Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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The Journey, Part Three: Your Signs

To provide context for this post, I urge you to read part one and part two, first.In response to my post on positivity, Barb said, "What really bothers me though is getting judgmental advice from others about how if I stayed positive and BELIEVE I will win the lottery, be completely healthy... I mean, crazy amazing things will just come to me. Funny thing is, I have been in that place and it is very shocking when they don't come. The Divine says, no. They don't seem to get that if this were true, some of the most negative people I know would be near death and very poor. I believe the journey is meant for lessons. Maybe you could do a blog on this aspect."

Life: The Ultimate Continuing Education

That's my emphasis on that near-last sentence, with which I completely agree.Tying in my belief framework, all of us have walked Earth many times before. In each lifetime, we're challenged by a new set of lessons, and what happens in our next lifetime is dictated by what we learned - or didn't learn - in the previous lifetime.Do we ever reach a point at which there are no more lessons to learn? Yes, in that our souls reach a point at which there are no more lessons we have to learn.We complete our education and are afforded the choice of residing in the Universal Consciousness "to infinity and beyond," entering training for the angelic realm or reincarnating to learn lessons of our choosing.

Here's Your Sign

It's all well and good to watch and wait for signs from Spirit, and yet we need to realize Spirit is also watching and waiting for signs from us. ~ The Journey, Part 3Life lessons can manifest in the form of life experience. They can also manifest in the form of signposts attached to spiritual growth. Those signposts are a turning point in our spiritual development.When we see, hear, or feel something that's out of place in our current circumstances, and we respond with, "It's a sign," it's probably exactly that.The question then is, "What am I going to do about it?"We've made note of it, and yet will we act on it?

It's all well and good to watch and wait for signs from Spirit, and yet we need to realize this: Spirit is also watching and waiting for signs from us.

When those signs show up, they're not put there for us to simply admire. They're there to guide us in the direction that will be the most beneficial for the lessons we're here to learn and also what's in the best interest of the collective and the planet.They can also be applied as extra credit. They can mean the difference between a 4.0 and a 4.5 GPA, and can cause our requirement to reincarnate to be decreased down the line.

Reviewing the Situation

Let's circle back to what I discussed in part two of this series. Three important principles in regards to positivity and negativity in relation to intention and manifestation:

♥ When we choose a state of positive belief with action, we will receive what we need, and we may receive what we want.

♥ When we choose a state of negative disbelief, we may receive what we want, and we may receive what we need.

♥ Even if we receive what we need and possibly what we want, they may not look like what we expected them to.

When we apply those principles to life lessons, it's clear, hopefully, that the first principle will result in graduating to the next spiritual level, while the second will result in the need to repeat some lessons.I want to extend heartfelt thanks to Barb for her thought- (and post-) provoking comment.I'd love to know what you, dear readers, feel about all this.