas, and along with it the full moon.It's an auspicious time for the full moon, the last of 2015 (and at 11:11 Universal time). There is a winked promise from its ancient light; a knowing gleam that's fueled a smidgen more by the less-ancient light-filled celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ.We're blessed by the dual doses of light on this day, whether or not we acknowledge the religious aspect. The energy - the light - of the day isn't only for self-proclaimed Christians. It's for all.That's a beautiful nod to the inclusiveness that was at the heart of Jesus' teachings.The Light of Christmas ❤ Ellen M. Gregg ~ Intuitive Healer & GuideThe Solstice, Christmas, and the full moon... Light upon light upon light. And we aren't done yet.Tomorrow brings the start of Kwanzaa, and then, in less than one week, we ring in the New Year and welcome its light to the illumination that's already transcending what we're used to.For today, though... For today, let's bask in the light of Christmas. This celebration is in honor of a man who embodied light, and who shone it on all he met, and on all who saw him from afar, and on all who remember him even today.Merry Christmas.