Illuminating the Week of 20 May 2019
This week, we're illuminating the headspace and the heartspace; the human and the soul. As we step from Taurus season into Gemini season, an invitation arises. That invitation includes changing the approach of these weekly readings.
So... the card on the left* represents heart/soul, while the card on the right** represents head/human. Combined, they speak for the embodied soul: us.

Heart/Soul: Starseed: What lights you up?
"The energy of the week brings forth a great burst of enlivenment. There greets all the opportunity to insert more energy of play, of fun, of enjoyment in all pursuits. The humdrum work need not be a humdrum. The menial chores need not be oppressive."
Clairvoyantly, I see a person vacuuming, with an 80s boombox blaring tunes nearby. Their vacuuming appears more like dancing. Their groove is well and truly on. This example of the energy offers us encouragement to consider how we might inject that vibration into what might otherwise be tedious for us. And that indicates the subtext question could use a slight edit: What lightens you up?
I hear, "The soul wants to dance." This week, we're encouraged to let it do just that - whatever it may look like.
Head/Human: Connection IRL
"With the playful energies at hand, consider how you may bring that vibration into your personal connections. Engage with those you work with, relate with, and pass upon the avenue as though a child. Pursue curiosity. Pursue flavors of openness and acceptance."
The way this message came through indicates we may find it easier to "pursue" curiosity and acceptance with our online connections. It's interesting to consider that our online interactions level the playing field, so to speak. And that leveling renders us naturally more open and accepting - of both ourselves and others.
Judging appearances - our own and others - may lessen in the Internet ethers. And barriers around appearance, etc., that we may subject ourselves and others to in person, lower. So, infusing our in-real-life (IRL) interactions with that same lessened judgement and lowered barriers invites deeper connection... and understanding... and compassion.
:: How might you lighten up your work and other tasks this week?
:: What IRL connection could use a dose of acceptance?