January 2017 Taught Me...

January 2017 Taught Me... | Ellen M. Gregg :: Intuitive, Healer :: The Soul Ways

Closing the Book on 2017, December 2: January 2017 taught me… ~ The Devil, Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Books.

Oh, my… Feeling all the feels, here. So, January taught me a lot about my relationship with ego, both as it relates to money and also to “ease of work,” as my guides are putting it.

“We see Ellen reasoned with ego, feeling her work somehow was invalid for the ways of the society, and the money that came of it inconsequential.”

Argh. This may have come to light in January, and yet it’s been thematic, off and on, all year long. When you’re the only one in your family and circle of friends to work as an intuitive healer, there exists the possible “propensity” for shirker syndrome; feeling not fully capable; feeling lesser than; feeling I must be out of my mind to suppose what I do holds validity and can keep me solvent.

Oh, the fury the ego can be.

Feeling a lot more valid as the year opens to its conclusion, thank goodness.


The Fire of the Ego


The Heat of the Moment