Letting It Go
31 December 2020
Are we ready? Are we capable of letting it go; of it being 2020? As we stand at the threshold of 2021 on this final day of 2020, we’re either letting it go or taking it with us.
It’s a choice each of us is faced with, in one way or another.
And let’s just acknowledge that there are some things we necessarily move with us from year to year. That isn’t what we’re talking about here. We aren’t talking about life’s necessities, such as they are.
What we’re talking about are the…
unfulfilled dreams and wishes and plans and desires;
resentments and regrets;
less-than-ideal choices;
unexpressed anger and grief;
“Auld Lang Syne”
Just this morning, on this last day of 2020, I asked to hear Pentatonix’s rendition of “Auld Lang Syne.” As I listened, tears came to my eyes and then I was full-on crying.
The tears seemingly came out of the blue. Minutes before I was happily contemplating my love affair with a Christmas-themed essential oil blend.
Observing my emotions, I was aware of energy moving from my extremities toward my heart chakra, where it was then being expressed and expelled through my crying.
There was no need to dissect the energy. Nothing specific revealed itself in any way, which wasn’t a surprise given the work I’ve done on that front this month. And so I understood this was more of a generalized shedding of excess emotions from the year passing.
I very intentionally asked for the song again, since it appeared to be a catalyst, and experienced a similar shedding with the energy moving this time from my pelvis, back and abdomen toward my heart chakra.
My schedule didn’t permit me to request the song a third time, and yet I’ll for sure do so later in the day in case there’s anything else associated with 2020 that’s ready for release.
The ultimate goal here is to let 2020 go with as much clarity of energy as possible. That’s my wish and desire and goal for myself, and for you, too.
Let’s not be held hostage by 2020. Let’s let it go.
Blessed be.