Inconsistent Content Creation

You may have noticed I haven’t been writing every week over the course of this Summer season in the Northern hemisphere. Even though there’s plenty I could write about (and will), it feels like I’m really not needing to create oodles of content during these fleeting warm months.

So, I’m going with that and hope you don’t mind too much. (There’s a wee bit more on this below.) 💞

Oh! And in the spirit of true confessions, I’m listening to a playlist that’s predominantly Christmas music as I’m writing this. It’s a playlist I listened to on repeat while writing my first complete novel back in 2012. (I have multiple novels and non-fiction books in various states of progress in my digital files.)

Onward. 😊

Being inconsistent with content creation is *not* recommended by industry experts. “Content is king” is a phrase that continues to resound, and apply pressure to those who are supposed to adhere to it - like me.

It used to be that I wrote three blog posts every week. That’s why there are over 1,000 blog posts on my website even after pruning those irrelevant to my soul biz.

Now, the notion of that sort of content-creation pace is almost inconceivable to me. I no longer post on Instagram, I use Facebook only sporadically for purely personal purposes, and my YouTube channel is dusty from disuse.

I am not, in any way, shape or form, producing content in a manner that’s conducive to running a successful business of any type according to “the experts.”


Do I see evidence of that? To a degree, yes. I’m sure my email list (which I pruned dramatically when I moved it over to Substack) would grow much faster if I created more content.

However, thanks to the wealth of content on my website and its search-ability, I receive a surprising amount of traffic month to month which generates interest in my services, among other things. In fact, Google tells me that traffic is increasing. Go figure. Although…

Looking at the posts that are receiving the most clicks and views indicates there are people who are seeking information and understanding about the new-to-them experiences they’re having. More people are waking up! That’s beautiful and heartening.

That’s all to say, content creation is important and yet the extreme formulas produced by said experts that dictate how often (daily!) and where (all the places!) we post and publish aren’t for everyone. They just aren’t.

We’ll do better finding our own rhythm and place(s), and pacing ourselves accordingly so we don’t burn ourselves out. That’s purely my opinion and based on my experience with my own soul biz. 🙌🏻

📆 Up and Coming

Dates of interest over the next couple weeks.

  • 01 August - Lammas/Lughnasad (Northern hemisphere), Imbolc (Southern hemisphere)

  • 04 August - New Moon in Leo + Mercury stations retrograde (through 27 August)

  • 08 August - Lion’s Gate portal

  • 11 August - 811 portal

There will be more opportunities to participate in my free-to-you Play in the Sandbox series in the near future. This week’s Intuitive Card Reading playdate was awesome. 👏🏻

📚 Reading Room

Books I read most recently or am reading currently.

These were all read in July. Those with asterisks were my favorites.

It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover*

The Bookstore Wedding by Alice Hoffman

Lammas Night by Katherine Kurtz

Welcome to the School by the Sea by Jenny Colgan

Rules at the School by the Sea by Jenny Colgan

Lessons at the School by the Sea by Jenny Colgan

Studies at the School by the Sea by Jenny Colgan

The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult*

Other Birds by Sarah Addison Allen

The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer*

🏡 Personally Speaking

After all the hubbub around nesting box number two over the past several weeks, we now know that the second bunch of babies (in two weeks!) are bluebirds. They fledged two Sundays ago.

Have you ever seen a newly-fledged bluebird? We were blessed to see one on that Sunday night around dusk. They’re as adorable as you might suppose with their stubby little wings and stubby little bodies. Also, they’re remarkably loud when calling for their parents.

What a journey it’s been with all these nesting birds over the past three months. Now, all is quiet in the East yard.

Wishing you a blessed Lammas/Lughnasad or Imbolc, if you celebrate. Until next time. ❤️

Yours in peace and gratitude,


On Spiritual Beginnings, Cocreation and Lenormand


Exploring the Second Road